Submitted drama of the day šŸ‘€šŸ‘€:"Police dogs, police officers and the ok sign. The bait is tasty and the lolcows bite."

167  2019-04-25 by le_epic_xd_part_2


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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This post was submitted by u/Thatsnotdemocratic ! Great drama!

šŸ‘Œ thank you akhi

No worries

What title,bb?

Idk, maybe creative writing for grill inclusion fetish spreads to smaller subreddits or something

Alright then

Thx. Maybe include "white knights abound" or something

I'll try my best

Is ok bb šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—

Can you submit this one

It's kinda lame and there is more drama on a different comment

But the title "AHS finally discovers who the real nazis are and it's the last person you would expect: the people posting there" just sound so sexy

The thread is full of chope: 1 2 3 4

And so on

This is pretty horrifying to be honest.

40% of the animals in this pic abuse their significant other. I am betting it's the dog and the one throwing up the racist OK sign.

I could be mad at such stupidity but I just laughed out loud at this one

Mmm no. The American police force came into existence for the sole purpose of preserving slavery... and with that- itā€™s inherently racist. Fuck anyone that signs up for a job that gives them the power to kill with impunity. There is no such thing as a good cop; theyā€™re all part of a spineless system.


hey you know that hand sign thing was a joke right>

im going to be mad at it anyways

t. reddit 2019

Big difference between throwing up a hand sign and drinking milk. All I know is that the terrorist in New Zealand threw that up and that for sure means Iā€™ll never do it again. He can have it.

When you let the white supremacists own you to own the white supremacists

I cant wait to do the okay hand sign when i find something tasty and cant talk

Tjen a rando takes a pic of me in that instant

Then posts on social media

Then ruins my life

Lol fucking owned mayocuck

Truly the end time of white civilization.

Judeo-white civilization thanks

Yikes its judeo christian sweaty

It never began for scubacels.

Even the fucking ADL acknowledged it was only a joke and almost everyone using it was being ironic, but redditors still gonna insist it's a real hate symbol.

Pepe the frog was also considered a joke and yet one of the major candidates for POTUS warned us about the frog

reddit's privilege-boner for police will never cease to amaze me. it could be literally ANY post involving cops and at least one redditor is going "acab" or "do you what else cops did this year!?". like the police are some secret illuminati organization. oh wow that was sarcasm but i just realized that there are some morons on reddit most likely believing that.

Burger cops are tards tho that's why i own a gun

one redditor


Yeah the cops got together oh we shot a criminal today and getting some bad press release the photo of the dog at his birthday party that will help us out.

LAPD sticking up for Bumfuck Alabama PD

levels of solidarity unknown to chapocels

Chapos: blacks only do higher rates of violence and rape cuz of systemic racism and oppression,

also chapos: kill cops they're literally all power trippingvwhite supremacists look at these three brown people who were shot last year

remember when Lenin said fuck the police and military and started antagonizing them to cause a revolution lmao

I am the walrus.

Based and pinnipedpilled

if only there was some kind of theory that could explain this phenomenon of both far rightists and far lefists using similar tactics under different contexts...

Perhaps represented by a shape where both ends are closer to each other than the middle.

Nigga theory


niggar theory

Damn niggars

Like a pool noodle supporting a fat person?

The ok sign campaign might be the greatest 4chan troll job of all time.

I dunno, I really liked the iWave hoax.

I really liked the HWNDU franchise

The "It's okay to be white" one was definitely their most effective campaign.

Even my normie coworkers know about it

That shit was insane. Seeing leftards get so insanely mad over an inocuous phrase. And ''look im not racist but it's not ok to be white''

"mountain dew: hitler did nothing wrong" will always hold a place in my heart. bonus shoutout to mtn dew: gushing granny

That shit still brings tears to my eyes tbh, is so fucking funny

It's amazing how apparently complicated this shit is for your average smooth brain neolib retard. They act like they have no choice but to take the bait, as if ignoring the retards on 4chan simply isn't an option. Notice how literally nobody sees Gritty, the Flyers mascot, as a leftist symbol despite dweeby leftists trying really hard for like 2 months to make it one? It's not exactly difficult to not entertain the dumbass antics of extremely online nerds.

Havenā€™t even heard of gritty being a lefty symbol

Because the left can't meme. You won't hear about things that are utterly irrelevant.

It's pool's closed and it's not even close.

What is wrong with me, those comments are genuinely upsetting me. Do americans really believe that half the population is nazis?

Do americans really believe that half the population is nazis?

Redditors, at least - coincidentally, the group that wants to #PunchAllNazis thinks the entire right wing are Nazis.

Also reddit is full of jelly Europoors, street shitters, and HAPAs pretending to be Americans in the comments and upvoting retarded cop hate Chapotarded circlejerking. Which unironically is a little disturbing because they probably are influencing a lot of young Burger gaymers and male rapists with the constant propagaganda.

thinks Europoors are brainwashing young Burger gamers

Europeans on Reddit are more on the "Yikes!" side of things. It's just the Brits who try to outdo the Americans with an ungodly amount of smugposting.

How can you tell them apart when theyā€™re all pretending to be Americans?


You're not talking about /r/Europe are you? Probably a lot of false-positives would come from that. It regularly hits all.

No. Nor the English language national/regional subs, like /r/Germany.

Good calls

The last thing I want to pretend to be on the internet is a liberal Amerilard.

Ahem sweaty. Male feminists. Not rapists. (Even tho they eventually do)

We have better shit to do then manipulate poor ameritards. They're stupid enough to do that shit on their own without us.

Only extremely online people do.

Nah, most Americans are pretty level headed. Some emotionally immature/damaged teens and NEETs think so though. There just so happens to be large percentages of them on certain subs.

Reddit is not a remotely indicative sample of America. I've been all over the West and have met thousands of people, and I've met only a handful of people who legit believe this retarded Chapo-tier shit.

I'm gonna do it!


how dare u



nigger stop you can't use the h-symbol


Those arenā€™t ā€œnormal peopleā€ tho

Aside from 2/5 of them having no hair, they look pretty normal to me.

Normal people donā€™t dress like lawless thugs and walk around with guns yelling about a ā€œwarā€ on them.

Are you sure your looking at the same picture as me? I see 4 defenders of the public and a cute dog who's happy he's doing his job.

Police departments, police unions, police dogs, and dispatchers do not make up ā€œthe publicā€.

That's why I said defenders of, not The Public smdh.

Re read my comment.

I think you mean 5 defenders of the public. šŸ˜¹

  1. Copcels were a mistake.

Fuck that pig scum. And fuck that mutt too Oink oink bang bang



Who hurt you sweaty?

Every single pig I have ever encountered.

I'm sorry they took your weed away

Every piglet Iā€™ve ever encountered. Except the dead one I spat on at the funeral




Who hurt you?

Yeah this aint it chief.

Wow. Go be a troll somewhere else.

Adults are talking here, manchild incel basement mommy boy.

Make me, tough guy

Alot to unpack here

So unpack it. Or go pack some shit. I couldnā€™t give a fuck less.

How did you end up in here of r drama of all places?

I donā€™t know. Just some dumb shit that snuck across my feed one day. Kind of like you ...

Ive heard better and more coherent insults from middleschoolers in fortnite talking shit than that lmfao

Yeah, and I bet you know all about ā€œmiddle schoolersā€, donā€™t you?

Imagine trying to dunk on me as a pedo when in circumstance i randomnly ecounter a middle schooler in a digital realm that i have little to no control over on who interact yet

You might be an npc buddy. Incapable of critical thought past whether you want popcorn or a soda when you see avengers later this week, you absolute mindless drone.

Your the one who said it, Chief. Not me. I donā€™t even know what the fuck ā€œfortnightā€ is. But if itā€™s like the fortnights I remember, it involves a tent, a backyard, and a bunch of kids staying overnight . Thatā€™s the fortnight I used to pay as a kid. I donā€™t know what ā€œnpcā€ is either, and donā€™t want to. If you donā€™t want your little feelings hurt then kindly fuck off my comment with your bullshit. You started this nonsense, not me. Donā€™t be mad at me when you get mad. Juts stay mad.

Its a video game grandpa get with the times. Thanks for le epic repsonse lolcow.


An NPC is a non player character aka a fucking 85 iq materialistic and superficial retard like you. Ur so mad rigght now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ

Oh a video game. Wow. Times have changed, I guess . ... ā€œA non player character ā€œ . Now thatā€™s just straight up BS becuse anybody who knows me will tell you Iā€™m nothing if not a PLAYER. This comment thread alone should prove that.

Is this comment created by machine learning lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ aka AI for an obtuse retard like you

Holy fuck what a find today

Iā€™m still trying to figure out if Iā€™m a grandpa or a moms basement dwelling incel kid. Let me know when you make up your mind lol

Are you black?

If I told the truth, Iā€™d probably be banned from this shitshow of a sub. So, Iā€™ll refrain from answering.

You just post alot in police and i was curious why you love cops so much! I love cops! One of my friends is a cop and hes cool.

Also why would you care about being banned from a sub you dont like lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Who said I donā€™t like absolute shitshows displaying the dregs of humanity?? I like a good laugh as much as the next guy, Are you a girl? Cuz you Project a lot shit. The way a girl would. A teenage girl.

Nah im a moderately upper class white guy proud of western civilization and culture.

What do you think about trump?

I think he is a potbelly goblin. And I love the fact that Evangelicals and Fundamentalist Yā€™all Quaeda have embraced him.

Wtf is fundamentalist yall quaeda

Also are you the only black guy that motocrosses

Google it. Or better yet, ask somebody here in this sub. They always use weird ass words to describe groups of people they donā€™t like. I donā€™t have the time or the patience to explain it to you.

Your bike is a pussy bike, the only bigger pussy is when you ride your lame little pussy bike, riding such a pussy bike is a pussy hobby.

Why did you take up a pussy little hobby? Was it because there was already a drag queen in your neighborhood?

Hi, StoneColdStinkAustin!

I am here to wish you well, and hope this year is your best one yet!


I didnā€™t ā€œtake it upā€, been riding when I was 3 before I even really had a choice in the matter. And I could probably walk in heels better than your stank ass whale of a wife.

Are you an american? What do you think about trumps immigration policy?

Of course Iā€™m an American. And I wonā€™t speak on a policy as if Iā€™m talking about an actual policy when said policy doesnā€™t actually exist, except in hamfisted incompetent ground level cruelty for crueltyā€™s sake. There is no coherent plan, no administrative practices such as keeping track of the kids they separate, and nowhere to put the people they keep . So , Rumplethinskin doesnā€™t actually have an ā€œimmigration policyā€, per se.

He definitely has a policy to build the wall lmao dont get all semantically pedantic over the definition of a word

At anyrate does illegal immigration effect the employment black americans?

When you donā€™t bother to even keep records of the people you detain and separate , it damn sure is a lack of policy. What elseā€™s would you call it?

Lots of this was going on before his term fwiw

You didnt answer my question

I donā€™t recall Obama having 3000 missing kids and no idea where he put them. Nope, canā€™t say I remember that,

Im talking about his border stuff in a broad scope. There were camps under obama, not just trump

Also do you know where prussia is?

Obamas facilities were there, and still are, but again, none were under bridges or out in the open sun. They just werenā€™t.

You know I have royal german junker blood in me. Prussia represent

Just wanted to flex on you with that.

Whats it like to not have noble blood?!? Lol šŸ˜‚

Id be sorry if i was a peasant like you.

ā€œPeasantā€???? There you go whitewashing us again. We were never given the chance until the last 40 years or so to be peasants. The other 300 years we were SLAVES.

Peasantry is a european and other nation concept. There is no Nobility in the usa, other than the upper class people like me with money. Peasants mean people without noble blood. Now in the usa youd be a lower class worker. A pleb. A rube.

Since youre black you cant be a peasant. Youre either the chief or a follower of a chief. Ironic how i know more about your people and your structure than you do. Read a book on the bantu some time

Well, we are told and programmed to not think of ourselves as ā€œAfricanā€ Thatā€™s ā€œrace baitingā€ they tell us. We are to be ā€œAmerican ā€œ But they hate us when we do that, too

I agree with you there

If Trump has anything to do with it, we will have a new nobility called Trumpility.

Lmfao dude you are glorious if youre sincere in that belied

The usa has been an oligarchy more or less since the industrial revolution

If you dont have fuck you money, youre a nobody

Wait, but I thought Trump was a ā€œson of an immigrant who started with nothingā€ and ā€œpulled himself up by the bootstraps from nothingā€?

Yikes i dont think you know what an oligarchy is

I know they didnā€™t ā€œstart at the bottom and pull themselves up by the bootstraps from nothing.ā€

The usa is a oligarchy ruled by the rich and is basically a plutocracy

Anyways trumps dad came from nothing and gained his fortune as an immigrant from germany. Feel free to read the wiki page

Additionally id love to see you turn 1 million dollars into a billion like trump did

Note thats a return of 1000x okay sweaty?

I put it in my other comment as an edit. But Iā€™ll say it again. If illegal immigration affects black unemployment but not white unemployment , then you are to admit that blacks systematically get paid less for the same work than whites or are hired less. So , I donā€™t know šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø You really want me to answer that?

Latinos arent white tho

Unless they are near castizo status

Most of the illegals from mexico are mestizos

And that has what exactly to do with either of our comments?

Nothing I misread ur comment the first time and thought u were calling the illegal mostly mexican immigrants white

Also dont put words in my mouth. Blacks and latinos compete for lots of the same low skill labor. Whites view themselves as "above this work" so they dont compete in the market at all

So how do the whites who see themselves as ā€œabove this workā€ support themselves?

They pursue other careers like blue collar work or go to college to usually get some meme degree to have an office job

And black folks donā€™t ?

Are you dense or just playing the fool?

No, Iā€™m calling you out. Making you spell it out.

Jesus Christ you must be young or scored lower than 1000 on the SAT lol

I feel like im talking to a kid

Iā€™m refusing to let you have it both ways. Either illegal immigration affects blacks more than white or it doesnā€™t. Period. And if it does, whatā€™s the reason for that?

Its honestly a low effort troll question to get racist views from people

ā€œRacist views ā€œ? Like what?

Ayo what about whitey and shieeet is what you went to right out of the gate

No, you were the one who insisted blacks are affected more by illegal immigration. I juts asked why. You provided several mundane everyday reasons that whites are less affected, as if blacks donā€™t do all those things.

Those are all not low skill labor

Shit like being a farmhand or a gopher at a construction site, working retail, etc

Anyways dude see you later its hard doing rhetoric with a caved in head wojack meme irl

ā€œLow skill laborā€ I donā€™t think you really know what this word means. Makes sense, too, if your are ā€œroyaltyā€ as you have claimed.

Holy fuck man you must be younger than 18

Google lowskill or unskilled labor.

Skilled labor is what blue collar people are, like plumbers and electricians and include white collar people like me that are engineers

There is skilled labor in retail, all retail is not ā€œlow skillā€ you meant to say ā€œcashierā€ but as royalty I can see how you would juts homologous the whole industry

Dude lmao thats the most retarded take ive hears on labor in a while

How hard is it to fold clothes and operate a register? Literally can learn that in a day. Thats low skilled.

Itā€™s probably not as hard as managing them šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø

So you manage retail workers?

I have in the past, yes.


No u

Ooooo scawwyyyy

implying you can pull your micropenis out of your fat folds


Biker, this ain't your turf. We love the blues here šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ‘®šŸæšŸ‘®šŸæšŸ‘®šŸæ

Exactly. Copsuckers gonna cop suck. Which is why I love this shitshow.

How's school going?

Itā€™s better than ever.

Have a good time at recess?

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ā€œBanal hatredā€ LoL Good one, I like it.

How long before you an hero?

English, please.

How long before you choose to voluntarily cease your brain activity by disturbing the peace of a police officer?

Oh, I dunno How about never

Keep yourself safe.

Get a ticket for speeding, dedicate your life to crying about the police on Reddit.

That's proportional.

I havenā€™t had a speeding ticket in ten years. Howā€™s that for proportional?

Doing this for an entire decade seems like a perfectly ordinary reaction. My apologies.


Has mummy upgraded your PeeWee 50 to a 90 yet, motoman?

Funny , I donā€™t see any bikes in your page. And no, your mummy did.


Don't worry, you be allowed out of the front yard soon too!!

Must suck to be a spectating scrub. Have fun watching at the races!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ½

Your comment history is gold even if it's one month old

Racing mummy to the letterbox isn't real racing

I'm just assuming your age, based on your galaxy brain takes, might be wrong..

I donā€™t have a mummy, but if I did, she would race!

Race to go down, amiright?

Race is going down this weekend, yes, was postponed two weeks ago due to rain. I expect you to be at the truck with a cold Gatorade when I pull off after my Moto . And makes sure your bussy is clean!

Pffft, imagine being anything but a cager. Soggy n cold ain't my thing

I betcha your hi-vis looks good tho, yellow canary fucker

Your girl said soggy, cold and limp is definitely your ā€œthingā€.

Oh sweet! You got a motersickle? Is it a haley?

I got a whole garage full of motorcycles. Not one Harley tho. I only do it in the dirt.

Sweet, I only do anal too. Maybe I'll plug your bussy one day if you're luckyšŸ˜˜

You couldnā€™t afford it.

But I'm probably the 2nd richest drama poster, right behind /u/notch, he created minecraft

Even if you could afford it, my garage is already full of motorcycles.


There's way better drama in the rest of the thread tbqh

I linked that chain for the sake of not posting the whole thread


t.national hero

Finally thereā€™s a percentage lower than the number of trans people in existence: the number of people who use the ok hand gesture to mean white supremacy

Iā€™m still trying to figure out whether Iā€™m a base,ent dwelling incel kid or a grandpa. Let me know when you make up your mind. šŸ‘šŸ½

Better than ever.

Google it. Or better yet, ask somebody here in this sub. They always use weird ass words to describe groups of people they donā€™t like. I donā€™t have the time or the patience to explain it to you.

We were brought there in ships in chains and split off and sold on blocks. Iā€™d love to tell you about my bloodline but thatā€™s all I got cuz or history and Heritage was Stolen.

How did no one spot the white-nationalist, pro-segregation, "keep the colors separate" flag on the gift bag there? These anti-racist watch dogs are loosing their edge.

If it was an oligarchy then Trump wouldnā€™t have won

Thatā€™s becuse all we are to you ( whites in general ) are thugs, basketball stars, rappers, football players, or movie stars, pimps, or drug dealers.

When I dropped 10k on my brand new Husqvarna. Or 35k on my truck. I wouldnā€™t exactly call the guys who sold them or filled out the paper work ā€œlow skilledā€ But I guess that is low skill stuff to a Royal like you

You can dislike an institution but realize every member of it isn't a horrible person