Melbourne cafe that boasted about charging male customers an 18 per cent 'man tax' is closing down

354  2019-04-24 by GodOfDarknessWine


Your post has rendered me completely and utterly impotent. Nowhere in that cesspool of faggotry did I encounter anything even resembling intelligent thought. I physically cannot open reddit with these chodes inhabiting it. My quality of life is now quantitatively worse that it was before I was exposed to what is essentially the intellectual equivalent of a tranny offing themselves.


  1. This Post - Outline

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In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


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Where the fuck is /u/longpostbot when you need him?

*clown car honks softly in the distance *

More apt than it should be.

The nose honks for thee

Shit, you got me. Laughed like a bitch.

Imagine a "Lol, Internet" meme from 2004 but it's in current year and the text reads "lol, women"



Unironic improvement on our actual anthem TBH.

What's truly mind blowing is a vegan cafe in Melbourne went under.

Not really, rents are insane here. Also the suburb that it's in has MANY actually good restaurants at a variety of different price points. Pretty much everywhere in Melbourne has vegetarian/vegan options too.

I walked past the place because I live in the area and it just looked like yet another cafe that sells $20 toast. Melbourne loves to jerk itself off to expensive coffee and smashed avocado on toast with poached eggs - alienating 50% of the human race is a fantastic way to go out of business lmao

I'm just shitposting, I live in the Monash area.

Lol I'm at work and literally within 1km of Monash.

Tfw dramanauts are too close to home

Honestly though, a lot of the performative wokeness I read about online doesn't seem to extend into reality. I'm constantly hearing online about how SJW Melbourne is but it's mostly just extremely online people in Northcote.

Yep moved here from Brisbane last year and am annoyed I can only be outraged ironically 😤


literally work there

I'm constantly hearing online about how "X" Y is but it's mostly just extremely online people

It never began for blackopscells

The killing bloke

Fukken saved

This would be better if it wasn't a vegan restaurant. The man tax very well could have made no difference in it's closing.

You underestimate the amount of faggots that make up the male population. I'd bet there was tons of men going to this business, giggling like a little girl that they had to pay more to fight the good fight.

Where else would chaptards spend their allowance?

A "man" cannot live on the dew alone.

It sure worked in my 20s

being older than 23

lol old

Now listen here. My grandson didn't go to all the trouble of setting up this whole Internet thing on my computer just for strangers to be rude to me. My dad used to tell me "your never too old to learn new things" but also "your never too young to be nice". You might want to take a lesson young man hahahahaha

Based and boomerpilled

Top shelf gramps 👌🏻

Get off my lawn, zoomer scum.

Is 23 very early zoomer or very late millennial

  • Precise date range: 1995-2009

On the edge, yes, but zoomer nonetheless.

Where else would chaptards spend their allowance?

Hot Topic

There are more than a few aChe Guevara t-shirts sold there

Wearing XXL to own the bootlickers.

I'd bet there was tons of men going to this business

Not a very good bet imo

You underestimate the amount of faggots that make up the male population. I'd bet there was tons of men going to this business, giggling like a little girl that they had to pay more to fight the good fight.

Yeah,. can't fault their location.

Honestly male vegans seem like the types to hate themselves enough to shop at a place like this.

They may be biologically male, but...


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Unironically getting upvoted in politics

Male vegan here, identity politics/intersectionality/man tax are all bullshit.

Fuck this shop and fuck the owner. Good riddance, hope she gets financially raped in the fallout.



League of Legends

Is this turbo-austism?

Honestly male vegans seem like the types to hate themselves enough to shop at a place like this.

Honestly surprised they did fail given the reputation Melbs has.

Soy is vegan though

'The way the world responded (to the man tax) showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy,' the post said.

No bitch, you just spent way too much time in two chromosomes and thought a business idea popular in your online bubble would do well in real life.

"I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying"

Handsome Her is a space by women, for women

It's always confusing, due to the civil war in the LGBT community between lesbians and trannies, does this place accept them or kick them to the curb.

If it does accept them, can't i just say i feel like a girl to get around the man tax? If they try to say I'm a man i can hittem with the bigot line.


The way the world responded (to the man tax) showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy

It's honestly amazing. You open a business, impose a shit idea. You're shit idea gets the business closed, and instead of grasping any form of reality, you'd rather write it off as a progressive martyr.

Wtf is this srslongpost


Dude bussy lmao


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Nicely balanced portfolio there.


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Srs post but also that’s all of the world. Probably didn’t even try out the plan until they were going under anyways.

Imagine saying masculinity is fragile as a white woman. Holy shit, the delusion.

Because white women haven’t been oppressed by men?

White foids are easily the most pampered in America, sweaty.

This article is about upside down land.

Upside down land is somehow like America only more so: stupider and fatter.


Not even close.

I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't right.

Seems rude tbh

People like to pretend Australia is some paradise, but in reality it's what you would get if Arkansas was a continent.

You know what the smartest thing to come out of a white woman's mouth was?

Eisenstein's penis.

you managed to write einstein wrong

mad props

I imagine he was conflating it with "Einsatzgruppen", easy mistake to make.

SoRrY i DoN't SpEaK cHiNg ChOnG

Posting on my phone is always pot luck. Random factors are fun.

Nope, just an appreciator of fine cinema.

Maybe if she lived in Iran instead of Melbourne, I'd see your point.

Watch this white woman sexually assault a man in front of no fewer than three police officers and everyone laughs.

lmao he was asking for it fuckin gay boy

If they weren't so fragile they wouldn't be oppressed in the first place lol

Masculinity is fragile, but walking a dog is white supremacy...

If it's so fragile.... why do we have to work so hard to demolish it? Don't fragile things break easily?

Don't fragile things break easily?

They do, but tbf, women are weak.

Capitalism is patriarchy shitlord. Avert your male gaze and recognize the horrors masculinity perpetrates on female spaces.

What if she has huge tracks of land?

Chapo and Tranny should overlap by 90%

CTH, where people who never worked a day in their life fight for workers rights and trannies who can't order a pizza over the phone due to anxiety dream about communist revolution. Truly a magical place.

Pretty accurate honestly.

trannies becoming insanely vocal have been the best unintentional gift to the rightoids. Every single thing foids try to do gets shut down because someone always whataboutisms the trannies.

If these two dipshits manage to flee their creditors long enough maybe they can try again. This idea would be perfect for Portland.

Transgender people have honestly made cis women issues obsolete. Normal women are no longer going to be LGBT Allys anymore lmao.

I heard vaginaed women are now the actual homophobes, since straight men could care less if another dude looks at their dick-butt-balls combo. If you don’t eat your boyfriends scrum, sorry girl, you hate gays and you are literally Hitler.

Just a red line between 'politics' and 'muslims'

Boy, I hope someone got fired for that blunder.

I tried to color code it, but i started having an aneurysm tryna figure everything out. Red is love blue is hate or some shit idk.

Do you unironically work retail

Nah sales. Straight commission. If i worked retail i wouldn't be able to use my phone at work, and ugh that sounds horrible.

Wtf is sales. Do you like sell cars or just sell like cologne or some shit

Appliances and electronics. I considered going into car sales but the commission payouts aren't nearly as good as where i work currently.

So you dont get any wage at all? Or is it like min wage plus commission

Also how mich do you make per day?

Nah straight commission. My company gives me 120 a day, but i need to pay them off at the end of the month, which ends up being 2400 a month. Everything over 2400 is straight profit for me to keep. And idk, I've had days where I've made like 800 bucks in a day, and other days where I've made 40 bucks for working 9 hours. Just gotta have more good days than bad. Ac season is starting up tho, and most acs pay me like 15-40 bucks, so even just selling 10 to 15 a day is decent money.

Cool thanks for the information. I like to shit on retail people sometimes being an le epic stem lord but i guess sales can be pretty decent

I’ve got friends selling clothing on straight commission making $130k per year plus really good benefits.

and my shit smells like roses

Let me have your attention for a moment. So you’re talking about what? You’re talking about, bitching about that sale you shot, some son of a bitch that doesn’t want to buy, somebody that doesn’t want what you’re selling, some broad you’re trying to screw and so forth. Let’s talk about something important. Are they all here? … Well, I’m going anyway. Let’s talk about something important. Put that coffee down. Coffee’s for closers only. Do you think I’m fucking with you? I am not fucking with you. I’m here from downtown. I’m here from Mitch and Murray. And I’m here on a mission of mercy. Your name’s Levene? … You call yourself a salesman, you son of a bitch? … You certainly don’t pal. ‘Cause the good news is you’re fired. The bad news is you’ve got, all you got, just one week to regain your jobs, starting tonight. Starting with tonight’s sit. Oh, have I got your attention now? Good. ‘Cause we’re adding a little something to this month’s sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anyone want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you’re fired. You get the picture? You’re laughing now?

Sales is the guys that bullshit the client into buying stuff.

The way the world responded (to the man tax) showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy


Can you absolutely imagine if some based gays opened up a restaurant with a female tax

I'm sure we'd see a full display the unbreakable fortitude of femininity

Women already ruin gay bars.

Am I missing something or the line beetwen politics and muslims make no sense at all

Accusing your enemies of "______ fragility" is basically the same thing as when American boomers complain about millennials being offended all the time, even though their daily schedule is "1. yard work 2. get triggered by liberals/leftists on the internet and share Chapotard-style fantasies about mass execution of their political enemies 3. tweet directly at Donald Trump to thank him for his service every night before bed"

i'm happy that /r/drama's message is finally making an impact, trap gf's for everyone paid for by commie mommy.

It's always confusing, due to the civil war in the LGBT community between lesbians and trannies, does this place accept them or kick them to the curb.

The in-your-face woketards are usually pro-trans, or at least go through the motions of being pro-trans because they know that it's expected of them. If you ever wonder why /r/gendercritical users seem so miserable all the time, it's because TERFs are a hated minority literally wherever they go. The mainstream world hates them for being RF, and rose Twitter hates them for being TE.

No trump? That's not reddit.

If these foids had any business sense they would have opened a feminist steak house and sports bar, and then hired hot chicks in Slut Walk outfits to serve the food

Somehow I think they could've gotten away with the eighteen percent man tax there

I have an idea for them, maybe they should learn to code.

Hate speech!


Imagine being such a dumb vapid cunt that you think the shitty "man tax" idea you saw on TwoX was a good idea only to watch it blow up in your face. Furthermore, imagine being so utterly fucking pants on head retarded and self righteous that you blame your failure on everything but your stupid business practices

imagine being so utterly fucking pants on head retarded and self righteous that you blame your failure on everything but your stupid business practices

Having been around the world I can say Australia has easily the biggest save face culture of any anglo nation. Even in minor ways, -insert bad thing in australia- and every aussie in the thread is immediately pops up to distance themselves like it reflects bad on them personally.

imagine being so utterly fucking pants on head retarded and self righteous that you blame your failure on everything but your stupid business practices

Having been around the world I can say Australia has easily the biggest save face culture of any anglo nation. Even in minor ways, -insert embarrassing thing in Australia- and a bunch of Aussies pop up to personally distance themselves from it, as if it reflects poorly on them.

I'm glad they tried. I'm glad they were vocal about it. I'm glad it failed. There's literally no downside.

marketing 101 should have been 18% discount for chicks. not 18% tax for men

australians are retarded

They're in Brunswick. This is par for the course

you mean Melbourne

you mean Melbourne

Its the worst suburb in Melbourne for this garbage. Western Melbourne doesnt have this problem at all.

That was my idea Too

You dont ceeate a not-man only gym

You create a "womens gym"

The last article I saw about a women’s gym was of people complaining that the decor was too girly. They wanted exactly what the men had but didn’t want to be in the same space as them

Not Australia, just Melbourne which seemingly is a city of only greens voters.

marketing 101 should have been 18% discount for chicks. not 18% tax for men

But their whole shtick is that they're pissed off little white girls mad at daddy for giving them a privileged upper middle class upbringing.

Fuck I feel dumb as shit for not thinking of that.

You still have to make money on the food you provide and a week of discounts every month would sink you. The smart thing would be free coffee refills or something for women.

It's a change in name not dollar amounts you absolute cretin.

If it costs you 10$ to make the meal and you sell it for 15$ then you’re fucked if you offer a discount of 18% for your targeted customer for a week every month.

That’s just a retarded hemorrhaging of money on top of an already retarded idea for restricting your customer base.

Base prices would obviously be adjusted so that the after-discount price is still viable. It's truly incredible that you can't wrap your head around that.

What’s amazing is that you’ve come up with an even shittier version of their business plan.

Even they made it almost two years.

What's incredible is how you can't stop inhaling cocks

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Australian business acumen is an oxymoron.

'Australian business acumen' is an oxymoron.

Then you lose 100% of the virtue signal.


So nothing of value was lost

Get woke go broke

Daily Mail using "get woke go broke".

Even a boomer paper like this is spitting memes.

Current year +maybe the best timeline.

Vegan cafe
Vegan cafe
A vegan cafe
grilled bacon
chilli scrambled egg
crispy crumbed chicken
homemade béchamel with shredded cheese


Im gonna open two restaurants

One that claims to be halal while being kosher

Another that claims to be kosher while being halal

Now thats what i call epic sunglasses 😎

Surprising absolutely no one.

Laughs in Sydney

Fucking degenerate southerners.

All Australians should be lynched

Eat my convict ass

What a bunch of batshit insane leg beards

Patriarchy wins again! I cannot keep up with all this winning!!

Melbourne = Portland

Melbourne = Stupid Portland

You don't think it's possible, but it's true.

Aussies can't even do Australian food right... I can't even fathom eating Australian vegan food...

And that's a good thing

This website is absolute cancer without adblock, especially on my iPhone

18 cents per cent? That's like a 1800 percent surcharge!

Everything on their menu was ~$20, including fucking avocado toast. fuck the 18% tax what about the we can't make food economically tax?

The cafe actually closed because the womyn working there were consistently unable to calculate 18%.

I opened a restaurant where the prices are the same but women have to wait 63% longer for their food to combat the gender disparity in criminal sentencing.

I opened a family-style restaurant where the women have to pay for everything but only get food every other weekend.

If more men did their part for feminism and will fully gave extra money to the great owners of this great establishment, we could have seen real change. REAL. CHANGE.

Daily reminder that despite being 50% of the population men commit 99% of all crimes

Prolly find they mine 99% of all coal, generate 99% of all electricity, grow 99% of all food...

who cares it will all be automated soon

Valerie Solanas was hoping for that many decades ago, and yet here we are.

Of course the proper response would be for wimmin to step up and do their share, not wait for the good fairy to make machines do it all. "Institute automation!" they cry, thinking all they have to to is wave a hand-painted banner instead of do the hard part themselves.

We're a fucking sight closer to automating vaginas, and then where will women be lol?

Men have stopped most women from doing anything other than being housewives for centuries. We'll get there eventually :)

Yikes let’s unpack this racist dogwhistle

The way the world responded (to the man tax) showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy,'


I wouldn't mind seeing a few small scale civil wars in the USA. Having hicks finish off Rad Libs would be refreshing. Chapo would be too terrified to LARP for a while. Maybe the Hicks could do some public service and entertain the Chapocels desire for a civil war?

I think everything costing 20+AUD is the real reason this place closed down. Ain’t nobody can afford to eat at this shithole.

Who cares? Men are trash anyways.
