Introducing r/Capitalism_In_Decay, LSC's baby subreddit. Commies praised the virtues of shoplifting.

110  2019-04-26 by GodOfDarknessWine


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. This Post -,,,

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Yes but what if this trend was accelerated ?

Of course they're pussies who "fuck the system" by shoplifting.

2 months old

no fun :(

As if the left needs yet another fucking sub.

Of course they do, lefties can't stand each other. The optimal amount will be one sub per leftard.

Why are they always so 😴😴 about it. When I think shoplift first thing that comes to mind is this.

My work literally does the opposite of keep me in poverty.

They wouldn't know because working for anyone means leaving the basement.

Stealing from the proletariat to own the libs 😎

Armed uprising? No

Helping oppressed people? No

Civil Disobedience? No

Shoplifting? Yes

Man fuck these faggot rebel wannabes, they're just using "the system" to justify there garbage actions.

Almost like that's what extremists have been doing for a long time.

helping oppressed people

It appears the leftoids here have been emboldened since CA got shoah'd.

Anyone trying to do any of the first three things is even more embarrassing than a shoplifters, cmv

Helping oppressed people is embarrassing?

Imagining anyone in the first world in 2019 is "oppressed" by anything other than their own bad decisions is as embarrassing as believing you can do anything to meaningfully help people who are actually oppressed, like the Chinese and anyone in a Muslim shithole.

He didn't say "oppressed people in the first world"

Them and trashy defend shoplifting

So r/shoplifting 2.0? Maybe the admins will delete it...

Yeah better resist against capitalism by stealing milk duds

You'd think that people who want workers to own the means of production would also want them to control the fruits of production, but nope those belong to whatever lumpenprole feels like taking them.

As much as I hate Chapo, at least their sub doesn’t have a pinned comment on every post saying you can’t debate or question anything posted there. It seems like a bad idea to to have a political sub that is also a safe space.

I remember my first job at the Wal-Mart when I was 18. Our bonuses (if any) were decided based on revenue and because retail margins are fairly thin, we had to control shrink (loss of product due to theft/spoilage/etc). Nothing better than stealing from these large corporations and then endangering the bonuses of their 9 dollar an hour employees to stick it to the evil capitalist overlords.

Smh we should just go biblical on them and cut off their hands tllile the Saudis.

who the fuck steals a stapler lmao

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Yes, steal from the corner shop run by immigrants and therefore making them lose profit. Actually worse than leeches, smh.