Raccoon King and Cocaine Daddy Zizek is causing Chapocels to have a massive crisis. COPE and SEETHING is everywhere as Radlibs are desperately in damage control mode to defend Identity Politics.

90  2019-04-22 by GodOfDarknessWine


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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damn y'all really defending this hahaha

well r/cth you had a good run but goodbye, take your "idpol is bad actually" shit back to the right wing circles you were all in 2 years ago lmao


smh at these brocialists.

Seriously I am latino and I never understood how white people whinging abot racism at other white people ever made my life better.

The American left's entire platform is based around facilitating the transition of people into accessories for white women.

Wtf I love Democrats again

this tbqh

Holy shit bud I've never seen it explained this way. I might convert.

I always knew instinctually it was the best ideology, now I know why

He said white you crumpet huffer

American white though, la monstrua heritage is assumed

Day of the peeler is approaching potato

I used to call it “The commodification of poverty” but I like your take better

the poor, accursed minorities only exist for upper middle class mayo liberals to fellate themselves and cement their status as on the right side of history, sweetie

It’s not about you. They just say it is.

It's to make their life better, not yours.

Trussy > Gussy

Men's and Tens

No f*moid bathrooms when?

When I go to the mall, a ballgame or most crowded places the line for the ladies room is long and the men's room is just walk in.

When I go to the mall, a ballgame or most crowded places the line for the ladies room is long and the men's room is just walk in.

I feel like Žižek's position on idpol is still strongly influenced by his experience in Yugoslavia. Idpol there is a different game than in much of the rest of the world.

Radlibs actually believe that the World has the same mindset as them.

Yugoslavia was literally the best commie nation.

What about Chesckoslovakia?

Don't know much about it.

I know a bit about Tito because he was a good socialist who cucked Stalin and took aid from the USA.

Yugoslavia was literally destroyed by idpol lmao

CTH is the only sub that has more white people than BPT so idpol is kind of a liquid asset there

Without identity, there are no politics. I swear these "intellectuals" never even knowwhat theyre talking about

Being anti-idpol doesn't mean being without identity. It means not basing politics on serving up spoils to arbitrary groups based on random aestetic differences.


Spelling is aestetic

When capitalism is "solved", there will be no more opportunity to be racist.

Crackers say some dumbass shit...

You aren't going to have time to be racist then your ass has to stand for 5 hours a day in the bread line.

Think of how much faster the line would be if all the blacks stood in the back 🤔🤔

When did socialism go from overthrowing the ruling class in a violent revolution to gay shit like trans rights lmao

American liberals fucking ruined it

luckily in the rest of the world its still rad 🚩🚩


After the bankers got scared at how much normal Americans were sympathizing with a bunch of dirty hippies camping out in Zuccotti Park, protesting that no one got locked up for the 2008 crash.

That progressive stack, jazz hands stuff wasn't there week 1, it came afterwards.

How do you reach a point in your life where you unironically write full on essays about this shit in a reddit comment?


Actual Marxists terrify the modern 'socialist'.

Is CTH completing it's transformation into CB2?

We really need a new r/MDE it's getting difficult to constantly dunk on retarded chapos without having an equal and opposite dunk on MDEfugees.

Why not link T_D ?

Boomer drama is boring

True, plus there's no drama because everyone agrees with one another.

CA ? Do they have shit stirrers there ?

I’m on mobile thus quarantine is effectively a ban

True, plus there's no drama because everyone agrees with one another.

As much as we may dislike CTH, when you look at the likes of T_D or /r/LateStageCapitalism, they produce very little drama because anyone with opinion that's opposing is banned on sight.

CTH is full of infighting, tankies v socialists v succdems, selfie threads, guillotine memes, and more.


Occasionally I'll snigger at a chapo post but not so with those to subs.

Ca has gone full mde since the quarantine, if someone wasnt lazy they could find stuff

Too late now.

I am legitimately having a hard time telling who is on what side because the language is so fucking convoluted