Conspiracycels defend the military-industrial complex to spite the Chapocels.

21  2019-04-25 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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The bigger drama is how a repost from LSC in conspiracy, hits r/all with literally 99% of the comments saying how its a super naive opinion.

Can LSC not sound like pretentious faggots for one day???

Nothing like sending your kids off to die for the deepstate to own the libs

this but completely unironically

it's like summercamp but not gay

The military should be privately funded, donation based rather than using tax money collected from those that are against bombing deserts.

It works so well wherever its applied. Random bullshit checkpoints where civilians have to hand over everything. The military running large portions of the economy. Good times like in Egypt!

I think we can all find the strength to defend the evil military industrial complex if it’s to spite Chapocels. Spite Chapocels > Ethics every time.