If the DSA ran a country.....

15  2019-04-22 by GodOfDarknessWine


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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On Saturday 12 April 1919, only six days into Toller's regime, the Communist Party seized power, led by three Russian émigrés, two of whom were Jewish

What did they mean by this 🤔🤔

You must be sleepy.

what does the D stand for


I mean, it's pretty Orwellian if they are claiming it.

it's pretty Orwellian


If oRWeLL wAS aLivE ToDay He wOUld HavE VotED fOR TrUmP

I swear to god none of these brainlets have read more than 5 books in their life, and the other 4 were all by Ayn Rand

It's funny how most of the Left really hates Orwell. If he was resurrected today and wrote a book going after both Tankies and anarchists, the Left would implode into infighting for a few more centuries.

Sensible leftists love orwell and always have

the true brainlets are the rightoids who don't understand that you can be anti-stalinist and also a socialist

Like a Maoist?



Orwell was a socialist who literally bought with the anarchists during the Spanish civil war. He literally wrote a book about it called Homage to Catalonia. You're a fucking brainlet if you believe he wasn't a leftist or just some dipshit centrist.

Anyone who believes in anarcho-anything is either:

  • In denial about his ideology being more or less similar to the status quo, and is overstating the differences just because everything has different names

  • Or is a sheltered first world brainlet who thinks that stuff just runs itself because he doesn't even know all the shit that his government actually does a good job handling.

1) George Orwell has always been a socialist. His main goal was to dismantle impressive governments that were too authoritarian and replace them with workplace democracies and the Paris commune model. You literally have read zero theory and you're trying to explain something you have no idea about. It's kind of like a a non biologist trying to explain the entire field of biology.

2) Einstein was also a socialist who wrote the article "why socialism?" For the the first issue of the monthly review ever published. I'm pretty sure he's no brainlet. In fact if you look up a whole bunch of prominent socialists you'll find people like MLK, Malcom X, Orwell, Einstein, Richard Wolff, Oscar Wilde, and many others. I'm pretty sure they're not brainless.

Anarchism isn't about disassembling a government, it's disassembling the state. This means that in an anarchistic government a lot of jobs like a an extremely militarized police force and a big ass army aren't nessasarly because they're seen as a threat to the general population (military dictatorships and all) and that the government shouldn't have the power to randomly lock up people with dissenting ideologies with the main defense preventing something like fascism being more direct democracy.

TL;DR: you're making too many bold claims with zero research or time spent looking into how any of these ideologies are different yet claim that they are all the same thing. Then you claim that all the ideologies want to do is dismantle muh guburnment and replace it with some chaotic which is just a really plainly bad argument. I implore you to actually read leftist theory like "the conquest of bread" by Peter kropotkin (for anarchism) and "capital" / then the "communist manifesto" for communism. This would be a good start into Marxist theory.

Also these are available for free at marxists.org

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Every little anarkiddie regurgitates the same shit. No I'm not talking with the colloquial definition of anarchism in mind. And no I'm not going to let you hijack the conversation by equating statist socialists with anarchists. No one gives a fuck what famous people of the past century said. People only care about their rationale and their explanations. Not their fame. There was a time when Einstein said there's no way atomic energy is possible. And then the neutron was discovered. And if you actually gave a fuck about any "theory" or at least read the essay he wrote, he was squarely statist. I think he even praised Henry George.

Also if your problem is exclusively with a police force, then my first point is right. You just have the same shit with different names... and slap "democracy" on everything with none of the checks and balances.

Also Richard wolff despite being a respected academic, absolutely doesn't belong on that list. And also had nothing to do with anarchism.

Troglodytes like you just go around forums collecting gotchas, and regurgitate them trying to sound smart. Anarchism is not the same thing as Democratic socialism. Try putting in 5 min of original thought. Or read dissenting opinions. Everyone from Marx to zizec has problems with anarchism. Ultimately, governments need some way of enforcing democratic mandates. Not all transactions are instant and someone has to make sure contracts are honoured. And people want to defend themselves from tyranny.

Instead of reading two books a week that agree with you, how about you read Henry George, for economic disagreements... Or derrida for philosophical disagreements. Or JMKeynes for more technical disagreements with your outdated religion. Hell even explicitly marxist economists debunked some of marx's bullshit (okishio). But no. Stupid fucking sociology and polsci students continue to fellate their bearded gods.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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if the DSA ran a country


Nah if the modern Western leftists (DSA, chapo fans, etc.) organized a revolutionary movement it would probably end up something like this this

what is the DSA

Democratic Socialists of America


Cursed ideology.

How pathetic do you have to be to get overthrown by the army of fucking Weimar Germany

Low testosterone

How exactly will the state wither? No commie has ever answered me that properly.