The boats of cringeanarchy make landfall in /r/gamersriseup. How will the locals react?

40  2019-04-26 by Osterion


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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There ain't no drama there other than some retard spamming 'nigger' and being downvoted

True, but the serfs there are already shaking rn

I thought it would develop as I slept. But yeah ur right

Lovecraftian poetry peaked in 1912. 😞😞😞

I suppose pinging the little faggot is pointless as he's prolly already benned.

Hey /u/RealChrisLangan... are you really Chris Langan? Didn't you play the laughing centurion in the Bigus Dickus scene in Life of Brian?

Didn't you get caught with a shit ton of kiddy-porn on your hard drive? That you?

Not banned. Even if I was it wouldn’t do anything you fucking virgin. How does it feel to be a virgin and ignorant of information technologies? Must be nice being stupid and not knowing what being with a female feels like.

I bet you want to kill yourself. Fucking homo. Go ahead and become a trap. It’s what all you gamer faggots do anyway. Unfortunately, some of us have biceps and shoulders that of a man.

How’s that third grade physique treating you? You fat as fuck? Got pimples? Well you might be a gamer then. If not, you’ve got nothing else to live for.


What a mechanic response. My only question is: do i feed it coins, or more teenage complexes.

You feed it your mother’s ovaries. Along with you daughters, sisters, wife? Grandma? I don’t give a shit.

I’m your dad now kid.

Finally a kindred spirit who also awaits for humanity’s consumption! Have you heard of the glorious dinosaurs 🦖 and their inevitable return from the plasma fold?

That sub has barely anything to do with games anymore