r/Anarchism: "The Dirtbag Left is fascist". r/Stupidpol really activates their almonds.

24  2019-04-24 by GodOfDarknessWine


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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I grew up in a single parent household on food stamps with my sibling who had down’s syndrome

I think he might not have been the only one.

That's an insult to people on the Spectrum.

I wish George Wallace was still alive. Then people would see what the real dirtbag left looks like

segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever

she is heroin of mine

Oh cool, I don’t have to read anymore of it. 😎😎😎 https://giphy.com/gifs/dab-dabbing-bill-gates-l0K4mbH4lKBhAPFU4

political subs were a mistake

I think most “anarchists” are shills and hate the anti-idpol left only because it is dangerous to the divide and conquer agenda they are trying to advance.

When the anarchist OP promotes horseshoe theory more effectively than most centrists could


Even as a (((white male))) i support idpol because i’d rather a KWEEN like kamala win then bernie who will raise taxes and shit.

"Emily" Gorcenski is a lunatic tranny. That's the issue. Apparently "she" worked for the DoD under Trump on weapons-platforms and then recently told someone they hoped they got droned.

That was the reason for the Leftist infighting (well that plus shes a fucking tranny lunatic who nobody should be listening to)