Satanists were planning a mass sacrifice in Notre Dame, and Adam Levine of Maroon 5 uses vibrations to open portals and import dark spirits in our realm.

67  2019-04-23 by Ghdust2


womp womp


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

posts in a self-sub

What a queer

This is some special post-modern mongposting. How much freeeeeee time do these genuine mental cases have?

The most implausible part of this is Adam Levine being smart enough to be involved in any kind of conspiracy.

Implying his nipples aren't the real mastermind.

why do qtards exist

When i read the first part about Macron winning the election with 66.06% and that being a sign from The Rothschild Cabal things are ok, I nope’d out. That’s not even the right number.

Maroon 5 are a squad of Noise Marines

i think we need to do something about the Qultists

You've got to hand it to SerialBrain2; the guy converted his Reddit account into a one-man r/GreatAwakening

Varg Vikernes lives in France

That’s all you need to know

Dude is like a text book case study in schizophrenia

schizophrenia and fent created this

Oh shit I forgot about this guy. The centerpiece of r/greatawakening

I was going to make a snarky comment about "Q researcher" but this made me laugh so I won't be so mean.


this is becoming a unironic cult and they are quoting scripture


This guy's going hard in the paint, It's only his self-sub that he posts in. Nothing else. The dedication would be admirable, if it wasn't towards the dumbest goal of all: red-pilling reddit users.