Based mods of r/BPT create a black ethnostate. 🚫 No πŸ™…πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ Mayos πŸ™…πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ Allowed 🚫

284  2019-04-22 by Ghdust2


This, but unironically.


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Horseshoe theory in action.

Lincoln Rockwell called Elijah Muhammad the "Adolph Hitler of Black Men".

πŸ΄πŸ‘ž Always wins in the end

Horseshoe theory is retarded and so are you.

this very funny

who largest faggots ?? cuckold mayo remain or angry mayo leave ??

see from Β«other discussions (2)Β»

Does that means none of their mods can participate either?

The oppression points from being 40%ers make them honourary basketball americans. I guess.

Digital black face too strong.


What is this abomination?

BPT mod emoji

It’s like a Norwegians spray painted his face with chocolate.

That's Dennis Rodman, you idiot.



What if a mayo manages to fake their verification? Will he be a hero in the fight against segregation or an evil nazi? Anyways, at least someone is organizing in preparation for the mayocide.

Why do those users only type in patois when posting there...

BPT feels like it's mostly LARPing.

Because it is.

Most basketball Americans on Reddit are just larpers.

Argentina is white

and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself

Β‘Las Malvinas son ARGENTINASi

I posted that once in /r/Argentina and they went on a nationalisy rant.

Generally I go for a more subtle jab.

"I agree that the islands were probably Argentinian, but after the Falklands war, you lost them fair and square for good "

That's only bc they gave all those Nazis blank passports after the war so they wouldn't get lynched.

Absolutely based

Finally something the right and left can unite around, pretending to be minorities to feel better about their political beliefs

How do you tell or know that?

Because it is mostly jst LARPing

That was a terrible song.

Nothing says β€œSuper White” like making a country club.

Make Daddy proud again. Proud.

I love watching liberal white people get bullied so this is ok in my opinion

On one hand I find it exhilarating to see woke whitebois get fucked like this

On the other hand, I'm trying to figure out if enjoying this means I'm into cuckold porn, or if this just falls under BBC dicking

This fucks edgy fourteen year old mayos more than it does actual nu-males

Yeah but zoomers are legally off-limits where i live, so ill settle for getting off on the nu-male cucking tyvmfam

BBC is inherently cuckhold porn unless you are black yourself.

Yeah, but what if the dude taking the BBC is the same race as me?

Then you’re a certified dramanaut

What if it's BBC on BBW?

Time to drink BBLEACH

Can't drink leeches, especially big black ones

What if I like black guys on asian laydees? I aint either of those

Me too they cant do anything for themselves and all they do is suck minority cock and apologize for shit they didnt do bunch of faggots if you ask me

Same. I also look forward to the conservacucks who inevitably start crying about this

As the old saying goes: The tree of Centrism must be refreshed from time to time with the tears of libtards and conservacucks .

I imagine if any Chapotard saw a black person real life they would walk up to them and say β€œYou’re welcome”

I would say they would do the same if they saw a Tranny, however letting the tranny fuck the chaptards in the ass seems like sufficient payment.

Yeah, this is how they treat people who go along with their gay shit entirely. It's fucking hilarious.

That shit gets my dick hard


"racism is good"

Is /r/AgainstHateSubreddits campaigning to have them quarantined?


Note that /u/DubTeedub is a mayo. Weird how white """allies""" always take up the positions of power in black spaces. πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ

Oh, I was pinging him as a mod at AHS, didn't even realize he was a mod at BPT. I guess AHS won't be campaigning against racism after all. 🀷🀷🀷

Oh, I was pinging him as a mod at AHS, didn't even realize he was a mod at BPT. I guess AHS won't be campaigning against racism after all. 🀷🀷🀷

Ehhh, personally I'm in the camp that wants this site to become an even bigger dramatic shitfest.

I was in some white-majority anti-white Facebook group (mostly just clips of white racists and white people doing dumb things) and when the moderators went hard with the typical "this is safe space, when black people talk, whiteys need to shut up and listen", it slowly developed into a fun party with a lot of black supremacist theories (whites are albinos, diseased, etc). How is that not quality entertainment?

Ehhh, personally I'm in the camp that wants this site to become an even bigger dramatic shitfest.

Samesies, but I think that would actually be dramatic in and of itself. I remember some Vox or Slate or Buzzfeed article using AHS submissions as a way of pointing out that right wing hate on reddit was on the rise. The shit show that would result if they turned that sub on left wing racism would be so delicious.

What about the redbones like me? I'm 50/50 but lightskin af, if I wanna get verified how does that work..?

Just tell us youre mixed when you send your verification

/u/DubTeedub is that how you verified yourself, claiming to be mixed when you're not?

This is hilarious. It's like the Nuremberg Laws are back in effect. The horseshoe strikes again.


na I want like a couple months of salt out of this before that starts.

Aw I love reading fragile white incels crying that they can't access things can't they own up to being white is bad? I honestly fucking hate being white but that doesn't mean I try to be black, I just reject my whiteness and try to be the best ally I can be. If the alt right "myth" of "white genocide" was real I would sign up to be killed first, tbh, I wouldn't want to be alive and white.

All lies from a degenerate. Go ahead, take a picture with your burly gf with validation. I bet you won't.

All your arguments include parroting phrases like alt-right or incel, and you deflect everything else πŸ˜‚ some smart "24" year old you are.

Try harder faggot

White incels are pretty rare

Hahahahahah lmfao

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Lmao r/BPT is whiter than r/drama unironically. Cope Harder mayo.

Twitter has literally only been around since, what 2006? 2007?

If anyone believes that something younger than the age of consent in Japan is an integral part of their culture, their culture is trash.

Shut the fuck up, white boy

Using the fact that you hate yourself as a diss. That's definitely a new one for me


So 90 percent of the users should be deported.


Because that's what it is.

Their only mistake is allowing white allies. It's always the liberal blancoids who think they have the n-word pass.

mayos will ruin it with their refusal to integrate and adopt local customs

build a wall


> wait, we're also verifying fat booty white girls


Really make's me think

Doing Allah's work tbh

they can have all the Susans and Karens tbqh, annoying mayo foids 😀

Black men in my experience have the biggest fetish for white / non black girls from all races and groups. Maybe asian women are somewhere up there but not like that.

Like when you talk to some black guys that came from Africa to Europe, they are really open about how much they want to fuck white girls now that they are here. Like that is actually the prime reason and not poverty and shit.

It’s almost like the White race is... dare I say... superior.


I'd say Asian women from like Korea or Japan are doing even better than white girls. That OKCupid post also showed this:


Guess it's over

Can confirm.

Got Asian gf from tinder.

Same but Cream Cheese


bitch you think anyone is reading this shit

Ah yes all those white people owning hollywood and the porn industry

globalization is a mistake.

That study really is a piece of work. Black men seem to have a particular preference for azn girls, judging from that study. And while black women favor white men the least, it's still better than how white, latino and azn women respond to black guys.

r/aznidentity clearly missed the mark

thinking mayos are in any way superior





Ty trappy πŸ™πŸ» reading that was a harrowing experience

i am only sorry i wasnt able to do it sooner

Goddess bless

Mods once again smite the inferior


They're the superior choice to pump and dump tbh imagine dating one of them

Biggest Stay at Home Mom population, it's fucking terrible

Yes mods its this comment right here

White girls wanna fuck black guys, so it works out

Some do, sure. Some even have a huge preference.

But it's not anywhere near as widespread as the other way around.

Good thing whites outnumber blacks 4-1

Only the damaged ones


Why is it that every black guy with an inferiority complex has to keep repeating "white girls want the BBC" in some way shape or form. I can't tell you how many ugly ass black guys keep repeating that as if they're trying to convince everybody else. Lmao

Same with Indian guys. I think dark ass men want a light skinned chick so that their kids won't be ugly like them.

It’s pretty sad.

/u/Zetice I wonder how your sisters over at /r/blackladies feel about the "big booty white girl" verification πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Don't the mods of BPT just ignore all criticism of their minstrel show from /r/blackladies and /r/blackfellas?

If I was racist I would make a joke about stuffing their ears with cotton


those idiots are just a bunch of hotep weirdoes.


This is epic.

People who post there should be harassed.

How can they have a club with zero people?

I mean the only white people who post there are "woke" whites who hate themselves, so I see nothing wrong here.

Like 80% of BPT is white

Can we do this here? Banning all mayos?

Shut the fuck up, white boy

You really think I'm white, pinkoid?

Clearly not due to the parenthesis.

Stfu, currycel

mayoid cope

Even if you weren't, we know you wish you were.

Wishing to be the most cucked race to ever exist

jfl @ mayos


Sand mayos are mayos.


S L U T ! ! 😍

As long as I'm exempt go nuts.

Please yes.

Please god yes. Honkey magacels are fucking annoying with their agendaposts and general mayoness.

right, we should get more starterpacks/BPT posters like you in here. because that won't make everyone want to off themselves

Yet I'm still not as much of an obnoxious faggot as even the tamest magacel πŸ˜ͺ

infinitely more actually lmao

Apply yourself next time you reply to me πŸ˜ͺ

SRD exists for a reason. So people like you can bask in your circlejerk.

we are SRD now

Please this place would turn less shit the moment that actually starts

you think having hapas be the only posters here would be an improvement?

But you'd still have qt3.14 trappysaruh

Arabs are just sunburnt whites.

Wow that's disrespectful to whites. They are undercooked blacks.

We are all just shitty shades of cardboard. Some of us are boring cardboard brown, some of us are cardboard that has been left out in the sun too long and is almost see-through, some of us is cardboard that got wet and the ink mixed up and yellowed, and some of us are cardboard that got covered in dirt and mud.

Let's start the mayo genocide by banning all white people from social media.

Only serfs and slaves can post here. No changes imminent.

Stop going on gender critical please

But where would we get our bussy from? We'd have to fuck our own wives for gods sake.

Then there will be only dozens of us!

I guess? Looks like the admins now endorse racism πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

As a proud piece of white bread, I am unironically exultant for the coming mayocide.


One of the good ones

Ban TayTay first.

All we need is to require mandatory bussy verification.

Plus imagine the drama when a white sub does the exact same thing... It will be a good day for drama

They tried that and it quickly became stormfront 2.0 lol

lol anyone who unironically goes on r/bpt deserves to get cucked by an african

It stops being funny when you realize it's just normal humor that people are trying to "make black"

I support this because I look forward to all participants getting to relearn that black people's worst enemy has always been other black people.

Lots of salt found:

You don't need to face backlash for segregating black people if you make black people want to segregate themselves


Will they accept me if I black face


Report button is css'ed to "snitch", minstrel show has become an under statement.

In any case, the white race needs culling. Starting with white soy boys who want to be minorities.

Finally some segregation I can get behind

I was just wondering.. "but then they wouldn't have white girls". And of course [they pinned a post to let them in](

It's always the wokest black dudes who thirst for white girls

We will be verifying white allies again in the future,


Holy based I live BPT mods now

Only mayo men are not allowed to say nigga. A dream come true 😻😻😻😻

Shieeet, at last I can tag all brothers on reddit out to tell them apart from those larping mayos.

Does anyone outside of woke mayos and black people even go on bpt anymore? 75% of the posts are just some unfunny political shit.

Hey, fellow niggers.

Now I need a way to mass tag all the verified users with RES

All those flairs making it easier to spot the rejected black dorks LARPing as ghetto thugs.

Ummmm sweatie it's more like a ghetto than country club, but I appreciate their straightening of those confused mayo boys fascinated by basketball american culture and showing them πŸ‘ why πŸ‘ racism πŸ‘ is πŸ‘ a πŸ‘ good πŸ‘ thing πŸ‘

β€œY’all are doing an amazing job, forreal

Like you not even gettin paid to deal with this bullshit. Props”


Why do black β€˜people’ talk like this? πŸ€”

Small brain power

I really hope this only makes white people on reddit more racist

If I buy a 40 can I post?

Good, mayos are icky and smell of mothballs

If you consider getting a racial profiling by reddit mods to be able to post on a subreddit, you deserve to be removed from the internet.

so r/Zimbabwe

So when is BPT going to be banned for this

I unironically love this. Now our oppression of the evil mayo will be facilitated through an easily identifiable (lack of a) mark. Reminds me of something...

I don't get why people care so much about BPT. Even if you assumed this was racist, who cares. Lmfao it's a ucking sub.

Mayos should go on ahead and make a sub where white people pretend to be black, like how it used to be before. If they don't want to, why bother even staying?

Because taking the blows life throws at you with grace isn't good for dramacoin.

the only solution to racism is segregation

ahahahahahahaha yall wilin πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

The best part? I have an alt that’s approved under their retarded system. Snapped a pic of my buddy’s arm and off we went.

At some point I’m going to post β€œ As a white man...” and watch the show.

The fucking check marks lol IM BLACK LOOK AT ME WOW CONGRATS

Wait... isn't r/BPT run by white people who LARP as blacks?

Good. Woketards deserve to suffer, since no one else would post on such a mediocre sub.

u/DubTeeDub you will always be a mayo.

What’s stopping me from getting a picture from Google Images of a black forearm?

Turns out white people were the real niggers all along

people want black jokes but then when it's time to talk about serious topics and shared experiences, suddenly we have a group (I promise we know it's not all of you) that doesn't want to hear it and yelling out that this is racism

Because they just want to laugh at dumb tweets. Not everything has to be serious and political. Are these fags incapable of enjoying something without bullshit.

Idk why everyone doesn't get themselves verified on BPT and use it as a free pass to /r/AsABlackMan

Its not like crackheads wont take a picture for a quarter.

This is good for dramacoin.

bpt mods are really putting in overtime for that dramacoin