The mods of r/vegan are passive aggressively guilting each other, throwing shade, airing grievances and sulk quitting. Enjoy these two “I quit” martyr posts filled with finger pointing, discord screenshots and all the petty mod nonsense you can eat.

176  2019-04-22 by Nom_Chompy


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. One quits -,,,

  3. shit fits. -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Imagine tqking reddit this seriously






Vegans being pissy little bitches

Taking am online janitorial job without pay to handle these pissy little bitches

End up in a genuine S E E T H I N G state of anger and real world emotional pain

Jesus fucking Christ these people need to get a fucking life LMAO holy fucking shit.


good bot

I'm a tall bearded burly man, and I ugly-cried about it into a pillow last night. Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.

No words.

These are the people that are internet moderators.



Why ask? You know the answer is always no




Thank you for your service.

They'll meet in vegan Valhalla

Also known as the Veggietales world

VeggieTales is full of Easter worshipers.

You don't think he...I feel stupid for even asking but surely...he doesn't do it...for free?

I'm a tall bearded burly man:

...really hard to imagine that such a man cries over a mod position in r/vegan

guarantee this guy is "burly" the same way fat girls think they're "curvy"



Just means fat. Also “bearded” means they don’t perform basic hygiene.

Bugface, as milliondollarextremecels would say.

Since you’ve commented on cringe anarchy in the past and you made a soy joke, that makes your opinion invalid, incel. Soy jokes are stupid and a basic insult from you incels and there’s nothing wrong looking like that!


Thanks for telling us. Deported.

i appreciate you.

Was CA banned or something? Otherwise how can they be fugees at all.

This tbh.

I run away because radical centrists like me are persecuted over there in CA. I could prove that they called my a cuck and a commie, so I was granted asylum here.

Beard is just codes for " i have a jawline and cheek bones of a prepubescent fat kid" fuckin chinlets smh

I would go with rotund or portly.

Literally the mind of an internet janitor.

I'm a tall bearded burly man

Why do the guys who say that always use this exact phrasing

Forming sentences while male in spaces like this is like crossing a minefield. You're only assured safety if you stay in the exact footprints of those who have gone before you.

NPCs my dude. No independent thought

Using “NPC” kinda makes you sound like a insecure male :), nice job incel take your alt right terms away

Using incel makes you sound like an NPC.

You post on “A sub for white people” so your opinion is now invalid, don’t talk to me incel xoxo

People who check post history as an 'argument' are the lowest life form on this site.

Who'd have thought an NPC needs someone's resume to form an argument

Nah, I may be a virgin with a girlfriend but at least I’m not an alt right incel like you are :), don’t reply to me anymore

Honk honk

Have sex

Thank you

Time to invest in some $ROPE to neck yourself :)

Awww the wittle bitty incel is mad, boo hoo! Who hurt you, child?

Based and chapopilled

This tranny argues like a toddler stomping its feet 😂

I’m a well to do 24 year old man who is a trans ally who dates a wonderful girlfriend and there’s nothing wrong with believing what chapo likes. It’s a shame you have to be an incel and be unable to have logical discussions other that, Have a good day sweety and hopefully you can stop being a hateful alt right pig.

All lies from a degenerate. Go ahead, take a picture with your burly gf with validation. I bet you won't.

All your arguments include parroting phrases like alt-right or incel, and you deflect everything else 😂 some smart "24" year old you are.

Reported and blocked for harassment :) I’ve emailed reddit

What's wrong froggat, no balls to take a selfie? 😂

the MDEfugees are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE

shaming people for lack of sexual prowess makes you an incel, women aren't trophies to gloat about, i am seething rn, folks.

im sad you're unappreciated

Yikes zweetee found the inkel

It’s an excuse to say you’re tall, and burly is apparently the new word for ugly


And bearded is code for "i'm hiding my lack of chin."

Someone else said it best, it's the same as when a fat girl calls herself 'curvy'.

When someone says burly, I imagine a big dude who can yank a truck motor out without a sweat. Not whatever these people are. The kind of guy whose nickname is Tiny.


Second post is filled with so much pathos, i shamefully have to admit that i was unironically annoyed by the soy


guarantee this guy is "burly" the same way fat girls think they're "curvy"

I'll never understand why they always seem to think being fat with Current Year beards makes them sound like they aren't effeminate.

It's ironic that the most effeminate generation of men in history is also one of the most-bearded. They're clearly trying to compensate.

Shaving takes effort, having a hobo beard is easy

I respectfully disagree. I don't wear a beard because I find it too much work keeping it free of food and boogers.

keeping it free of food and boogers.

Implying they do.

What kind of bizarre freakshow would 1) Think of this 2) Share this with others 3) Even slightly possibly be such a waste of oxygen that the statement is true

Tbh, I think that's why I hate them the most. They took something good and pure and are killing it.

At least they all wear their beards in the same shit way, either a stupid, unkempt bush or a over-styled embarrassment. Hopefully they'll be the last of their kind due to lacking the hormone levels to viably reproduce so we don't have to deal with them again.

what the FUCK

Five words.

"Burly" is Redditcel speak for morbidly obese.


That entire post reads as very Hallmark channel-y.

They think that beards make them manly but instead it just makes beards stupid gay.

It’s just more evidence vegans are just plant cultists.

is vegan and disabled and a mod

Why, you don't say????

They could have used any one of those words individually and my reaction would still have been the same LOL

Why did it repeat itself 3 times?

What is wrong with being a vegan ?

I'm not part of the lifestyle, but i respect the choice



So many green comments in that thread. Kind of fitting for vegans.

fibromyalgia, and CFS/ME


Its a medical mystery why this person has chronic fatigue....

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia long before I became a vegan. It scared the shit out of me, because I thought my future would include obesity, narcotics, and an orthopedic bed. I started working out and meditating. It's helped tremendously. I mean, all it is, is an achy body. Most people I know have achy bodies Oh god, I don't want to mod!!

You don't choose the mod life, the mod life chooses you.

I swear, everyone I've met who "has" fibromyalgia is just a hyper out of shape, neurotic nut.

Yes, that is literally what it is.

My MIL has it. I think it's just an excuse for her to lay in bed barking out orders but I'm not a doctor so what do I know?

It's actually super common with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. When your joints are going out frequently the autonomic nervous system gets sensitized because you're in pain all the time and your body thinks you're just not listening enough to do something about it.


EDS, CFS, fibro

Munchausen's by internet tbh. 99% of people claiming to have those particular maladies on the internet are making it up.


They always have multiple diagnoses by exclusion and maybe some common shit like anxiety tacked on

I have a team of specialists that say otherwise. But thanks for the skepticism.

I'm sure you do lmao.

Anyway besides all that you totally came out of this shitfit looking like the much better mod.

you have a team of specialists? an entire team of doctors? like House?

how to tell when a literal reddit soyfag is pulling shit straight from their ass lmao

As in a bunch of specialists in the area I see that share information to some extent because they're EDS specialists and they have patients in common. No, they don't work together like House. Is that really so surprising?

“I sit all at a computer obsessing over reddit and eating not-dogs, why am I so tired?!? Why am I in pain?!?”

Fucking eat a rare steak, get some sun, and stay of your devices for a week.

Which has actually gotten a little better since going vegan. I was diagnosed with CFS/ME and fibromyalgia in 2001. They are common with EDS, which is a genetic condition. Went vegan in 2009. But I'm sure dietary changes can time travel back in time.

You are just some self diagnosed wacko with an eating disorder.

You need more protein, calcium, iron and B12.

You are very misguided.

He was an active mod that was callous, made many mistakes, overmoderated, was incredibly reckless, lies, is manipulative, and harasses users and moderators. He doesn't deserve to be a moderator and it was a mistake for the old mods to ever pass the torch, and they're seeing this now and doing their best to fix it and undo the damage wrought.

Sounds like perfect SRD mod material!

Jannies, mod this man!

callous, made many mistakes, overmoderated, was incredibly reckless, lies, is manipulative, and harasses users and moderators

sounds more like typical vegan nonsense to me.


Thats that 'illness' people too lazy to work have right? Otherwise known as boneidleitis

I'm a tall bearded burly man, and I ugly-cried about it into a pillow last night. Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.

What a shock that a vegan would be a weak, emotional pussy

/u/m4124124 whats the tea sis? You can trust us

fibromyalgia actually can be diagnosed lmao.

Yea by quacks

I said it wrong, nerve overactivity can be observed in an MRI machine.

Who wants to bet this wasn't done in his case?

I would lmao. These people couldn’t afford fibromyalgia. It costs a ton.

Fibro is not diagnosed with imaging, only symptom criteria

Punch biopsy can be used to diagnose fibromyalgia.

That's some research, not anywhere near standard of care.

Also through a nerve biopsy to look for demyelination.

So is ADHD, but 85% of kids cracked out on adderall are just hyper/want drugs

I meant through an mri lmao

Funny enough ADHD can be detected with a brain scan too, but 99% of people “diagnosed” with it don’t go through that

Most insurances require an MRI scan to pay for the pain medicine.

This isn't true btw

Did my insurance just fuck me then?

I think there may have been some kind of miscommunication with your physician.

Or, did I just fuck up a valiant physicians successful denial of gibs?

Fucking insurance. I might kms.

I think you're thinking of "Chronic Fatigue"


The CLD controversy does not, however, straddle a simple divide between 2 opposed scientific factions. Within the scientific community, the concept of CLD has for the most part been rejected. 

Yeah, I know about that one, I've just also heard about "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" having a similar standing as well.

Fibro exists, but it's usually a diagnosis by exclusion, which means that it's diagnosed by ruling other shit out. Conditions like fibro, GERD, POTS, IBS, EDS, CF, CLD, etc. are catnip for munchies and malingers because there's no way to prove that someone doesn't have them if they fake it hard enough.

Actually, the testing for EDS involves points for joint hypermobility called the Beighton scale. That's pretty tough to fake.

I have had two surgeries to fix my thumbs because they dislocated so much.

Ok but you're replying to a comment that only mentions fibro.

They specifically mention EDS in the list. And a lot of the things on that list are actually common with EDS, including fibro. So a lot of those people are likely undiagnosed EDS patients. Or others with similar connective tissue disorders. There's a good saying "if you can't connect the issues, think connective tissues". Unfortunately, connective tissue / collagen issues aren't a big specialty in their own right yet and get overlooked by other docs. A lot of people with connective tissue disorders spend years, even decades, waiting for a proper diagnosis and get called hypochondriacs and malingerers in the meantime.

Actually, the testing for EDS involves points for joint hypermobility called the Beighton scale

That's interesting, it's currently one of the hottest items in the internet munchie circuit right now. I guess that it might be one of the ones that's preferred by munchies who are okay with stopping at self-diagnosis instead of trying to convince heathcare professionals that they're sick.

Sorry for implying that you're a munchie, they're one of the groups I track so it's hard not to pass judgment when someone mentions having multiple diagnoses-by-exclusion. That's a shitty thing for me to do.

For what it's worth, even though the diagnostic criteria are pretty straight forward it IS really hard to find a doctor who feels knowledgeable to diagnose. It's been treated as a rare disease and so many docs just weren't trained in it. Some forms of EDS are very rare, but hEDS isn't, just really underdiagnosed. So many people have had to fight for years for a diagnosis, so yes, self-diagnosis is pretty common until people can get in with an EDS specialist. At this point I've been diagnosed by several specialists so docs take it pretty seriously, but the doubt and skepticism around it is a big part of the experience of having EDS still. I'm really glad to see increased awareness.

For what it's worth, even though the diagnostic criteria are pretty straight forward it IS really hard to find a doctor who feels knowledgeable to diagnose. It's been treated as a rare disease and so many docs just weren't trained in it. Some forms of EDS are very rare, but hEDS isn't, just really underdiagnosed. So many people have had to fight for years for a diagnosis, so yes, self-diagnosis is pretty common until people can get in with an EDS specialist.

That makes sense. Unfortunately the munchie/malingerer problem is a factor in this:

the doubt and skepticism around it is a big part of the experience of having EDS still

and the doubt expressed towards other 'hidden disabilities' that are poorly-understood or hard to diagnose; there's a huge community of people who choose the diagnoses they want (there are even phases where the community finds out about another condition and within months half of them claim that they have it), then waste massive amounts of resources trying to get an official diagnosis.

In addition many of them display extreme attention- and sympathy-seeking behavior online (sometimes even to the point of harming themselves or preventing surgical wounds from healing) to the point where the only exposure to the conditions that much of the public has is through these fakers. It's absolutely infuriating, and I'm sorry that it clearly has rubbed off on me in a bad way to the point of passing immediate judgments.

Update: Wow! Thanks y'all!

4 words in and I already hate this massive turbofaggot

I still have no idea what actually happened and why vegan tendies are flying.

Can soy ever fly?

Lazy "disabled" mod with seniority was asked to either moderate more or step down. That mod decided to write a long crypost about how hard being a disabled mod was and then got the most active vegan mod removed as revenge. Several other mods have now resigned to protest disabled mod's abuse of power.

God these vegans are fierce ain't they ?

Also, how come so many of these vegan lefties are handicaps ?

If they weren't, then they wouldn't be vegan.

I didn't get them removed. Another mod removed them. I can't say I disagree with that, but I didn't ask for it.

Funny to see vegans eating each other. I thought that was haram.

Actually a consenting human is the only ethhical meat

Okay there, Armin Meiwes....

No thanks, more of a Sharon Lopatka fan

“”Logically”” it’s the only ethical food.

what about roadkill tho

Only if it’s human

As some of you may remember from comments I have made here, I deal with disabling health issues (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, fibromyalgia, and CFS/ME).

Now, I am not ablist at all, what with surviving a mild form of r-slurdation myself, probably, but isn't it funny how they all have lots of diseases and mental issues?

People who have health issues spend a lot of time online instead of maintaining full time jobs or running marathons or something?! Whoever would have thought that was a thing!

Did ebaumsworld have moderators?

That was about as OK as Reddit is, and I don't remember having to suffer fat bearded skinsacks like this.

They did but they hardly did anything other then discourage “flame wars” but they wouldn’t lock things.

Vegans are on a diet that is only possible because they live the most privileged lives imaginable, and yet they still have persecution complexes only rivaled by trannies.

rice and beans bro

show me a vegan who only eats rice and beans lmao

Can't say I have any evidence on hand but if you're really poor it's a valid option. Don't quote me on this but I think some countries like Bangladesh and maybe Malaysia are so poor that they only eat that because everything else is too expensive, especially meat.

I thought we were talking about /r/vegan posters not poor Malaysian rice farmers

I mean if the Malaysian farmers can do it, why can't r/vegan posters?

yeah I'm sure that you guys could totally go without your vegan cupcakes/six dollar bags of kale from Whole Foods/million other products that make your diet comfortable

Idk if this is what you mean but I personally don't really eat any desserts. My lunch is usually rice noodles with a mushroom broth, beans, and vegetables. My dinner is usually like lo mein and tofu and vegetables.

Today I bought a bag of 5 jam doughnuts that cost 75p, not really a privilege. I can sort of see why people might think vegans are all rich and buy ridiculously expensive luxuries (kale isn't expensive in the UK and I don't even like it myself) but I personally don't spend much on food. I make most stuff from scratch, I like making Indian food and it works out great value, I've never bought a vegan cupcake but I've made them. Today I made dupe heinz lentil soup because it's cheaper then the cans. It's not uncomfortable to be vegan at all but yeah like I said I'm in the UK, I have noticed that fresh veggies look a lot more expensive in the US still I use frozen veg quite often myself anyway. I buy the cheapest cookies because they're usually vegan so that's about 25p for a pack of ginger nuts, the cheapest premade garlic bread at my local supermarket is vegan and costs 30p I have that with normal mainstream pasta sauce (£1) and dried spaghetti (around 30p for 500g) so it works out that meal costs around 70p per head, soy milk is 59p per litre. Sorry about the wall of text but I just wanted to show some examples.

No words can describe this mess other than


Vegan mods eat each other

The only good mod is a removed mod

/u/M4124124 and /u/YourVeganFallacyIs, I'm so sorry to see that you've lost your modship. It must be a traumatic experience for you. We at /r/drama would love to have you as mods!

Haha. I am going to pass on that but thanks!


Training extended to hour long video conferencing and screen sharing

lmaooooooooooo imagine doing it for free

I'm quitting cus Y'ALL CAN'T BEHAVE

Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.


I was just removed as a moderator, and it saddens me greatly to no longer be a member of the r/vegan mod team. I'm a tall bearded burly man, and I ugly-cried about it into a pillow last night. Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.

I actually like vegan food but this sounds like too much soy.

People here shouldn’t be hostile to vegetarians making an honest transition. A lot of them did the same thing for years. And not everyone is as bold as those of us who decided to switch overnight.

Such a martyrdom complex with these people. Just nail yourself to your cross already.

Vegans and giving up, name a more iconic duo

complaining about psychosomatic disorders like CFS and Fibro

don't go to a psychiatrist

decide to gobble up everyone tax dollars because you're a piece of shit who can't work even through most basic tasks

decide that an extreme ideological diet will do the trick

moderates an internet board about evangelizing said diet

do it for free (well, were paying you)

get fired from the only job you had

write treatise sob story about how sad it is

Voting for anyone who promises to re-establish permanent mental health facilities.

No tax dollars gobbled up here. I don't have enough work credits because I had disabilities before working age (in the U.S., so the disability system is crap).

Also, no, CFS and fibro aren't psychosomatic. They're very common with Ehlers Danlos Syndome. turns out, chronic joint dislocations and subluxations cause widespread pain and fatigue. Who would have imagined!

CFS and fibro aren't psychosomatic

Also, disagree with me all you want, but my pronouns are they/them and I would appreciate not being misgendered.

So if you saw someone killing a dog or cat, would you have the same attitude of letting them do whatever?

I'm sorry you have issues, but you need a psychiatrist. Immediately.

So, like one investigator thinks chronic fatigue syndrome is psychosomatic so that's proof? Yeah, whatever. You try not having fatigue while dealing with EDS.

I do have a psychiatrist and a therapist. Doing pretty good on mental health fronts, despite dealing with disabling conditions. Not buying into the gender binary doesn't make someone crazy.

And the second quote is a good question to someone who says we shouldn't care about cows being killed. I'm not advocating that they kill dogs or cats or stand by as others do.

You need to be figuring out your own problems instead of projecting them on others.

The fact that you're even in /r/drama yelling "y'all don't even know me" is bad sign. We have full right to poke fun at zealous vegan infighting. It's ridiculous. lmao fucking vegan factions and shit.

Being disabled doesn't give you the right to be a prick. Or to tell people how to live.