Second schizopost of the day: "You've got malaria? Just drink bleach lmao, you libtard."

77  2019-04-22 by le_epic_xd_part_2


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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Quinine works too. Mix it with fizzy water, add some gin and a slice of lemon. (Don't operate any maxims however).

Drink, nap and then spread civilisation.

implying the Maxim Gun was meant to be operated without having at least 3 stiff G&Ts first

I knew of this alky old lady who got quinine poisoning once. Puzzled the hell out of her doctor, who said "but to get this you'd need to be drinking something like 4 litres of tonic water per day."

She replied "Yes."

Fuck me granny was a Hummer.

I dunno, maybe at a certain point of alcoholism you just start absorbing it and storing it like a camel.

>tfw no based lush grandmommy

Based and Late 19th century Imperialismpilled

>mixing your own drinks like some disgusting low class colonist instead of ordering one of your sepoys to do it for you

trusting a sepoy to not poison you.


Abdul has been with me since the mogul's men laid siege to Delhi. A good man, that!

Oh well if he's your man than he's your man. Treat him well and be kind because the poor fellow knows no better.

One may and ought to be at times unspeakably rude to one's peers, but I have always considered it the worst of taste to be uncivil to servants.

not having a personality that naturally commands respect

trusting a native.

god i wish i was alive then

I'd call it bait, but somehow this seems too retarded even for that

Whereas the danger of rightist cult ideology is being forced to drink bleach

Pro-choice all the way.

Firing .38 slugs directly into your brain is also good for those restless nights, of course the lietard media will say that causes adverse health effects.


I can't believe some of you people are still using .38 like we live in the 20th century. Its the future now grampa, get with the times and use .50

Very sexy!

No Muscle

Bad attempt at a beard

Insults people on the internet over something that doesnt matter

Nerdy looking

Ladies and bussies, your average reddit user

didn't mention his penis

Yours is smaller than his, isn't it? Just trapmaxx bruh

Woah that sub is rough.

No bussy no upvote

lol he's a no-muscle manlet

This is what makes reddit special. One minute you can laugh at some idiot’s lukewarm take on bleach consumption, the next minute you can take a peek at his pecker.

The future is now.

Been a long time since I've seen an MMS crazy out in the wild.

He ain't wrong tho. Can't have malaria no more if you die.

Smells like bleach, tastes like bleach, whitens stuff like bleach- ACKCHYUALLY!

Chlorine tablets can kill bad bugs in bad water.

I go pee in the swimming pool and mom puts chlorine in

You can literally drink pool water. Go ahead. Have a glass!

Imagine not using iodine

Oh yeah that too

/u/robotearz, you should go drink chlorine dioxide

But he claims his dad drank bleach and lived so maybe he has a genetic resistance to chugging Clorox. Only one way to find out! Someone get me a funnel!

Maybe it only kills limp twisted leftoid queers and not strong conservative chads 😎😎😎

This is what happens when you poors don't donate enough to the mosquito net drives

Make /u/robotearz a mod

my dad used it on me once
