Chapocel rebels against his high school having a military celebration day by wearing an edgy "US Military are murderers" shirt. #BringBackTheDraft

159  2019-04-24 by GodOfDarknessWine


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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The wrong team won WWII. Either that or we need another one


Japs should have won and wiped out literally every other country obviously


I think we should have let the Italians win. It would be funny to see them incompetently try to run the world.

Italians winning anything

Cope harder Shitcilian 😂😂😂

My grandpa was Laziale, not S*cilian 🤬🤬🤬

That's still too far south. 🤭🤭🤭

I went too far south on your mom. Now she won’t stop calling me

Quality repartee right here. This is what keeps me coming back here.

implying weebs would exist if Japan won

Fat basement dwellers would never be tolerated by glorious Nippon occupation force. All working age moids would be destined for the mines. Enjoy your coal dust dakimakura.

Just plunge your bayonet into my boipussy and eviscerate me, otou-sama 🥰

Implying you wouldn't want to follow the rest of your village off a cliff because you heard the American rebels were coming

It would be funny to see them incompetently try to run the world

Tbf, they ran a big chunk of it pretty successfully for ~500 years until they got GOTHED.

The Chinamen wouldn't be a problem today if the Nips didn't waste resources trying to nip the US in the bud.

Polish imperium, when ?

Man in the high castle

Depicts and ideal although desptotic DDR tier stasi world order


are you implying the DDR is anything but ideal

are you implying the DDR is anything but ideal

There was literally nothing wrong with the DDR. The Spartakusbund should have just turned Germany commie in the 20s tbh.

wrong result of cuban missile crisis


Imagine my shock.

>implying Chapocels grow out of this after highschool

Sometime in their late-20s is when it usually happens I think

It's all dependent on when (if ever) they leave the basement

Nothing sadder than a 30 year old, wifeless, childless commie

Clearly not true.

Off the top of my head, there's a 31 year old, wifeless, childless commie. Or a 32 year old, wifeless, childless commie.


with capeshit fetish

Glad I'm only three of those things.

It's not like they're that much younger than the normal morons on reddit, but yeah lol

Even more than that, though, you know most the rest of kids in school were like "lol this faggot"




Gee, I can't wait till I get to hike school!

All Chapo-cels and young Maga-tards should be drafted into the next war (Sudan maybe, if we get another Libya type situation) and put on the front line. What we failed to do with boomers, we will accomplish now.

Next war is gonna be about water. Africa doesn't have a lot of that to be honest.

No but they have a population boom, which means migration and stressing other water resources.

Plus rare earth minerals which China is exploiting the shit out of.

True. Nigeria bring the forerunner of it in regards to population expansion. Oh well Embrace the imminent apocalypse.

I think the cue to embrace the apocalypse was when the Uber wealthy began openly preparing for Very Bad Thingstm. Spez even had an interview where he talked about having a motorcycle, gold, and guns, along with getting Lasik done, so he could be End Times ready.

Holy shit. I was kinda just posting that as a meme and binge watching walking dead. But since it seems the rich are preparing for climate change maybe we should invest in bake beans and Cadbury stocks while we can.

Good time to buy Cadbury stock, at its lowest now, only going to go up by next Easter

But spez is one of those retarded doomsday preppers

Every society ever has eventually collapsed. America is currently the oldest continuance government on Earth (or second oldest, depending on definitions). Being ready to survive without modern infrastructure isn't retarded.

Yeah but he bought an old missle silo here in Kansas and seems to think were going to defend him for gold we wont need, and not just watch him die and take his ammo stockpile.

I know a bigwig and his plan was pretty much my plan: learn a useful skill, flew to one of those redneck communities in the Sierras.

The key difference:he’s fleeing to Mammoth, I’m going to a literal blip on the radar.

Some people talk shit because Im social with some crazy militia types, Im like who the fuck are you turning to if shit goes crazy? Theyll want my food,booze and weed, ill want their ammo and general support.

Better have a way to make more food 🤷🏻‍♀️ Once it runs out your value decreases. Unless you’re a woman. Then good news!

Better have a way to make more food

here in Kansas


My plan in a Mad Max scenario is find the nearest muscular warlord and hawk my bussy, or overdose, or both

I don't really think so, rich people going stir crazy about the future or their lives or whatever is literally such a meme it was in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The whole climate refugee thing is way overhyped, because it will only get a certain % bad before the developed world says "lol fuck this" and genocides the third world completely. Then once we've gotten rid of ~3-4 billion people, the worlds resource situation will get a lot less dire.

If they have a population boom and human body is 70% water, they must have enough water also😤😤

Lol, it’ll be about oil youfag. Go watch peter ziehan

>still believing the oil foreign policy myth

bruh moment

You fuckingMong. Its not the US that needs oil. Its everyone else. Asia doesn’t even produce oil.

The US is about to pull out of the global police force, and everyone left won’t be so chummy chummy when we’re gone. So yes, JapsAndChinamen WILL be fighting for oil.

Stay in your uneducated little laneTard.

>still being wrong and this mad

bruh momento numero dos

Both Chapo-cels and Daddy-lovers agree that America sucks. We should field an all white-woman army.

"We're just pretending to be this edgy... but seriously want to be this edgy."

US soldiers are mercenaries for an empire that uses them as pawns on a global chessboard. It's not like the empire gives these soldiers who usually come out of and return to increasingly crippling poverty anything back. But there is no need to have sympathy with mercenaries who sell their souls for 30 shekels of silver. Or make that three...

May Allah protect us from the evil US empire. May Allah checkmate the evil US empire. Down with America!


There's no sense trying to get military personnel on our side of the revolution. Trans qts are all we need to win

I rarely check post history cuz its gay to do thst but i was wondering if u were a chapo fugee trying to fit in

That history is a big yikes

Shut you mouf

If you join the army you might get a chance at bussy finally

Literally the same as magacels wearing red hats to trigger the libs lmao

The maga hat actually triggers people, tapping a homemade sign to your shirt is just autistic.

Especially in HS, like dude, no one cares, get a life.

He literally says nobody cared.

This, but in no way the same.

US Soldiers are muderers

Yes, that's what soldiers do.

Kinda the job description.

Literally in the entirety.

Not if you're a pog

Pogs aren't people

Rip me

Don't lie on your resume.

Yeah lmao,

"Firefighters put out fires!"

Most of them are desk jockeys or repairmen of some kind.

You gotta get some safety pins or something tho otherwise it’s probably gonna fall off

Sir, put down the dangerous weapons and lie down with your hands behind your back!

Zero tolerance, don't ya know.

lol imagine asking retarded jimmy to please not safety pin stuff onto his shirt and he starts going off about it not being a weapon and how zero tolerance has gone too far.


But aren't CAutists zoomers too? Is this the great war finally?

Well I’ve aged out so...#bringbackthedraft #draftwomen

Take a closer look on how badly he fucked up the spelling of 'Afghanistan'


Wait so chapos are literally teenagers or discord t-slurs? I would have never imagined.

Chapos by age range:

teenagers 8-19

trannies 20-35

deceased 36+

teenagers 8-19


Man I wish I was that cool back in the day, maybe I wouldnt have turned out be an employed home owning loser if I had. 😕

Imagine being such a square that youre gainfully employed and have more than 500$ in savings

This kid probably fails his class, but tells himself he’s a lot smarter than the kids around him. He probably doesn’t go to prom because he doesn’t want be part of a capitalistic system.

implying he'd have a date for prom



Always are

that entire subreddit is either 16 or 35

zoomers and groomers

Armed forces worship is fucking shit.

somebody misspelled fucking lit.

When I was an edgy highshooler I made sure to screen print my edgy shirts none of that weak ass paper and tape

Time to transition so I too can feel oppressed by the draft.

u/ThunderBombLion how much ritalin do they have you on?

Man I bet he gets tons of girls with that swag on

It’s over for taping shit to your shirt cels.

I thought it would at least be a funny or cool shirt, but it's just cringy.

Sundowner did nothing wrong. What I'm saying is give war a chance.

This is the kid that flunked out of JROTC who we beat with soap filled socks afterwards be ayse he did exactly this kind of shit

Hey bro they're right I'll vouch for him.

Excuse me while I go and go kill some more koreans, I haven't met my daily quota

ohh baby gonna kickstart a revolution by taping dumb shit to your shirt

This is the person who tells you to post your penis on an online forum

The US military does do a good job at killing. What's incorrect about the statement?

or the reddit equivalent: "you sound like someone who doesn't know what you're talking about," most often coming from people who have absolutely no idea wtf they're talking about.

Oooh they're soo close to being sentient.

The only time a patriot takes a knee is to suck a hero soldier's dick

GenZ is the most radicalized generation I’ve ever seen (as a gen Z).

Good, you're only old enough to have seen your generation so that's clearly enough to comment on generational trends. Hippies must of been bootlickers to these new radicals.

So you’re attacking him because he’s anti war?