Xhosa foid nationalist unleashes her inner mayo

90  2019-04-24 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Why has she retweeted so many videos of African women beating the shit out of their kids?

There were some articles about pretty awful incidents of creche abuse in SA recently. That would be the reason I'm pretty confident.

This is some rabbit hole I've fallen down

Yup, a pretty fucked up rabbit hole too. The kind you can't help but stare at.

It made me unironically mad seeing those kids get abused like that. These foids need to get dealt with

You should watch the documentary that was made on childcare in SA. One lady couldn’t afford a nanny so she would drug her kid to sleep until she got back home.

childcare in SA

Modern problems require modern medecine.

Here’s the link, just realised it’s lots of African countries https://youtu.be/iWWFhE2AmSI

She’s hot as fuck

I missed that. Can you give a description?

White girls love the BBC? Nah. White men love the BBA.

Doesn't look Xhosa at all, probably a fake pic or fake account.


for all of you colonizer-americans, xhosa are one of the groups that actually click their tongues

Where does a Xhosa shop?


That's clickbait.

I'd click the shit outta her tbh

She changed her profile picture and now you and /u/OverSocialization look like weirdos

would still click

She also retweeted these:





There's a good, relevant blurb from Charles Darwin's Descent of Man:

The following case, though relating to savages, is well worth giving for its curiosity. Mr. Winwood Reade informs me that the Jollofs, a tribe of negroes on the west coast of Africa, "are remarkable for their uniformly fine appearance." A friend of his asked one of these men, "How is it that every one whom I meet is so fine looking, not only your men but your women?" The Jollof answered, "It is very easily explained: it has always been our custom to pick out our worst-looking slaves and to sell them." It need hardly be added that with all savages, female slaves serve as concubines. That this negro should have attributed, whether rightly or wrongly, the fine appearance of his tribe to the long-continued elimination of the ugly women is not so surprising as it may at first appear; for I have elsewhere shewn (4. 'Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication,' vol. i. p. 207.) that negroes fully appreciate the importance of selection in the breeding of their domestic animals, and I could give from Mr. Reade additional evidence on this head.

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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You comment like you are more 'fugee than Wyclef Jean.

America literally is the trash heap of the world.

Lmao damnit I got swindled

Account is deleted now I think

I'd Knight her all night.

So are Zulus though.

The Zulus literally got it from the Xhosa after conquering them.

More likely they both got it from the Khoikhoi and San who were living in the area long before the Bantu migration arrived.

It's cultural appropriation all the way down. These colonisers sicken me!

It's actually a pretty satisfying sound. I support them in the conflict against whoever the hell they don't like.

I thought Xhosas were Bantus?

There ain't anything mayo about Africans wanting to kill other Africans. If anything the Mayo's showed up and tried to put a stop to that before they got it out their system.

The only reasons Mayos don't kill each other anymore is because Jews invented nukes.

Jews are always looking out for the little goy

G-d bless the Goyem.

That's just a great comment. I would gold you if my Shekels weren't so precious.

Make sure to Forntnite floss on that upboat button and to subscribe, rate, and review.

Fun fact: The evil huwite colonizers brought agriculture to Sub Sahara. Before then, the tribes just lived off what they found because they lived in legit rain forests and didnt need it.

They also introduced the umbrella, just to rub it in.

That's not true; the Bantu peoples were agriculturalists

Yup, there is a reason you give cattle for a lobola!

No, that's entirely untrue. The Bantu peoples and all other ethnicity's related to the Bantu peoples practiced farming and agriculture, in fact the Bantu peoples were pastoral farmers entirely. The only real hunter gather groups in Africa are the Pygmy peoples in Central Africa.

To this day, most African economies are based on agriculture and most peoples survive as subsistence farmers, a type of agriculture. Why do famines still happen despite this? Simply put, the inconsistency of rainfall and often drought means that many places simply cannot produce food certain years. It's also increased by active conflict be it civilian or actual military conflict, internal or external.


He comments in KiA, are you really expecting him to know the ins-and-outs of African society lol???

I'm African. OP is somewhat right about agriculture in a large part of the continent.

Subsistence farming was a thing as it was simple but the actual techniques that allowed food production to sustain large communities came about through colonization and trade. The main crops currently being used in Africa were brought on by Portuguese, Indians, Arabs and farming techniques by colonial nations.

That includes rice, maize, tea, wheat and a large chunk of the staple food industry.

Uhhhhh, don't know if you know what I was responding too but the OP was saying that Africans simply had no agriculture until the mayo's came. This includes substance farming. TBH I'm really confused by your comment, none of what you typed helped make OP's point. Yes much of the techniques came from elsewhere, but that was almost entirely trade and cultural exchange rather than colonial oppression. And this mostly occurred before the Mayo's came in full force and no the Portuguese aren't white.

Also the Maji Maji rebellion was nothing to the Mau Mau uprising which is weird you wouldn't know that. Plus African superstition in conflict isn't relevant at all so why bring it up? It adds nothing to the discussion of agricultural history of Africa and African societies.

I didn't bring up Mau Mau because it was guerilla warfare which really wasn't as widespread and limited in the number of deaths resulting from it.

Thats why i said somewhat since most of the main crops currently sustaining the population are non-native to the region.

But why bring up any form of rebellion anyways? Why? There is literally no relation between Maji Maji rebellion and Africa's history with Agriculture.

Crops doesn't equate to the practice of agriculture, the OP was insulating that African's had not concept of the practice of agriculture. Also west africa had it's own native type of rice that was commonly farmed. Also yams in the same region which is another staple crop.

More over, agriculture also covers animal husbandry which was very common in Africa and has been for millennia.

So yeah, he had no point unless you interpret his comment much more positively and I mean much more than it deserves.

OP literally said they lived off what they found on the land which is what i said was somewhat true considering their farming was replanting what they found.

I talked about East Africa due to your point about conflict to show what a relatively stable place it has been for most of its existence.

The rice that was literally replaced by the Asian variety brought by Indians?

The only native animals I see in my region are Maasai cattle. Every other community has moved to hybrid species that are non native because of yield.

This is why I support OPs opinion because almost every native species of crop or animal is now a hybrid species or a completely non-native one.

His point is still moot because it implies they lived a hunter gather lifestyle rather than an agricultural one. Just because these days most Africans farm foreign crops doesn't make the fact that Africans for centuries have practiced agriculture. We're also talking about history not current day, current African agricultural trends don't have anything to do with historical trends.

that's how farming developed, people grew things that they found, specifically stuff that grew regularly and predictably.

My point about conflict was that it made famines worse. I also said that internal conflict works the same. that's why Ethiopia's drought happened during the insurgancy against the DERG regime.

While these days and in the past that African ranchers and herders used foreign and non-native animals doesn't mean they didn't have the concept of agriculture, which is the topic.

Oh shut up. You black fellows need to back to playing Jazz for the white man, I know you got it in you boy.

He just had the color of the colonizers wrong. Bantus btfo'd the natives.

Khoisans and Pygmies got dabbed on pretty hard.

I like to shit on Africans as much as possible just to piss off Afrocentrists but this is completely untrue and you're a retard if you unironically believe that the only ecosystem in Africa is the rainforest.

The Bantu became so widespread entirely because they were agriculturalists, lmao. Turns out its easy to overwhelm other tribes through sheer numbers when you have a steady supply of food.

Somali nationalists to this day still cry about "Bantu expansion" and the impending extinction of Cushites.

Same with the Xhosans and other native South Africans, though that's mostly because the Bantu migration accelerated so much after Apartheid was ended.

My man!

This is the stupidest thing I've seen on reddit in a good while. Agriculture was practiced all through sub-Saharan Africa for thousands of years, long before white people came to the continent. And most of Africa is savannas.

I wish I could populate her womb if you know what I mean 😥😥😥

YWN have a strong Xhosa gf

Its over for... me

Beautiful girl

South Africa is a disaster though, just wish I could enjoy the drama but it's too retarded even for me

its quite literally just people throwing "no u" at each other, only on a country wide scale

It's really gotten outta hand recently with the mega retards around Malema

I love African history and reading about it and all the different peoples and muh wars but South Africa should just be ctrl + x'd out of history and the world

I would assume this is not a legit account but a white person hiding behind a black person name. This account deserve to be suspended, entirely.


Aww she's cute

Deleted account?

I guess so, I guess she got a lot of hate mail for that tweet.

Smh her dms got colonialized


even CringeAnarchy subs would hit

anyone got a picture before it got nuked?