I believe the children are our future

15  2019-04-23 by fernguts


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Life-fuel for Hapa-cels

Yeah, that's not his kid.

Hapa chicks have the sexist eyes, cmv

lol even the most dedicated globalists don't want more disgusting hapas shitting up the place. the future is mulatto.

if you don't accept that mixedracecels are invariably the most attractive people you're a moron

don't hate, miscegenate

Interesting are they attractive because they are different from local norms or because they actually are? I think red heads are hot but I have no idea why and I came to the conclusion that I do because they are rare where I live.

I know a few people who are part asian, part some other race and they tend to be really good looking. There's two in particular who are part chinese part italian and they're both physician sisters who have won numerous beauty pageants. Legitimately got the Asian intelligence and Italian beauty (not the short, fat kind) genes. Purebloodcells BTFOed

and if you don't accept that attractive people would rather fuck another attractive person rather than some uggo with similar skin color you are also a moron.

What the average r/aznidentity user looks at every morning to keep themselves going

I actually found it on /r/MongoloidCJ. Christ, that sub is awesome.

LMAO I just checked the sub out and the amount of sheer COPE is even worse than on r/aznidentity. The absolute state of azndicklets

There's also r/AsiansCuckingPinkies, r/EvilWMAF, and r/MusingsOnToxicAMWF. Fucking glorious.

I thought that said r/ExWMAF and expected a hilarious sub filled with bonafide non-fiction stories.

It is kinda cool, but at the same time not as woke as they could be: They are still hating the Jews. Which is particular stupid. You can't make fun of mayos for having low IQ while at the same time hating Jews that they out-IQ you.


JEWS ARE SMART BUT EVIL. The enemy is still the enemy whether they are smarter or dumber than us.

Pretty sure mixed people have higher rates of mental illness. Best argument against race mixing is Logic (rapper not Ben Sharpie) whining about how he wasnt black enough not white enough. If you want a kid with identity problems, miscegenate all you want.

wow you got a source for that buddy?

If I cared enough I could go out of my way to look for the mental illness one. Theres another one regarding bone marrow transplants being harder to find for mixed race children. Like I said the strongest argument for me against them is that they have trouble finding a racial identity. Simple as that.

If you’re offended when the genders are reversed, you’re a racist.

You have now been banned from r/aznidentity.

Winnie the Pooh: Good, very, good.

This looks like a stock photo but I can't find it anywhere with a reverse image-search. That's a bit sad.

Post interracial lesbian couples where at least one of them is pregnant, those are 20 points happier than this one

HAHAHA WHY??? This is the HAPPIEST THING EVER!! White boys getting CUCKED big time by nonwhite cock, the BEAUTIFUL white ladies too. Love it, more please.