/r/insanepeoplefacebook mods are surprisingly protective of their echo chamber for people who believe the other side is "insane," literally removing and banning all serious opposition to their psychosis in this particular thread

113  2019-04-22 by HStark


Posting a bias website, get off agenda boi

If they weren't "biased" they wouldn't have such a comprehensive data set from such a breadth of different sources, and then idiots would just call it a biased cherry-picked bit of data. What you want isn't something unbiased, it's something that succumbs to an "argument to moderation" fallacy to simplify your fee fees.

Muslims make up 20 - 25% of the world population, ofc a lot of them are gonna commit violence.

What about being 20-25% of the world population forces a group to be so violent? Can you find me another group that is 20-25% of the world population that is anywhere near as violent?

What percent of muslims do you think are violent? Out of the 1.6 fucking billion

Well they've committed hundreds of times more terrorist attacks with hundreds of times more casualties than any other religious group including ones way bigger than them so, I guess some really high percentage? Would be pretty impossible to formulate a hard statistic on

And do you think that has nothing to do with the political unrest of the middle east? Especially considering the vast muslim terror groups don’t agree with other terror groups and all differ politically?

Or the fact that the majority of terrorist attacks in the us are most home born nationalist

Do you think the political unrest of the middle east has nothing to do with dipshit religious people, the vast majority of which are Muslim?

Also your retardation shows when you use the word "nationalist" to describe everyone that ever commits a terrorist attack in their home country

You can make data say whatever you want if you only include the data you like. It doesn't mean some of the stats aren't true but they are not reporting the full picture in each case.

For instance under assimilation, the only statistic they list from the United States is that they make up 40% of work place disrinmination complaints (which could be because they actually are being descriminated) but don't say that they how they earn about the same amount of income as everyone else.

You can make data say whatever you want if you only include the data you like.

No you can't, that's not English, you're just changing meanings of words so that you can make this retarded sentence sound cool to your fee fees. You can say whatever percentage of Muslims believe whatever you want, but that's not "the data" that's just you saying that. All they're doing on this website is showing the data, they understand that they can't "make it say whatever" they want.

It doesn't mean some of the stats aren't true but they are not reporting the full picture in each case.

Yeah they are. The full picture is "Islam is different from what you're used to." You don't have to compare it to other statistics to know that because we already know the statistics on what we're used to. We already know 24% of young Christians in America do not view suicide vests as justified. The whole point of compiling and sharing these statistics is that we see many people assume those pointing out Islam's issues are just making shit up, and the same people assume what they see around them in the Western world is the same in he Muslim world, and they assume that what their Christian friends think and say are the same things they would find their Muslim friends think and say if they checked. They believe based on blind assumption that if they asked 100 random Muslims they know in their area how they feel about adultery, they would answer about the same as 100 Christians or 100 Jews or 100 Buddhists, because people are just people everywhere and everyone is the same deep down. But the reality is the Muslims actually are the very unique group we accuse them of being who will answer these questions very differently from others. That's the picture we're trying to show you. You can say "they are not reporting the full picture" but you don't even seem to recognize what the picture is, and you're blatantly lying since there is no other source that reports the picture more fully, nor any imaginable way to report the picture more fully than simply 100% fully, the amount that they report it.

For instance under assimilation, the only statistic they list from the United States is that they make up 40% of work place disrinmination complaints (which could be because they actually are being descriminated) but don't say that they how they earn about the same amount of income as everyone else.

Why would they?

Imagine if you lived in a world where most people thought the Holocaust didn't happen. And then when you show someone statistics about how many people died in the Holocaust, they're like "yeah, but you can make the data say whatever you want. How come they don't include the fact that the Nazis had the best tanks? You're not giving the full picture." Just pretending "the full picture" they're trying to show you is supposed to be an encompassment of all mankind's information, trying to change the subject from the actual full picture they're trying to show you in order to make your understanding of all mankind's information closer to full, because you're missing a blatantly important part. How can you not hear how fucking retarded you are?

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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jesus wept.

Jesus was had nails through his hands so probably. This is such a non-statement.

That verse actually is after Lazarus has died, and Jesus sees Lazarus' sisters mourning and weeps with them, knowing that He'll resurrect Lazarus shortly afterwards. It shows Jesus' temporal humanity and also God's deep care for humanity's suffering, even suffering He knows will end soon after.

Remember to upvote OP. he's hilarious

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Now it's locked because people couldn't behave.

Lmao did you give yourself silver on this post and comment?

Why the fuck would I give reddit money?

Lol you tell me??

did you rob a 12 year old

i'd put my money on the 12 year old winning tbh


Darq would be too busy trying to get into the 12 year-old's pants to rob them.

He'd do more than rob a 12 year old.

why would you sperg out hard enough for your parents to disown you

You're retarded enough to do that

Probably didn't cost him money. You get 100 reddit coins when you get gilded, he probably just used that.

you don't actually believe that DarqWolff has money of his own, do you?

we already told him, he's not allowed to get Papa Yang's NEETbux.

Islam is the religion of peace tho.

Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

Teens will be teens.

Hmm yeah, but the numbers I want to see are how they feel about hebephilia and trebuchets.

Literally the only example I know of where an active combat trebuchet existed in the 2010s, it was the sandfuckers that built it. That's where I went from rationally anti-Islam to the type of redneck motherfucker that will call them sandfuckers.

Ah, I should have realized you would have already looked into their feelings on trebuchets.

The fact that I already knew their feelings on trebuchets should be proof that I'm real and not just a performance artist. Like, the war on trebuchet-loving idiots must actually be important to me and not just a meme if I had this on hand immediately.

Yeah, you are the real deal alright, I’ve learned that.

Eh, if America was invaded and occupied what percentage of Americans would see suicide bombings as justified?

Not many tbh retard

You wouldn't die to protect America from an invading foreign power? wtf are you a coward or something?

I would die to protect Maine, New Hampshire, Colorado, or Georgia from an invading foreign power, the other states can go fuck themselves. Suicide vests don't let you die to protect anything though, you only get to die once and if you use a suicide vest then that one time is you dying to destroy and to prove you're a total retard. I think you're either confusing suicide vests with bulletproof vests or confusing the word "protect" with the word "destroy" because your brain is so fucked.

Half my family is from north NJ, could you ad them to the list. Thanks in advance.

They could add themselves to the list by moving somewhere that hasn't been culturally turned into a brainwashing center and mental illness farm. Otherwise fuck em.

But I already thanked you?

That must mean they're moving. I recommend Maine, it's the way life should be.

I love you please never leave this website

other states can go fuck themselves.

based and fuck-other-states-pilled.

Most of all Virginia, they seceded from the fucking union at a time when it was so goddamn unnecessary I can't even fathom their idiocy. Virginians deserve fentanyl.

thoughts on maryland and DC?

I'm from CA so no skin in the game (also fuck CA), just curious, i'm considering subscribing to your newsletter

I don't know much about Maryland except it's enjoyable to drive through and I've heard it's way too homogenous.

DC is a fun place that I would also die to protect but it isn't a state. I also might consider dying to protect Hawaii, would depend on the situation but I'd probably be down. Other states would have to really do something to earn my alliance, or like Virginia just probably can't possibly make me give a shit about them.

weird that Georgia is on this list

Georgia is lit, fam. Atlanta is literally one big strip club.


AIDS capital of America 👌🏿

they're the only humans with a culture abhorrent enough to normalize something like that

And yet pedos like you exist in other cultures.

At least actual pedophilia isn't normalized in the West outside of Islamic pockets

I know, and that's despite our future president's best efforts.

Well let me know when France gets invaded, okay? And especially let me know when France gets invaded by people who only start picking off Muslims and not Guillame with the baguette sticking out of his pants pocket.

Why did you bring up frog eaters?

Because the dude who you responded to was talking about polls of Muslims in Western countries. Not like the Pew company was hanging out outside the Green Zone in Iraq asking this question.

22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).

Good. The Wehrmacht needs soldiers that are willing to die for the führer. We have to win the 3rd round somehow.

Posts like this remind me most of this website is teenagers

I'm 22, apathy doesn't make you an adult, you probably had the same apathy as a teenager, being a shit person is inherent to you regardless of age.

I'm 22

Huh I would have pegged you for much older creep, guess it’s just the pedo vibes making you seem that way.

The age range I'm attracted to still adjusts slightly due to biological forces, just not as much as it should because I'm emotionally stunted. By the time I'm a "much older creep" like you were picturing, 13 year olds will probably look like how 10 year olds look to me now, and then the youngest age you'll have available to say I'm creepy for being attracted to is like 15 or 16, but to make that sound just as creepy you'll just picture me as even more older. That's how the cycle of retardation works when you're enough of a dumb fuck to use making shit up about someone as an actual source for your own "information."

That's how the cycle of retardation works when you're enough of a dumb fuck to use making shit up about someone as an actual source

You just admitted to being a pedo right above this. That’s a pretty decent source on you being a pedo.

Still just gonna say for the millionth time that you should probably consider the actual issue of pedophilia important enough to know what it is and not misuse the word for a meme to harass someone.

Kid fucker

Hebephiles and Pedophiles are both still degenerates.

Hebephile Pedophile. The name doesn't matter you're still a degenerate fuck.

not misuse the word for a meme to harass someone

They aren't, though.

Sorry we don't respect your desire to bang children so we don't need to use the correct pronoun or whatever the fuck it is when addressing you. Pedophile

how 10 year olds look to me now

How do they look to you know? Other than sexhilarating.

10 years old don't look at you, pedo

I love this please never leave this website

Just suck on your car's exhaust already

Wheres steve the pedo hunter when we need him?

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Have you ever considered doing therapy? You're 22, there's still time.

I'm emotionallymentally stunted.

Don't kid yourself.


Go back to prison pedo

Have you considered making the world a better place by jumping from a bridge?

Have you bought your Lambo yet?

I'm 22


This fact is very useful for keeping your sanity while reading threads.

As evidenced, even the people that are like "No! I'm an adult!" are usually in their early 20s. Which means that reddit is great for two things:

1- Talking about hobby or pop culture shit

2- Laughing at people talking about politics or anything serious

But it's NOT good for talking about politics or anything serious, because half the website is younger than like 25 and has had like maybe one real job in their lives. And it probably has nothing to do with the political/serious subject they're sperging out about.

But that makes that #2 so, so sweet. Thanks /r/drama!

r/drama is the only sub that people should be talking about politics in.

Teenagers or boomers. Pick your poison.

it's funny that you think people age out of such behavior, i've seen no evidence of this.

Or as u/HStark likes to call them: "prey."

Boomer, retard, conspiracy theorist. Op is at least one of those 3 things.

Get a new hobby faggot





I started out as someone that couldn't imagine even using dominant body language during sex because it seemed violent and unloving to me and now stuff like this seems tame to me. I wish I could go back, society isn't ready



Am I having a stroke trying to comprehend this comment or did this person have a stroke formulating this comment? I need a third party judge on this one

You're both retarded.

wait I think I get it now, are you saying I should be pro Islam because they want society to be ready for harder sex? I disagree. Islam isn't kinky, they just have the basic douchebag turn-ons like degradation and control and shit. They don't even appreciate women as much as every Indian guy on the internet does, let alone me. And I fear a future where "progress" goes too far with personal liberty, to the point where the sanctity of life isn't valued as a top mental priority by all people, and thus suicide, etc. is encouraged - sexual liberation is part of that kind of "progress," so I have no desire to accelerate it in the western world unless it is held back. I think the Western world is already on track to slowly ease towards a balanced amount of sexual liberation, so I wouldn't do much to make it happen faster and risk throwing off the ultimate balance, let alone something as drastic as ally myself with the fucking Muslims, even if they could be productive for the cause, which they can't anyway because they're fucking Muslims.

are you saying I should be

we're saying you're a dumb fag and you should shut your cockholster.



OK sweaty, two things.

One, I'm not a rightoid. If it helps give you context, my Presidential votes have been for Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump, and my next one will be for Andrew Yang. It's not left or right, it's forward. My Presidential campaign platform for 2036 is about using technology to enslave the human race and create immortality for everyone so that once the chains of slavery are broken our kind can finally achieve true liberty, if you consider these ideas right-wing or left-wing then your map of the political spectrum is just too woke for me.

Two, I can't even remember the last time I posted about it in /r/Drama after getting banned from some other sub over politics, so I'm not sure what you're memeing about unless this is something lots of people do lately.

my Presidential votes have been for Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump, and my next one will be for Andrew Yang

If you told me, "I'll give you $10,000 to accurately describe what this sentence makes you feel", I don't think I could do it.

some extremely unique mix of disgust, pity, amusement, and existential dread is the closest I could get. but those are only thr words we have in our language to describe it; we're going to need to invent more as you continue to post the most awful, meaningless shit every day.

Yang is the only candidate I know of who is qualified for the Presidency other than our current President.

Aren’t you that pedophile that won’t go away?

Imagine being this retarded

A retarded pedophile? Wow you don't say


Didn’t your other account get suspended after you threatened to go on a murderous rampage if you didn’t get your NEETbux?

Press (X) to furrow brow in disgust.

my Presidential votes have been for Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump, and my next one will be for Andrew Yang

This is one of the most reddit thing I have ever read. Were you not able to fit Garry Johnson on the list somehow?

The worst part about /r/insanepeoplefacebook is that they don't have your face in the sidebar. You should be that sub's mascot

Yeah banning me really showed their IQ compared to the mighty /r/Drama

little piss baby rightcel butthurt his agenda post got deleted by chad enlightened centrist moderators flexing their clear moral superiority on him, had to make a /r/drama post about it to show how totally not mad he was about it

that moderator is right: racism IS insane.

be better.

Please listen to this enlightened Chapocel

and by listen I mean everyone point and laugh

i am enlightened, actually

you should absolutely listen to me- pull out a chair, gather around the bonfire, listen to some very intellectual takes from me, dat-assuka, a very intelligent, very attractive, very cool trans woman poster on this subreddit.

OK, let's start: Do you find it odd the number of Chapo Users who are also trans?

I'm not saying it's causation but why do you feel certain groups that feel disaffected historically flock to them?

Do you find it odd the number of Chapo Users who are also trans?

an oppressed people flocking towards an ideology that does not oppress them and regularly fights for their rights is really wacky, truly.

Oh good, so now we're at least at the stage we can admit Chapo users are in large part there because of their personal relationship to the creed and not a sense of altruism like most claim.

it can be both : )

moderators flexing their clear moral superiority

I can't decide... LMFAO or THEY DO IT FOR FREE

Reminder to everyone that you need to upvote lolcows.



agree. insane for hate of muslim. why ?? you want Jahannam ??

but what make racist ?? confuse

never make good to serb or croat. am racist ?? no.

Meanwhile, Catholic priests are raping children, and Christians are calling foul when the gays rise up to demand that they stop telling us to go to hell.

Catholic priest raping children = gays rising up

gays rising up

Stonewall Riots 2 when?

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Account Created: 2 months, 22 days ago

Summary: This user does not have enough activity in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types. I don't trust them.

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I forgot this was Darq's new alt. No drama here folks, just a pedo sperging out.

Jesus christ just fucking nuke this sub already. We had our good days. Now it's just whining about chapos and trannies and leftoids. Why don't these retards just move to CA

No way, Wolff is a drama classic.

Aww is /u/HStark triggered? Why are you rightoids such pussies?

Reminder that agenda posting faggots never travel alone. They are herd animals and OP's presence proves that we will only see more of them. Mayo genocide can't come soon enough tbqsvhwy.