It's over for Incels! Again...

27  2019-04-23 by WarSanchez


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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I'm sorry Snappy, incels just fascinate the heck out of me.

Just get laid dudes... Lmao

Also, I have never said I hate white men, quite contrary, I like them as long asthey recognize and acknowledge their place in the world: that is, under the foot of a black man, same goes for all you cucks. The true evil in this world is /r/SubredditDrama, which is my only enemy. Hitler was an animal rights advocate, and I quite like animals too, so I have nothing against white people per ce, just don't think rapid babboons should be running on the streets among people, smh. Once the /r/SubredditDrama cancer is gone and social order is restored, we can live in harmony with the subhumans, they in their lard, and we in our cities.


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To themselves lmaoo

90% of the braincels sub has devolved into people pretending to be incels while posting people or St.BlackOps2-cel memes. Only the Yang administration and it's policy of foid re-distribution will solve this issue.

what language is this





Serious question: When did Yang say he would redistribute women?

He implied it


All the time

it was in a cnn interview i think at some town hall. They talked about his alt right following and he chalked it up to “lonely young men” and said that the government “should have a place in the building of relationships as a mental health initiative”.

Incels will never begone until every last man has become beautiful trussy

incel has meant "somebody i don't like" for over a year now, how have they not found a new label yet?

No, Incel as an insult is their new default argument for probably the next generation...

Nah r/teenagers already decided that it was no different from calling someone a faggot or virgin.

Kids these days are waaaaay too reasonable.

Pizzashill was right

Careful. If you say that 3 times his Megazord awakens.

Incel has just became the left wing version of cuck.

Eh, it's just the newer version of neckbeard

I've wondered this for a while but are incels from r/Braincels, former robots from /r9k/?

Lots of overlap it looks like. The homegrown ones prob just weren’t satisfied LARP-ing “field reports” on TRP.

No I went from the original r/incels to braincels

In the late 1990s, a lonely teenager on the West Coast fired up his dial-up modem to find someone to talk to.

First fucking sentence ends with a preposition. Top quality 'journalism' right here.


Gotta crank out those stories at any cost.

“Someone to talk to” sounds far more natural than “someone to which to think”.

to whom he could talk.

I go out of my way to avoid using that word.

Whatever floats your boat, but that's what you'd roll with if you wantef it to sound natural.

Yeah when anyone says whom I think that sounds natural. You are a fucking twas poster arent you?

No clue what twas stands for, but sure.

People like you are the reason my copy of The Castle of Otranto has notes next to words like gripe, obeisance, poignarded, essay, disculpate, providence, sot, wont, aught, revenue, moped, orisons, spark, postern-gate, ought, colour, bearded, cant, degree, dispensation, over-reached, traverse, boarded, boon, brazen, herald, issue, management, hasted, harbingers, cartel, hospital, ween, adjusted, viceroy, regardless, approve, corsairs, rover, attitude, dole, enjoin, oratory, advertised, wonnot, chamberlain etc.

“Don’t end sentences with prepositions” is entirely a made-up rule. The Anglo-Saxons were violating this “rule” all the time over a thousand years ago in their writings. It only came into being because some snobs thought that English grammar should conform to the same rules as Latin, even though they’re two completely different languages.

Trust me, I’m a pedantic asshole when it comes to other grammar rules, but that one is not valid.

Incels seem drawn to Braincels and based on a sense that their looks or other personal traits — many users say they have autism — have ruined their romantic chances. They commonly share stories of personal trauma.

But wait a sec, I hear regularly from Autism Speaks that autism is a positive trait! Have we been bamboozled??

It’s a positive trait when it’s the kind of autism that makes you more sexually attracted to trains than women, not when it’s the kind that turns you into Chris Chan.

If they wanna get rid of incels why dont they distribute pussy? Why aren’t chapocels supporting my solution??

Why not bussy instead

Despite drawing users largely from majority-white countries, Braincels has an ethnically diverse set of contributors; 55 percent of the site’s user base is white, with significant percentages of posters who self-identify as East Asian, South Asian, black, and Latino. A poll that ran on, the largest incel site outside of Reddit, came out with similar numbers on their user base’s age, race, and geographic distribution.



Lmao, what is there to fear other than Virgin blood??