WARNING: DO NOT CLICK IF YOU ARE A SPACESHIT LOVER. -- Chad of chads ultimately and brutally BTFOs all the soy-boy beta spaceshit lovers with undeniable facts and logic

88  2019-04-22 by ArlenBilldozer


The entire thread is a fucking goldmine.


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Am I missing something? This just looks like a guy jerking his own ego and spamming his “get rich quick” scam site and shitting on poor people. Which is cool don’t get me wrong but ultimately 😴 😴 😴

He shits on cape and spaceshit non-stop while pissing all over nerds and shilling some stupid site? Its fucking great.

Yeah I get it but I don’t see any back and forth with any other twatters just a big selfjerk and angry poorcel responses. No bantz which is kinda 😴😴😴 for me fam

He never back and forths though, only flexes and screams into the wind. Low key beta smh

Beta wearing a chad mask so sad

Alexa play Despacito 2

Pissing on nerds is quite literally an old fetish.

This guy isn't even doing anything new other than adding some weird flexing.

Also is he an MMA fighter? Never heard of him.

If you are rich and still spend all day shitposting on twitter instead of having a coke fueled sex orgy with at least 3 bollywood actresses in your private jet heading to Seychelles for the weekend then you are fucking it up

You're talking about some of our mods here, sir / ma'am.

Lmfao I mean I love the effort these guys give to steal money from incels and crush their dreams when they’re “phD” secrets are: be good looking, workout, buy a strip club, and become an mma fighter. I just don’t see the drama 🤷🏿‍♀️

Hey, there's a lot of competition in the Online Daddy industry these days. These innovative grifters are competing for $$$ against the Memersons and Bro Jogans. It is about looks, yes, but it's that awkward, confused, angry and afraid look when confronted with a chessboard and your doppleganger.

Black's opening move game is some of the weakest shit I've ever seen. Git gud, lmao. 😂

a guy

Dollars to donuts this is a manlet.

he looks a little over a foot taller than a bentley, assume 57 inches to be generous based on wikipedia, he's standing close to the camera so he's definitely less than a foot and a half leaving him at 68 inches or 5'7'' tops

pronouns GOD/KING

bruh, this dude.

I turned to her and said...


I’ve never watched Star Wars”

I mean yeah, but he’s North Irish, you never know, he might get tackled and sent to jail for having a potato peeler, that’s something I’d love to see on his Twitter.

"Everyone who’s ever watched star wars in human history is absolutely dirt poor.

No exceptions.

Only I can save you.

I teach you how to make money online here _______"

It's a pretty good viral ad for his website, pissing off nerds when the new movie is coming out.

I would hazard a guess that George Lucas has seen his own movies.

You sure about that?

The first three yeah

Oof yikes this aint it of the last 6 tho

Hang on a minute, he hasn't ensured his personal safety yet

Even the inventor of star wars is a penny pinching little bitch, compared to the awesome near incalculable power of my bank account.

He actually addressed this.

Lol I stand corrected.

What’s up with this dude and Eastern European hookers?

And none of them were super attractive.

Is this, dare I say, cope?

Nah. They're not ugly, they just don't do anything for me. I've seen hotter women at house parties.

Understandable, have a good day.

Thanks, happy Easter Monday.

Right? Most of them look like they’ve sunk every penny he’s given them into their bolt-ons.

I think its the lips that bug me. But I also dislike the cartoonish hourglass look.

It's like riding a moped, looks like it might be fun but you don't want people seeing it outside your house.

bimbo fetish kinkshaming reeeeee

they’ve sunk every penny he’s given them into their bolt-ons

Sounds good to me. r/bimbofetish

Here he claims to literally be a pimp

so that might help explain some things

the best lawyers become judges.

Yeah, okay buddy. Retard.

Also that hoverhand on picture three tho.

man, paid thots are THE BEST.

Romanians and Roma


He's trying to look rich on a budget.

"Robeshit" is the correct term sweaty. Capeshit, cloakshit, and robeshit.

is GoT cloakshit? i thought it was swordshit

This is not a man who walks with christ.

ye christ walks with him

He is a true follower of allah

Motherfucker belongs in a shed.

So he is a MLM stooge who now spends his days keeping it real before he gets nailed for fraud.

Man if i was a multimillionaire id shitpost online too to own these capeshit poor fags

I can’t tell if this an elaborate troll or he really is some kind of self-help guru scam artist. If he really is scamming, that’s a pretty unorthodox method.

Andrew Tate is world champion kickboxer who owns and operates strip clubs and webcam studios. With over 75 girls working for him, he has created a system that allows you to get girls quickly easily and without spending money

Dude is a goldmine.

Oh fuck yes andrew tate made a new twitter

Oh good, I thought this was an IRL spaceshit crypost.

This is some funny shit. Good find OP

Daily reminder the only way to get dare I say... Gussy, is with the teachings of Max Stirner.

Episode I, II, III, VII, and VIII were pretty bad.

lol, you only know about this because of drew's youtube video about this troll he just posted.


I have no clue who 99.99999% of AutismTubers are

calls him "drew" because they are like, bros

trying to shit on movie nerds while also pretending he in just a betabux for plastic surgery thots

I love this guy lol

Has a girl ever tattooed her name on you?


It’s because you’ve watched star wars.

It's actually a very correct explanation, I can't fault the logic.

Spaceshit living rent free in your head 🤢. At least he is fighting for us.

[The men pay to stare, cause the hoes look fyne.

“Big t**s, big ass, women in their prime.

“We rob these tricks don’t commit no crime.

“Drain tricks cash non stop money train.

“A big golden chain and some pink champagne

“The king and his queens on a cash fuelled reign.

“Big Tate carries a cane to keep his hoes sane.

“The money ship sails without a hitch.

“Smooth sailing prevailing til we all get rich.

“If there is ever a problem, if there is ever a glitch

“Big Tate won’t wait, straight slap a b**ch.”](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/1288377/disgraced-bb-star-andrew-tate-boasted-about-being-a-pimp-in-a-sick-poem-and-branded-any-woman-who-isnt-a-virgin-used-goods/amp/)