BelleAriel pops over to CringeAnarchy to give them some of her valuable modding advice, forgetting she's now been demodded 3 times in as many weeks. (comment deleted but still in her overview).

151  2019-04-23 by _exophthalmos_


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. This Post -,,

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Hire mods

Does this foid actually think internet janitor is a job?

And this:

I’ve said it repeatedly over and over if people cannot properly moderate their sub and look out for their userbase, they should not be modding.

From someone who just keeps getting dumped as a mod. How clueless can anyone get?

Imagine being so incompetent at life that you are fired from a free internet jannie job by her.

She can’t even do it for free

She hasn't even posted on 75% of the subs she mods

Secretly tried to get you kicked? No. I talked to Jersey. Yes. You admitted in PM that you had me demodded there because I lied to you about a previous account which I had every right to do. People should be allowed to make a new account.

Stalking your account? Do not be so hypocritical. You’ve been looking at my history you’ve said so in rDrama. I have not looked at her profile for a while.

I felt it was pretty mean of you to get me demodded from TMoR. I feel that you’ve changed and Jersey this.

Whatever your issues are with me there was no need to be spiteful and get me demodded from a subreddit that the top mods even said I was doibg OK at modding.

I feel you’ve played us all. You were lovely. You were the first person I modded with on Reddit but now you’ve started postibg on rDrama you’ve changed.

I lied to yoi about one thing as is my right to safety. Had you not have changed so much I would have been fully honest with you about my previous accounts but I felt I could no longer trust you.

“By going behind my back and trying to fuck me?” Are you serious???? So it’s ok for you to get me demodded but as you admitted but when I go to jersey about you, that’s wrong?

aWYgdSByZWFkIHUgZ2F5 if u read u gay

I lied about calling people n-slurs for my own safety!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!

You seem like a Belle enthusiast. Can I get a wiki/summary sort of thing from the very beginning?

I think /u/snallygaster wrote the original giant post of all her drug forum antics but I can't access to view it. This is the link everyone posts so I think it's here:

Two questions: What has she been upto since? I heard she used the n word and stuff? How did snally figure out her old account name?

You didn't answer me /u/aWYgdSByZWFkIHUgZ2F5 😡

They do it for free

It's the closest thing she's done to working a job

For left wing people it is.

That is the language used by the CAtard mod who posted the (((open letter))) too.

Yes, I thought that! Weirdly similar.

You'd be surprised and disgusted how many mods are actually paid for their work.

Please believe me that I've changed!

But also

I don't believe y'all can change.


She can definitely change given that her life is a constant downwards spiral

Your thread appears genuine

But also

Right now this seems disingenuous

Her brain resets every few minutes.

Then I'll comment this once. Then no more

Divine intervention from BelleAriel. The prophet condemns thy followers, for they follow her original scriptures instead of embracing her new teachings of misandry and hypocrisy. She shall smite their village in the name of the admins.

I love crossover episodes

It's more like a flashback episode if Belle is posting in rightoid subs.

Bet her bf devavrata17 gives her a lashing for this

I'll take that bet. Deva is in deep.

You can tell it’s a little more than just reddit at this point. Devav has made certain comments pertaining to belle in a personal manner. I’m not saying he’s flying there yet, but they def have a private Skype or tiny chat room.

Isn't he now the only guy not to have abandoned her? It can't be about her integrity or her intelligence, nor her loyalty as a friend.

We should celebrate this union of mentally unstable powermods. Dev might change for the better once the yoke of virginity is cast off, and Belle might gain something from fucking a man who isn't fantasising about a toddler the whole time.

I expect to receive a fair amount of downvotes for this this comment but heyho.

I do not think it is the words they’re censoring here but the context in which they are written.

If you’re wondering why the admins are looking into your subs more, I am assuming that one reason may be that rDrama goes beyond a bit of fun and allows the subreddit to be used as a platform for harassment, doxxing and stalking into people’s person lives. That is not on and is against Reddit’s rules

To illustrate using my own situation. A few weeks ago I reached out to the moderators of rDrama. I E-mailed their modmail explaining that members of a subreddit which was banned for for harassing and stalking me both online and IRL- r/loungers - were using r/Drama as a platform for stalking me. I also explained that links they were posting to a username over 18 years ago (I kid you not) was linked to my full name and address and that this is doxxing. I asked them to please stop this. I received several disrespectful replies and a mute for my efforts.

Ban evasion of banned subreddits involved in harassment in disallowed yet rDrama is breaking this rule by allowing my stalkers to use their platform to harass me.

My stalkers are so obsessed with me that since 2015, they’ve not only folliwed me around the internet, the called social services on me multiple times, sent bomb threats to school my child is in, death threats to me, posted on a drug marketing subreddit with my full name and address and the message “please come finger me for drugs,” sent me pills through my door, harassed my family members FOR A YEAR until they deleted social media.

One of their moderators, who was one of the first people I modded with on reddit and had a lot of respect for, has done a complete 180 and gone full dramacoin which I stupidly find upsetting, has turned against me for lying about an alt. Well of course I lied about it. On the advise of several well respected moderators (who shall remain nameless) I was advised to delete that account and start again due to harassment). Using rDrama, my stalkers found some strange programme to bring deleted comment in attempt to get me demodded everywhere and, of course, the members lapped it up.

So yeah, I say it’s about time that administrators got involved in rDrama. If they’re allowed members to evade a ban for harassing me and driving a mentally ill, drug addicted male to their death and openly laugh about it ‘because they did not like him’ what do they expect to happen? It’s too little too late, in my opinion :(

That degree finally paying off

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That guy's death had nothing to do with his massive drug intake or the fact his fiancee spent three days fucking another guy before saying it was rape and gaslighting him for months.

No, it was all r/Loungers and r/Drama, wasn't it Belle?

I can see two comments only. One deleted, one not.

Thanks it looks like removeddit is playing up so I'll just copy paste

i have never used a syringe or heroin in my life. Would not wish to either. Jaysus you Dramatrolls must be getting desparatto obsess with someone in their 30s and make up billshit.

That screenshot that Dropperneck posted, shall we go into the history there? That mod on that other site is a fully fledge heroin addict, was fired from his job because he was ON HEROIN while looking after vulnerable people. I’d love to get where he says I have never worked a day in my life. That moderator has never even met me and thinks he knows if I’ve worked or not.

Instead of my posts on me on a site I have not posted on in three he ought to sort his own life out. Stop that whining, woa-is-me act, get off the fucking drugs and sort himself out. Christ he can’t even moderate the fucking forum with a please-feel-sorry for me fest.

Seriously, someone asked him why he was deleting posts. Instead of giving a professional response he writes this massive wall of text about his history, with a lot of self-pity, so the thread stopped being about the question of deleting posts, but as usual (fucking YAWWWWN) aaaaaall about him.

So if you’re all (rDrama) using the opinion of that idiot to analyse my character, and past distortions of the truth, well I should worry. Are you all seriously running out of Drama on Reddit this much?


You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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Not guilty.

professional response

From a junky mod on a junky website?

It ended with her quitting because of 'backstabbers' conspiring against her.

B-b-b-borderline personality disorder!

1, if you continue to say untrue lies about me and use that site to abuse me I WILL BE SUING THAT SITE FOR DEFAMATION!. I’ve E-mailed them three times now about this. Banning someone is fair enough and their right but to abuse the fact that the person is unable to defend themself is disgusting. To allow posts such as “I’ve a wank bank of —— and will bang one out” is sick. They should be ashamed of themselves for allowing women to be disrespected, and sexist nonsense. Just because this person claims to be a soldier does not mean they are the gullible fools. They believe everything people tell them. It’s more likely my stalker, wenlock, with a vpn trying to cause trouble. I have not crossed them badly at all. They’re being cowardly hiding behind a computer bitching about me etc to get in with the clique. Remember when someone there claimed to be a paramedic and in ICU. They all believed that without question. Who is able to use the internet in ICU ffs? gullible morons!!!!!

Then you didn’t read the messGes Moby removed. And how do you know I am not going anywhere or not going to use it?

I am fine with people mocking my political reasons. I have no issues with that. I do, however, take issues with personal attacks. As for not liking me, they do not know me.

Before my stalker knew my new ID, made to get away from them, I actually got on fine in baduk. There was the odd argument yes. It’s a political forum and my views differ so that is to be expected. However as soon as my stalker went there planting seeds they turned on me. Considering most of the userbase are intelligent, they never suspected that every time there was a disagreement he would appear within seconds with manipulative seed planting like “you’re enabling her.” Instead of thinking logically that this person had made alts to look like many hating me so I would be banned (a tactic they’ve used on many forums) they engaged with them and mocked me WITH THEM.

When I initially started posting in baduk I ‘wrongly assumed’ it was a trolling sub, similar to one I stupidly came across in the past. They assured me that they were not like that. I believed them and became part of the group for awhile, despite different viewpoints. It hurt me when they would engage with my stalker and mock me. You only had to look at his accounts to see that tthey were all new accounts just to follow me but that did not stop whiffers, BTT engaging with them and their behaviour.

it was not MY behaviour badunitedkingdom was enabling, it was my stalkers and yes that hurt me. I suppose that will make them feel happy too as it seems like their intention to hurt people.

I’ve been banned from rUK over all this, a sub I dearly enjoyed posting in. Why is it that the US subs never fall for my stalkers’ bs? I’ve even had someone from the US help me with auto mod so they cannot dox people’s phone numbers or E-mail addresses. Yet my own people are willing to believe the absolute worst of me based on a person who creates alts to taunt and stalk me.

Oh as for not making personal attacks, when I stupidly mentioned that I used to have a painkiller addiction 5 years ago, every ttime I would get upset about something in baduk, people like ITMidget would make nasty comments like “sover up.” That also hurt me deeply. Why yse my past against me like that? It’s something I overcamw, had help for and bitterly regret but tet certain members would use it against me over and over and over again. And they wonder why I lashed out?????

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Banning someone is fair enough and their right but to abuse the fact that the person is unable to defend themself is disgusting.

It's like there's this huge disconnect in her brain where if it happens to her it's horrible but when she's the worst offender at that same thing it's fine.

What're they even talking about with that?

Why do you believe people can't change when you are the poster child of flipping political opinions?

I have EVERY RIGHT to create a new account if I am being harassed and NO my past should NOT be taken into consideration when I moderate a subreddit. I have the right to anonymity as anyone else. I am blocking you now with your thousands of alts, wenlock.

The fact that I have received so much abuse and harassment to a comment I gave on one reason as to why Drama may be getting monitored by the admins just confirms what I stated in said comment.

Moderating a subreddit does not justify people stalking me and pulling up my deleted accounts in order to berate and humiliate me. Volunteering my time to help a website FOR FREEdoes not justify harassment of me.. End of.

PS: if I’m confrontrational maybe that’s because I have an obsessive group of stalking weirdos who, instead of getting on with their own lives and makes their own lives fullfilled, are too busy obsessing over wanting to expose a total stranger on the internet. Having your family stalked kind of has that affect. Strange that.

I'm not interested enough to stalk you, honey.

I'm just wondering why these racists are irredeemable when you yourself prove that people can change their bigoted views?

That's so hot.

You added her as a friend? Why the fuck would you do that?

Easier to spot in the wild. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

but why would you want to?

Don't be dumb.

It's too late for that, I already read your post and it made me retarded

why would you want to keep tabs on epic lolcows?

You need to get out

I thought all the phobias are fine by the site rules, just not the violent rhetoric. When did this change?

Supposedly it didn’t

Came across this thread by accident

Yeh okay.

An archived link would be nice

I tried that, it only shows on her user overview . Check for yourself.

She expects is to believe she's not a regular on CA?

lol, they were not too lazy to ban racist posts. they were actively leading the pack. agenda posts are encouraged to the point that actually cringe stuff gets removed.

Considering Reddit appears to be flooding CA with some pretty odd moderators, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a not-so-subtle attempt at getting modded somewhere else.

lmao, imagine being repeatedly sacked as a voluntary internet janitor.

What a legend.

Literally who?

Oh man if this is serious you really need to search drama for "Belleariel" and just dive down the rabbit hole.

I just looked it up.

What am I even supposed to make of what I'm looking at?

Just enjoy the show.
