TayTay’s new song is the whitest thing I’ve ever heard.

20  2019-04-26 by Ghdust2


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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That video is full of white supremacist dog whistles.

  1. rainbow colors

  2. white people


tfw nobody cares about Illuminati subliminal messages anymore.

is it over for Illuminaticells?

Don’t worry you can still tell that the Illuminati are behind the growing racial tensions. That whole video is proof of that.

I think you mean esoteric stuff

There's like 150 million boring white burger foids exactly like her. Imagine being this bland yet paying people with taste to come up with an Umbrellas of Cherbourg homage to make you seem like you're not a hick.

god her French was absolutely abysmal, too. Can guarantee she never even saw the movie in the first place. The primary love interest does not work out. However, much like the Algerian crisis, the music video involves a lot of torture to get through, so props for the historical accuracy.

Thumbnail screams the Wiggles

I seen the red wiggle at a live event a few year ago in Melbourne.

I renounce my whiteness so as to not be associated with this color scheme.

Taylor Swift - ME! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco)

That gotta sting a little for Brendon Urie.

I chimed in with haven’t you people ever heard of?

I hate myself for liking this song

Stupid foids, I’m sticking to pink ponies.

That's the worst French accent I've ever heard, I'm offended by this disgusting cultural appropriation. Tay Tay is NOT queen, she's cancelled y'all

Which is especially funny because she ripped it off from a black woman

the song tay stole

lol snake

This is the worst pandering to the sodomites since Katy Perry was alive.

She's dead right?