The Buttsex wars continue on GC. Hope you're ready to eat ass

32  2019-04-24 by Osterion


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I'm here to kick bubblegum and chew ass

gross. sounds like you're pornsick honey

and i'm - and i'm all out of ass

The fact that women exist who have learned to fetishise their own submission and degradation (sadly a lot of women since that is the only sexuality they are allowed to have in our society) does not in any way make it not rooted in misogyny.

There's an entire industry around dominate women old men pay large sums of money. How does this even make sense?

If women behave in a way not predicted by feminist theory, then they're brainwashed by moids.

r/Idfshill - why do you hate women so much?

Why is the sky blue? Why is grass green?

Based and red-suppositoried.


The answer to all of these is white men. Therefore you hate women because of men. This makes no sense pizza.

I mean just look at gc and you'd hate women too

You're only allowed to be empowered the way we say it's okay to be empowered.

- GC

Clearly you weren't reading the thread closely enough. If at any point a kink can't be related to degradation of women, it's porn sickness. Argument won.

Unless it’s his fetish, I don’t see how any guys puts up with using a condom with his girlfriend when she’s on BC.

Lmao, they're fucking married and using condoms.

Only the bull cums inside

Well, first of all, loving monogamous sex is how you catch STDs

Condoms aren’t even the most effective form of pregnancy prevention, if I remember from my biology class iuds have between 0.8% and 0.2% failure rate and condoms have an 19% failure rate

Iirc that failure rate is almost entirely caused by stupid shit like dicklets buying magnums

Gender critical feminism is the most effective form of birth control to be quite honest.

What kind of fucked-up stats did they find that said it's an 18% failure rate? That's not even remotely true.

Lol, I have had more than enough girls beg for anal and cumming inside them. Terfs are so stupid.

ew fag


Admitting to having sex with foids...

I fuck moids just as much. Being bi is true radical centrism

I don't see why the transphobes of this sub try to ally with them so much given how anti-bussy they are.

Bugger off

imagine being a speedrunner and thinking that you're less autistic for not being trans.

Hm? If anyone here is a speedrunner it is probably the trans gender.

You’re the one who posts in SamAndTolki, I don’t even play video games

Don't want to cum in a rubber bag every night? You're just porn sick.

Want to mix things up a bit and try anal? Porn sick.

Don't want to do nly have sex in the missionary position with the light off, only on birthdays and anniversaries? Porn SICK!

I think if a "heterosexual" man asks to receive anal sex then that would indicate he has a large degree of porn sickness.


When did feminism go from sexual liberation to complete kink shaming. Wtf kinda person dumps a man on the spot for asking about a common fetish.

ladies 👏if 👏he 👏thinks 👏women 👏are👏 hot 👏and 👏wants👏 to👏 fuck 👏them👏 he👏 is 👏porn 👏sick👏