A zoomer biker scoots his way in r/drama and decides to proudly share his banal hatred for the police. Day of the timeout when?

36  2019-04-25 by le_epic_xd_part_2


No Snappy for this thread? Was our beloved bot a secret CA poster?


their post history is šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ

We have 7.6 BILLION on this planet. Please Stop acting like your sperm deposits are saving humanity from going extinct . And itā€™s breeders who mooch and drain the most resources; economical, natural, and human( for the most part ) and thatā€™s why we have taxes. But us non breeders are also forced to pay even higher taxes at the end of a gun, for many services we do not use. So, essentially, from an economical standpoint, itā€™s the Breeders who are the leeches.

passionate zoomers are the next evolution in lolcows

Overly aware of too little, no ability to think, and every ability to just smash their thoughts into posts lmao

Now thatā€™s just straight up BS becuse anybody who knows me will tell you Iā€™m nothing if not a PLAYER. This comment thread alone should prove that. The guy saying ā€œsomething something Herka derka yer momā€™s basementā€ is here to school me on all the new video game pods the kids are playing these days. ā€œ ā€œItā€™s a video game Grandpaā€ LMAO you are fucking neurotic . If I could make this shit up Iā€™d be rich.

He's just a fountain of Copypasta

So unpack it. Or go pack some shit. I couldnā€™t give a fuck less.

Someone is mad on the internet today boys

shizoposters smh

I was arguing with some CTH folks in that thread about the šŸ‘Œsign. He hoped I got put in the gulags and eaten by guard dogs. Fun times.

Ah, to be a 17 year old anarchist philosopher genius.

They definitely have it figured out.