Haha honestly probably not, I wonder if the platform has been getting more donations since Qanon followers have moved there. VOAT is also difficult to settle into as you need points to comment and vote and the locals tend to mass downvote people when they try to integrate if they show any sign of not being apart of that culture, its a weird place.
Why would you use voat? cause you cant use reddit.
Who cant use reddit? people worse than those who used CA up until recently.
Websites that try to fill a niche that already exists are filled to the brim with undesirables. Generally the first people to start using the alt-site are the ones not allowed/wanted on the main-site.
This vid talks about this more using vid.me as the example.
Too bad the FBI doesn't care about white nationalists
I guarantee in like two years we're gonna have shit on the level of christchurch every other month and Trump's response will be the Goebells' response of "If you didn't want to be slaughtered then why are you still alive ;)"
Too bad the FBI doesn't care about white nationalists
Doesn't the FBI consistently rank white nationalism as a bigger threat than pretty much any other extremist ideology? Seems like that's all I ever hear from the ADL and SPLC
Saying the FBI doesn't care about white nationalists is one of those glaring signs that someone is under ~25 years old. FBI crushed those groups throughout the 90s and it's taken two decades for them to even be remotely noteworthy (and they still aren't for the most part, the media is just crying harder about them)
The best thing you can do is lead by example. So eat right, stay in shape and act honorably in daily life. People are waking up to the anomic misery that's caused by a lack of culture and discipline. If you're reasonably intelligent and have strong principles, it will garner respect from even your enemies.
If this is my final message, live long and prosper!
The Rules of Acquisition was a fabricated anti-ferengi conspiracy by the Romulans and not a blueprint to subvert and influence the governments of the Alpha Quadrant
That's what I'm saying! Dude says live long and prosper, Spock's byline from the original series. It was an episode in 1968 that had the very first inter-racial kiss broadcast on American tv between Kirk and Uhuru. Kirk was always macking on some alien babes. It was groundbreaking at the time, and the complete antithesis to these ca dipshits.
I used to sub to CA. I don’t consider myself conservative or liberal. I lean both ways in different ways. But I like when stupid shit is called out, but radical stupid shit and conservative stupid shit. That’s why I’m subbed to both r/forwardsfromklandma and r/shitpoliticssays. But CA got overrun with shitbags once the nazis migrated over to it and I started seeing overtly racist shit on there. Maybe there’s still quite a few there determined to stick with it despite the nazis, hence why they wouldn’t be offended at a show like Star Trek TOS.
I don’t consider myself conservative or liberal. I lean both ways in different ways. But I like when stupid shit is called out, both radical, ultra-sjw/TERF shit and Ultra-orthodox, nazi/alt-right shit.
Analysis of /u/wes_bestern's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.
Account Created: 7 months, 17 days ago
Summary: This user does not have enough activity in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types. I don't trust them.
It was left wing for the 60's. Somehow I doubt they'd be up in arms over a show where captains complain about women on the bridge, and nobody has any issue with the green slave strippers.
It's chock full of shit that CAcels regularly get up in arms over, e.g. interracial love, intentional diversity, messages about peace and cultural relativism, post-scarcity gommunism, etc. And the creator was explicit about this being his vision for the future. CAfugees get upset over razor commercials so why not TOS?
Its old news, probably older than most of the people that would bitch about it. Just like how only the most insane of lefties would bitch about how politically incorrect super old books and shows are, only the most insane of righties would bitch about the political correctness in something from the 60's.
Basically people approach old fiction with a different attitude. They're more willing to overlook all kinds of flaws. That includes perceived moral ones.
only the most insane of lefties would bitch about how politically incorrect super old books and shows are
These people are insane though, and there have been some popular complaints over older media, e.g. Baby It's Cold Outside, The Rainbow Fish, Heart of Darkness, gangsta rap
True, but those usually get treated with extreme derision even by a good portion of the left, which is still evidence of the benefit of the doubt older media tends to get.
I think another large part of it is that the left has become popular and "mainstream" to the point where left wing insanity has an easier time making it into op-eds and such. People will take an article about how baby its cold outside is rape culture more seriously than an article about how star trek is actually globalist propaganda or whatever. Both are on the face ridiculous, but one can blend in.
Also the flip-side to left wing ideas becoming more popular and mainstream is that the right can find more present-day shit to bitch about, so there's plenty of supply and little demand for outrage.
It’s hard to win a war against terrorists when you’re stuck following the Geneva convention. I am completely and totally on board with free speech - even if it’s communist drivel. But when the same communist failures play dirty to try and take my free speech rights away, well, I’m willing to change my rules of engagement to defeat them.
Perhaps by engaging in the same stupid bullshit whining that they do, they’ll learn that it’s dangerous to build a system in which “wrongthink” is punished because wrongthink is determined by whoever is in charge. That’s why we have the first amendment.
Lmao can we immortalize this meme war LARPing as well
They tried all this crap with fph. If they get banned they're either gonna dwindle out on some obscure alt right messaging platform or do whatever happens on voat (so same thing I guess). Their recent threats of "spreading all over reddit" were the same as fph. Reality is, banning their community is going to kill it, as there's no good central place for them to get together to sperg out. They'll end up in the bottom comments of some defaults downvoted and banned for awhile with no support structure from one another or place to jerk each other off. Except for some increasingly fringe random messaging platform. Which will also weed out the more nomal posters and only leave the most fringe and dedicated deranged ones.
So they're basically screwed if they don't suck it up and do what the admins want, there's no idyllic second platform. Which is, and here's the secret, why the drama mods jump through so many hoops to not get banned. So everyone can come together and shout "bussy" into the void in harmony and feel satisfied with their lives.
The /r/drama mods honestly deserve medals for how much admin dick they suck and bend over for in order to keep this place alive. Thank you based mods for taking it like champs 😇
Voat is a platform made purely out of spite. Every post is spiteful, every comment is spiteful, they're all mad 100% of the time. It's honestly the worst "community" I've ever seen.
This shit website can only function because of the thousands of free hours of labor put in every day by janitors and the net result is that the vast majority of them are screeching autistic faggots.
I don't think anyone should moderate their subreddits. Why put effort into reddit when the admins or their bots can delete posts or subs seemingly at random. It happens here in r/drama pretty regularly and our retarded mods seem to actually try for some god awful reason.
i dont even know whats worse: that they think CA is such a valuable community that it needs to stay alive at all costs, or the implication that its members would be lost without it and therefore need to migrate rather than just call it a day.
nega just delete the sub and make a new cringesub with "loose" moderation and the same idiots will flock to it in due time
I thought mods get a temp ban when a sub is banned. This sub is getting banned. Why are powermods joining? I can't believe people like TiTs wouldn't flip out if they got a temp ban.
its a version of "black pilled" i think, and honestly probably the most understandable of all the weird online right wing viewpoints, essentially this world has become so absurd that you just laugh at it now instead of actually caring, /r/drama is surprisingly close to honk-pilled, if i understand it right, i dont spend a significant amount of time in extremist online circles (outside of /r/drama)
"Honk-pilled" is how I've generally always been, I never needed a fucking gay name for it though. And now it's going to become the next demonized viewpoint because of those retards.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-04-25
Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.
You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 SJCards 2019-04-25
Who knew the biggest cucks were coming from inside CringeAnarchy all along. 🤗🤗🤗
1 recriminology 2019-04-25
1 HUNTforREDcucktober 2019-04-25
Everyone lol
1 BlessThisBussy 2019-04-25
I guess VOAT wasnt good enough so they went with the second best shithole.
1 MGTOWWOM 2019-04-25
Bless 'em.
1 SJCards 2019-04-25
Seriously. Imagine running to a shitty Twitter clone. It's over for CAcels.
1 Zac1245 2019-04-25
Alex Jones uses Gab too doesn’t he?
1 spicwetbackbeanerboy 2019-04-25
...and [{(pebble hurl]})
1 prince_of_prussia1 2019-04-25
Redlist me on that goy
1 Iowa_Hawkeye 2019-04-25
Off to gab I go, l8r g8r.
1 Warbring3r 2019-04-25
2019 Twitter is a shitty clone of 2012 Twitter CMV.
1 Adjective-Animalz 2019-04-25
Could voat even handle CA’s weight?
1 BlessThisBussy 2019-04-25
Haha honestly probably not, I wonder if the platform has been getting more donations since Qanon followers have moved there. VOAT is also difficult to settle into as you need points to comment and vote and the locals tend to mass downvote people when they try to integrate if they show any sign of not being apart of that culture, its a weird place.
1 fraustnaut 2019-04-25
Why would you use voat? cause you cant use reddit.
Who cant use reddit? people worse than those who used CA up until recently.
Websites that try to fill a niche that already exists are filled to the brim with undesirables. Generally the first people to start using the alt-site are the ones not allowed/wanted on the main-site.
This vid talks about this more using vid.me as the example.
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-04-25
You’d think the FBI would have an interest in VOAT as a honeypot
2 fraustnaut 2019-04-25
I’d hope so 🤞🏿
1 martini29 2019-04-25
Too bad the FBI doesn't care about white nationalists
I guarantee in like two years we're gonna have shit on the level of christchurch every other month and Trump's response will be the Goebells' response of "If you didn't want to be slaughtered then why are you still alive ;)"
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-04-25
lmao look at this SRDine-tier take 😂
1 martini29 2019-04-25
It's true, you can deny it all you want but the Trump admin specifically stopped diverting resources to investigate domestic terrorists.
1 Black_Bird_Cloud 2019-04-25
let daddy help those boomers realize the dream of their lives and commit semi-organized suicide by cop
1 Painal_Sex 2019-04-25
Doesn't the FBI consistently rank white nationalism as a bigger threat than pretty much any other extremist ideology? Seems like that's all I ever hear from the ADL and SPLC
1 martini29 2019-04-25
They don't investigate it or do anything about it.
I mean they aint overtly funding it, yet.
1 cragfar 2019-04-25
Saying the FBI doesn't care about white nationalists is one of those glaring signs that someone is under ~25 years old. FBI crushed those groups throughout the 90s and it's taken two decades for them to even be remotely noteworthy (and they still aren't for the most part, the media is just crying harder about them)
1 BlessThisBussy 2019-04-25
Neat video, ty!
1 Osterion 2019-04-25
Lol, I thought it was suppose to be a free speech zone. Even reddit doesn't have a policy this circlejerky
1 SandorClegane_AMA 2019-04-25
VOAT be like 'some of them, I assume are good people ... but ...'
1 MGTOWWOM 2019-04-25
Weren't they all rising up not that long ago because gab banned child pornography?
1 SJCards 2019-04-25
I thought that was the KiA-cels
1 Adjective-Animalz 2019-04-25
What’s the difference?
1 M3mph 2019-04-25
Friendly reminder that Mo loved his lolli, thusly a lack thereof causes the KIA-cel to explode. Inshallah Callahan.
1 TrapoBrapHouse 2019-04-25
Mohammad (PUBG) was a true libertarian. 👳🏽♂️🧕🏼
1 automatic_cluck 2019-04-25
battle royale-cels btfo
1 high_side 2019-04-25
Snappy please immortalize this cope.
1 pepperouchau 2019-04-25
>ending your proclamation of traditional aryan manhood with a spaceshit quote
Where do they find these people
1 The_Great_I_Am_Not 2019-04-25
Especially Star Trek, which has had diversity and peace as a main theme all along, all the way back to the '60s.
1 Megazor 2019-04-25
Fully automated Space communism no less
1 high_side 2019-04-25
The real protagonists were the Ferengi.
1 Megazor 2019-04-25
The Rules of Acquisition was a fabricated anti-ferengi conspiracy by the Romulans and not a blueprint to subvert and influence the governments of the Alpha Quadrant
1 mylastaccsuspended 2019-04-25
it's funny how you need future technology to have working communism
1 jasos-2005 2019-04-25
1 Yilku1 2019-04-25
Posadas was right
1 snallygaster 2019-04-25
Come to think of it, why don't CAcels get triggered by Star Trek TOS? It's like the most blatantly left-wing activist show ever made
1 fraustnaut 2019-04-25
I've seen a few nerdy/autistic fash types online who really like the Terran Empire
1 degorius 2019-04-25
Hadnt the Terran Empire fallen apart and humans were slaves by the TNG/DS9 era?
1 G_B4G 2019-04-25
Give me your lunch money.
1 degorius 2019-04-25
Youll have to suck it out of my ass.😘
1 high_side 2019-04-25
It's called mining BussyCoin.
1 Chapocel 2019-04-25
Shut up Wesley
1 Sonicmansuperb 2019-04-25
I'm more of a Terran Dominion kinda guy myself
1 The_Great_I_Am_Not 2019-04-25
That's what I'm saying! Dude says live long and prosper, Spock's byline from the original series. It was an episode in 1968 that had the very first inter-racial kiss broadcast on American tv between Kirk and Uhuru. Kirk was always macking on some alien babes. It was groundbreaking at the time, and the complete antithesis to these ca dipshits.
1 Aqquila89 2019-04-25
Also, the guy playing Spock was Jewish.
1 Plexipus 2019-04-25
Yeah but Kirk was being mind controlled when it happened (probably by ZOG)
1 cheers_grills 2019-04-25
There was no muslims in it.
1 high_side 2019-04-25
Haven't seen TOS but TNG had basically no religion in it, except for backwards natives.
1 wes_bestern 2019-04-25
I used to sub to CA. I don’t consider myself conservative or liberal. I lean both ways in different ways. But I like when stupid shit is called out, but radical stupid shit and conservative stupid shit. That’s why I’m subbed to both r/forwardsfromklandma and r/shitpoliticssays. But CA got overrun with shitbags once the nazis migrated over to it and I started seeing overtly racist shit on there. Maybe there’s still quite a few there determined to stick with it despite the nazis, hence why they wouldn’t be offended at a show like Star Trek TOS.
1 westofthetracks 2019-04-25
you want a medal or something?
1 wes_bestern 2019-04-25
No. Of course not. I just want a congratulatory cookie and a pat on the back. Lol
1 AllyCiphers 2019-04-25
1 userleansbot 2019-04-25
Author: /u/userleansbot
Analysis of /u/wes_bestern's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.
Account Created: 7 months, 17 days ago
Summary: This user does not have enough activity in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types. I don't trust them.
Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform political discussions on Reddit. | About
1 wes_bestern 2019-04-25
Lmao. I had no idea this existed. That’s pretty cool!
1 snallygaster 2019-04-25
this is a sub for RADICAL centrism here pal, nobody's going to challenge you on this
Nah, revulsion towards TOS is surprisingly absent among the far-right in general.
1 Kyoraki 2019-04-25
It was left wing for the 60's. Somehow I doubt they'd be up in arms over a show where captains complain about women on the bridge, and nobody has any issue with the green slave strippers.
1 snallygaster 2019-04-25
It's chock full of shit that CAcels regularly get up in arms over, e.g. interracial love, intentional diversity, messages about peace and cultural relativism, post-scarcity gommunism, etc. And the creator was explicit about this being his vision for the future. CAfugees get upset over razor commercials so why not TOS?
1 Sum1Sumware 2019-04-25
Its old news, probably older than most of the people that would bitch about it. Just like how only the most insane of lefties would bitch about how politically incorrect super old books and shows are, only the most insane of righties would bitch about the political correctness in something from the 60's.
Basically people approach old fiction with a different attitude. They're more willing to overlook all kinds of flaws. That includes perceived moral ones.
1 snallygaster 2019-04-25
These people are insane though, and there have been some popular complaints over older media, e.g. Baby It's Cold Outside, The Rainbow Fish, Heart of Darkness, gangsta rap
1 Sum1Sumware 2019-04-25
True, but those usually get treated with extreme derision even by a good portion of the left, which is still evidence of the benefit of the doubt older media tends to get.
I think another large part of it is that the left has become popular and "mainstream" to the point where left wing insanity has an easier time making it into op-eds and such. People will take an article about how baby its cold outside is rape culture more seriously than an article about how star trek is actually globalist propaganda or whatever. Both are on the face ridiculous, but one can blend in.
Also the flip-side to left wing ideas becoming more popular and mainstream is that the right can find more present-day shit to bitch about, so there's plenty of supply and little demand for outrage.
1 snallygaster 2019-04-25
You're right in that the left-wing moral outrage is more mainstream, but I'm only speaking about the far-right, not mainstream opinions.
1 Gigantkranion 2019-04-25
Hey give me r/trumpgret
1 MinimumAdagio 2019-04-25
Nothing more honorable or worthy of respect than sharing memes on reddit and crying about how the world isn’t fair to mayos!
1 LucidHuckleberry 2019-04-25
Deaxdrama is soliciting snappy quotes
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-04-25
Lmao can we immortalize this meme war LARPing as well
1 heretobefriends 2019-04-25
I'm here to shitpost memes and walk with christ, and I'm all out of memes.
1 fernguts 2019-04-25
Suddenly I have a craving for lobster.
1 dramaac 2019-04-25
They tried all this crap with fph. If they get banned they're either gonna dwindle out on some obscure alt right messaging platform or do whatever happens on voat (so same thing I guess). Their recent threats of "spreading all over reddit" were the same as fph. Reality is, banning their community is going to kill it, as there's no good central place for them to get together to sperg out. They'll end up in the bottom comments of some defaults downvoted and banned for awhile with no support structure from one another or place to jerk each other off. Except for some increasingly fringe random messaging platform. Which will also weed out the more nomal posters and only leave the most fringe and dedicated deranged ones.
So they're basically screwed if they don't suck it up and do what the admins want, there's no idyllic second platform. Which is, and here's the secret, why the drama mods jump through so many hoops to not get banned. So everyone can come together and shout "bussy" into the void in harmony and feel satisfied with their lives.
1 BlessThisBussy 2019-04-25
😁🤗 Blessed
1 LieutenantBill 2019-04-25
Hear hear
1 DeweaponizedAutism 2019-04-25
The /r/drama mods honestly deserve medals for how much admin dick they suck and bend over for in order to keep this place alive. Thank you based mods for taking it like champs 😇
1 Chapocel 2019-04-25
They are like that ugly Asian broad who beat the Houston 500 gang bang record.
1 FarTooManySpoons 2019-04-25
Some chick fucked 500 dudes in one session??
1 Chapocel 2019-04-25
Oh you sweet summer child. And that's the tea 💅🍵
1 ironicshitpostr 2019-04-25
They’re still mods
1 cheers_grills 2019-04-25
Just because they enjoy it doesn't mean we can't thank them.
1 LucidHuckleberry 2019-04-25
they do it for freeeeeeee
1 Chapocel 2019-04-25
I guess the uggo at least got laid.
1 snallygaster 2019-04-25
it's easy when you have no sense of pride.
1 high_side 2019-04-25
1 snallygaster 2019-04-25
came here to say this
1 high_side 2019-04-25
Underrated comment.
1 eva_remastered 2019-04-25
you are wooshing yourself
I won't elaborate because you will realize yourself shortly
1 Coonass_alt 2019-04-25
i never posted in fph but by allah i carry their mantle, fuck fat people.
1 Plexipus 2019-04-25
Isn't that the endgame of the HAAS movement? 🤔
1 Shitposting_Skeleton 2019-04-25
FPH is probably a relatively bad example since many users just diffused into the less inflammatory fat-mocking subs.
1 Spysix 2019-04-25
They have to because if they continued their usual syntax, the admins will just ban that sub for sub ban evading.
You spread out, but you adapt.
1 Painal_Sex 2019-04-25
1 jacc1337 2019-04-25
👋 don't let the door hit you
1 automatic_cluck 2019-04-25
1 FullPoet 2019-04-25
Off you go then, refugees.
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2019-04-25
Why not Voat when that website is much closer to reddit in design?
1 Psyman2 2019-04-25
You can't censor voat.
The_Donald had the same problem when they went over. Their fun little party got disturbed by people calling them retards over and over again.
On Reddit they had their little safe space. On voat they got ridiculed like there was no tomorrow and couldn't do anything about it.
They came crawling back fast.
Besides, voat is permanently in danger of getting closed down because they ran out of money. Gab seems like a better bet overall.
1 oss_spy 2019-04-25
I wasn't aware that TD ever moved to Voat.
1 Psyman2 2019-04-25
Their mods made the sub private out of protest.
Some Admin drama, they felt oppressed and whatnot. The usual TD crap about deserving special treatment and brigading being fake news etc.
After a day they reopened the sub and everyone called to move over to voat. Mods went private again the same day.
After three days they came back and everyone who thought about trying out voat came crawling with them.
TD Drama was boring as usual, but voat was hilarious.
For some of them it was the first time in ages outside their safe space. They did not take it well.
1 MarioBuzo 2019-04-25
God, and I missed that. Shame.
1 xlhat 2019-04-25
Voat isn't pro Daddy ?
1 Psyman2 2019-04-25
One dissenting voice is enough. They can't ban them and they don't know how to deal with them.
1 xlhat 2019-04-25
Figures, although I was surprised that even Voat was too much for them.
1 Oh_hamburgers_ 2019-04-25
Voat is a platform made purely out of spite. Every post is spiteful, every comment is spiteful, they're all mad 100% of the time. It's honestly the worst "community" I've ever seen.
1 razzmataz 2019-04-25
Voat is garbage written in .net.
1 killtheconstitution 2019-04-25
CA is the reason I am pro suicide goading
1 Psyman2 2019-04-25
"We did nothing and Admins didn't appreciate that."
That being said, at least he has the balls to end it all.
Great drama, but it left a bad taste after seeing them getting kicked in the nuts over and over again.
At least he finally picked a hill to die on.
1 VidiotGamer 2019-04-25
Yeah, but who cares?
This shit website can only function because of the thousands of free hours of labor put in every day by janitors and the net result is that the vast majority of them are screeching autistic faggots.
I don't think anyone should moderate their subreddits. Why put effort into reddit when the admins or their bots can delete posts or subs seemingly at random. It happens here in r/drama pretty regularly and our retarded mods seem to actually try for some god awful reason.
1 LucidHuckleberry 2019-04-25
Hot take: mods should just quit and let the AEO group do the work.
1 Coonass_alt 2019-04-25
reddit won't go bankrupt but the bigger subreddits are already void of genuine discussion, its all marketing bots/shills talking to each other.
1 Voldim 2019-04-25
1 omegaclap 2019-04-25
And nothing of value was lost.
1 Iamaveryniceguy 2019-04-25
At least the CAutists won't breach our borders.
1 pepperouchau 2019-04-25
They might still try. Don't get complacent, brother!
1 Spysix 2019-04-25
1 Iamaveryniceguy 2019-04-25
How’s it goin boomer
1 Spysix 2019-04-25
It's goin' buddy, you comin over sunday for the grillout?
-Sent from my Motorola
1 Iamaveryniceguy 2019-04-25
Yeah ofc man, y’all should really try my Arsenic-infused burgers, people call em a killer!
1 Spysix 2019-04-25
sounds weird, is that from your forknife game, son?
1 maddestofcats 2019-04-25
" I'm a big-time free speech advocate, politically moderate in terms of values but aware of many statistics. "
This reads like a KiA post.
1 high_side 2019-04-25
This is the most benign-sounding way to say "I am extremely racist".
1 CherryKirsche 2019-04-25
Just because I am aware of the statistics presented in the 1911 published book of "The Races of Europe" does not mean I am racist, okay.
1 Chapocel 2019-04-25
As a black male ai have a huge penis.
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-25
jesus christ what a cuckmove.
i dont even know whats worse: that they think CA is such a valuable community that it needs to stay alive at all costs, or the implication that its members would be lost without it and therefore need to migrate rather than just call it a day.
nega just delete the sub and make a new cringesub with "loose" moderation and the same idiots will flock to it in due time
1 spicwetbackbeanerboy 2019-04-25
1 SpiceAndEvNice 2019-04-25
oh come on.
1 xlhat 2019-04-25
Why do some rightoids adore Nixon ?
Kissinger I can maybe understand but Nixon ?
1 razzmataz 2019-04-25
Nixon was the master cuck. He courted is wife by driving her to dates with other men.
1 Igihara 2019-04-25
Voat would've been a better option.
1 Lysis10 2019-04-25
I thought mods get a temp ban when a sub is banned. This sub is getting banned. Why are powermods joining? I can't believe people like TiTs wouldn't flip out if they got a temp ban.
1 elephantofdoom 2019-04-25
Name one sub that actually succeeded at going off-site.
1 high_side 2019-04-25
Red October.
1 KikiFlowers 2019-04-25
Literally every Q offshoot.
That's about it.
1 LucidHuckleberry 2019-04-25
1 Coonass_alt 2019-04-25
its a version of "black pilled" i think, and honestly probably the most understandable of all the weird online right wing viewpoints, essentially this world has become so absurd that you just laugh at it now instead of actually caring, /r/drama is surprisingly close to honk-pilled, if i understand it right, i dont spend a significant amount of time in extremist online circles (outside of /r/drama)
1 Spysix 2019-04-25
I brought this up once and got downvoted for pointing it out.
1 Milky_Stevens 2019-04-25
"Honk-pilled" is how I've generally always been, I never needed a fucking gay name for it though. And now it's going to become the next demonized viewpoint because of those retards.
1 Spysix 2019-04-25
I still stick with black pilled since we have a photo-pharmaceutical political pill theme going on
1 Milky_Stevens 2019-04-25
Yeah, black-pilled is a pretty good catch all. Dudes who can't fuck try to take it all for themselves, though
1 Coonass_alt 2019-04-25
1 MarioBuzo 2019-04-25
Here you go to the special people playground.
1 BeiberFan123 2019-04-25
Bye Felicia 💅🏾
1 UncleMoeLesta 2019-04-25
I was expecting them to go to the plebbit knockoff