23  2019-04-23 by CrackIsHealthy4U


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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/r/streetwear on suicide watch

They've been there for a long time

Probably because 90% of their personality is what they're wearing.

Akshually they also listen to JPEGMAFIA too

Yoinks its worse tham I thought.!

Tbh, Peggy is moderately based for a. His neogaf song as well as b. That one song about killing cops that pissed off SRDines/Chappies and revealed them for the racist wokies™ that they are

despite making up only 13% of streetwear...

Ok this ape is pretty based cause he bullied that fat Jewish actor forgot his name

If I had an underbite and a gap between my front teeth I would be mad too.

Fuck thupreem thuck my dick

he’s in jail rn i think

whatta boy 😢

Some retard explain this to me..

oh god what an unfunny fuck