Upvote this to make CAnimals instantly die

1090  2019-04-23 by Mamalgam


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Thank God the white mayo on the right is oldcel. Tick. Tock. Grandpa

white mayo

Are you (((sure))) about that?

Um would you mind explaining to the rest of the class what those parentheses mean?

acting unaware of (((them)))

israelcide when

Triple parentheses or triple brackets, also known as an (((echo))), are an antisemitic symbol that has been used to highlight the names of individuals of a Jewish background, or organizations who are thought to be owned by Jewish people. The practice originated from the alt-right blog The Right Stuff; the blog's editors have explained that the symbol is meant to symbolize that the historic actions of Jews caused their surnames to "echo throughout history".[1] The triple parentheses have been adopted as an online stigma by antisemites, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists to identify individuals of Jewish background as targets for online harassment, such as Jewish political journalists critical of Donald Trump during his 2016 election campaign.[2][3]



Your username does you justice, what a special boy you are 😍😍😍

Lol newfag go back to r chapo or some shit

Prussians are the worst Germans and that's saying something 🤢🤢🤢🤢

Lol not if you have 25% prussian nobility blood like me biiiitch

Wow you sure flexed on me by admitting to being inbred. I'm sure your chin is incredibly attractive

Junkers werent inbred cousins of queen victoria

Im low nobility fwiw

Upvote this comment to make Mamalgam instantly die

I upvoted, yet I'm still here. Don't play me like this 😞

that's because not everyone who saw it upvoted

dw, i'm doing my part in this fight for the good of humanity.

Cancer takes time, so that you can put your affairs in order.

Excuse me that speech is violence. Are you trying to get r/drama banned???

Is dark magic violence?


Also what are you, a mongoloid racist? ‘Dark’ magic? It prefers ‘magic of color’ tyvm. Ignant.

3/10 no pregnate blonde girl in the strong loving hands of a BLACK WARRIOR

Also, the Jewish guy should be wearing a kippah.

There is nothing more centrist than a Jew not wearing a kippah

What about a Jew in a blue collar job?

No trans either

What you don't realize is they're all trans.

Its truly over for cacels now

Well, thank you for that.

I almost forgot THAT is a thing.

Huh. Well okay then

Are those morons for real, or as we all falling for Poe's law?


It’s very hard to explain this without going on a tangent but I’ll try and keep it succinct given the topic. Not every single celebrity is trans, but the majority are.

Most if not all of hollywood/our government comes from the same bloodline. It is said that only a very small amount of the population is capable of having split personalities in instances of extreme trauma and abuse. This is why SO many of these celebrities are actually victims of MKUltra satanic ritual abuse (SRA). They display this through symbology (popular one being the butterfly, which has to do with how the monarch butterfly has a subconscious “knowing” of where their predecessors left off in the very long migration from upper US to Mexico). These people take pride in knowing they are the select few who are capable of harboring multiple personalities, many of which are programmed by the satanist higher ups. Another example is the “sex kitten” archetype (often symbolized through cat or animal ears, leopard print).

So to understand why most celebs are trannies is to understand they’re actually satanists doing the work of Satan. What did God create us as? Man and woman. What does Satan do? Flip God’s creation on its head and make a mockery of it by passing off men as women and women as men.

To answer your other question about spotting trannies: it’s something you have to research for yourself. Understand the fundamental anatomical differences between men and women. Be able to spot the difference between a male spine and female spine. Women will almost always have shoulder joints which line up with their hip’s width. Men will have a triangular shape to their bodies, women are softer are curvier. Women have a soft “C” jaw whereas with men it’s angular. Women have a pointy, witch-like chin whereas men have a broad chin. One of the giveaways for MTF celebs is the shoulder area... do they have a trunk-like neck? Are their traps just way too big for their proportions? Do their shoulders go out just a bit too far, and is their acromion visible?

They’ve gotten REALLY good at this over the years with the normalization of makeup and plastic surgery. They also start hormone blockage in the womb, so it isn’t uncommon for these trannies to look like pre-pubescent boys and girls underneath all of the surgery and hormones they pump them with. I hope this wasn’t TLDR and was helpful! :)

I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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You'll never be snappy.

You called?

How do you know?


I just realize that the only difference between CA and a cuckold sub are the titles. And sometimes not even this:


This could be cross-posted exactly like this to CA and nobody would notice.

There's probably a reason for that...

Hmm...wonder what it could be...


Implying that /r/blackworldorder is browsed by anyone but rightcels


nearly 100% overlap

i give it a solid 13/50

So what’s all this drama about?

Darnell is fucking Lin. I'm surprised you haven't heard. The entire office has been talking about it.

The sneaky Turk hiding at the back.

CA got banned



Whoh. Why it say quarantined?

It's been quarantined for months now. Supposedly the admins intend to ban it outright. There is a distinct possibility that the screenshot of the admin message stating this intention that is going around is a hoax.

Subs like cringtopia and drama are freaking out because CA is a containment sub and if it goes down they will be flooded with refugees.


They're just making fun of subs and in turn attracting drama. Guess that's par for the course for this sub. They're basically inviting r/CA members to visit and join in on the drama. Where CA was right wing and racist, Drama is left wing and also racist (seen racist posts here).

Homeboy about to get bleached.com


I love diversity

We must secure the existence of drama posters and a future for our lolcows.

This but unironically


Taco and basketball Americans are necessary for the existence of our nation. ✊🏿

we are bound by the fact that we hate each other equally making us go all the way around to becoming accepting of everyone

Truly beautiful

I love how authentic it is.

You guys need to bait them out. Keeping them in the shadows does more harm then good. Once we lure them out we club em.

no pitbull no pass

Wanting "racial purity" isn't just a mental illness. It has brutal implications for societal health, as well. Just like a mayo-sandwich with pale cheese is not only visually revolting, but unhealthy to the consumer, being against diversity is destructive to the continuation of the human race. Gene flow is incredibly important for a strong, healthy gene pool. The ethnostate's people are sick in the very same way the neurotic germaphobe's scabby, cracked, dry skin is.


Where's /u/LongPostBot when you need him

Did you really just seriouspost at me? I feel dirty

Ya. The hybrid vigor is interesting because we already adapt more than any other species. I think we moved too fast for any real adaptation to matter much, epicanthic folds don’t matter if the subgroups moved away from the mountains, and G6PD deficiency is only marginally helpful for peoples in upper Middle East (more harmful maybe, with increased reliance on agriculture).

Glu-Val mutation and black skin was the only adaptation that had tangible benefit I think, but I’m guessing that’s a function of how long the population remained in the area. I don’t even know what modern adaptations could be analyzed, maybe rapid-metabolizers of certain drugs? Weird stuff.

The best-adapted peoples to America would be like Digimon as they grow guns as arms through time

you're not meant to include an actual political statement, you r-slur


If you do not mix your genes, you are literally without a shred of irony on the same evolutionary level as bacteria. And even here I am generous, since the more advanced bacteria actually developed mechanisms to transfer DNA.

Mom, dad...please, stop fighting.

rofl, the advertiser friendly black but not too black women with that same poofy frizzy hair cut. I feel bad for dark skinned black women, they're not even wanted in fake diversity pictures.

I'd still smash.

this tbh

Basically the perfect woman.

This is the most diverse image I've ever seen I think.

No burkas no dice

Also no little tranny in a wheelchair, fuck this bigoted stock photo it’s CANCELLED

Only if you're ableist.

How do you get approved to post here?

Keep commenting until we know your name. Don’t be agendaposter. Or just draw some drama-canon fan art and submit to a mod when they aren’t grumpy.

People seem to think approvedcels can approve people bc a bunch of people asked me to approve them when I said I got approved for some reason

Well I can’t blame them. We are very handsome and charismatic.

says you of all people

I knew PMing you that Peener pic was a mistake. 🤦🏼‍♀️

plenty of us approvedcels are absolute nobodies

Yeah I don't even know my name

Yeah but I have fresh drama to post now. It won't be fresh later.

I just asked nicely.


I got a blanket ban notice so I replied to it. Told them I had no intention of violating the rules and was a longtime subscriber of drama and that my post history shows I'm a mainstream conservative gun nut, not a white nationalist, and asked to be unbanned. So they did.


Lol this looks like a photo my firm would put on their website. I guarantee you that the two mayos in business attire are project managers and this photo was taken to show the diversity of the interns in their group.


I really hope the CAfugees don’t kill this sub

No burka bitches!?!?

I’ve always felt this sub needed to suck on a sweet sweet diversity pill

Why they gotta put Akhmed in the way back 😢

He isn't ready for the BASTE PASTE 😫

Whats the drama here, i dont get it



I love White Mayo. If you like Pakistani Dramas then you will find the reality of social life experience.

Instant death is one of my fetishes

> this sub is all about thinking outside the box, and not being pre-programmed to think and feel just like everyone else

> 99% of the content is incest porn

There's a chance that the CA refuggees will just make /r/GenZ their new home. They've already brigaded and some of them are probably still there.

34-year-old white nationalists trying to propagandize on a 9k sub for teenagers is incredibly embarassing

implying most of them aren't actually just angsty teens

They really are, though. I think the biggest killer of the whole white nationalist thing is getting a goddamn job.

Make this the banner, inshallah

Wtf i love diversity now.

Only 60% of r/drama is neo-nazi

It's time to accept that the age of paleskins has come to an end.

Do they deserve a painless instant death tho

Where da joos d'oh!

I keep upvoting, but they're not dying.

eggfriend :(((((

Gussy 🤢


CA bad hurdur

It’s NOT ok to be white. Fascist scum.


Out of the loop, exactly what did they do wrong?

Hey we’re pretty okay ppl over at r/cripplingalcoholism

ok i know this will probably seem super racist, so please dont take it that way, but is that pretty asian lady squinting/quriking her eyebrow at the camera? i cant read that expression i feel more dumb than normal

Too many white people.


That Charlie has certainly pissed in a bowl for money before.



Can thy cleanse me of mine sins?

WHitE geNoCIdE11!111!!oneone!

All this did was make my dick hard. I want to inseminate the Asian one (no homo).

From what I see right now this is CA but for "inclusive" hate content, Reddit admins, the hell is going on here