Imagine getting your account suspended over a capeshit movie lmaooo

117  2019-04-26 by longfacepug


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

lol I don't see how this possibly involves Brie Larson #fakenews


Captian Fungus 🤤

taking one for the team

i'm sorry someone ruined your life by spoiling children's movies sweaty

Capecels BTFO

Can't we laugh at both sides of the autists 🤔

/>caring about spoilers for a movie adaptation of a 200 years old comic

oh I am laughing

You don’t have to care about the spoilers to find the people doing it to be asocial autists.

literally both the people posting spoilers and the people crying about it are huge spergs.

/>caring about spoilers for anything


You can tell whoever made this was s e e t h i n g

Thanos dies in the first five minutes, but has already destroyed the stones, so they go back in time and get the stones. Then, Scarlett Johansson dies, and Nebula from the past switches with the future one and brings Thanos back from the past through the time machine. Hulk uses the stones to bring back everyone, and Thanos fights them with his army. Thanos gets the stones, but Iron Man gets them back and kills Thanos with them, but dies in the process. Captain America goes back in time to return the stones, but stays in the past and now he's an old man.

It's weird you'd type this much. What type of person do you think reads the first clause and is like "Hmmm, yes, I'll keep going"? Surely no one that would care, right?

It's a copypasta fagatron

And? Someone was dumb enough to type that all out. And you were dumb enough to copypaste it lol

So again: What type of person do you think reads the first clause and is like "Hmmm, yes, I'll keep going"? Surely no one that would care, right?


Weird move

You're right. "Dumbledore dies" was a much better spoiler because people would spoil themselves before they'd even realize what they were reading

Exactly. A paragraph spoiler is just autism, on behalf of the person writing/sharing it.

I don't even know what nebula is lol

Not sure, it's one of the superheroes I think

If that is the plot lmao how lame

every single one of these "spoilers" I read about the movie sound so dumb that I can't tell which are real and which are fake

It doesn't matter which ones are real, as long as you trigger capeshit fans

Being on a “team” in this is as autistic as being on the capeshit team.

even if you're not on a team, then you're on the team of the people not being in a team

Ye and it's called radical centrism shorty

All roads lead to radical centrism

taking one for the team. the team being functional adults

Functioning adults don't give a shit about this, except maybe during the three hours they're watching the movie because their friends dragged them.

Functional adults who seek to anonymously post the plot of a new movie on internet forums on the off chance they ruin someone's experience xD

Functioning adults go "oh new movie, maybe will see it if I have time, seems to be pretty popular" and that is the end of that train of thought.

Thanos and the Avengers have a massive sex scene at the end of the movie.

I'm no capeshitterfan but...


Yeah I got a mega boner in the film.

Purple benis incoming!

Thanos actually comes out as trans

Groot is actually a girl and in love with Raccoon man. They have a weird tree-raccoon hybrid baby at the end

The sound of his bulging infinity stones slapping against her lack of an ass was wonderful.

is there toe-sucking tho

They run a train on Captain Marvek and agree to settle their differences, thus Captain Marvel saves the universe

fucking cant wait for this capeshit nonsense to be over

Might as well take a toaster bath because it's gonna be a while unfortunately

I think the only way for this cancer to go away is to shame all capeshit fans until they stop seeing them.

i thought that when they started making live action spiderman, imagine my joy when they've turned every possible character into it's own multi-movie franchise then jumbled them all together in a meaningless vomit of contradictory and painfully predictable bullshit. It's not going to end either, it's too entrenched in peoples minds now - the entire rest of our lives we're going to have 'funny' calls backs to capeshit in every single bit of shit that's forced down our throats, quirky people are going to define their personalities by the shit films they watched in their youth and throw endless stacks of money at whatever tacky crap is being marketed at their nostalgia. It's going to be way worse that starwars, and the next le wrong generation are going to be running around acting like all this capeshit was the height of human culture and even in the retirement home you won't be able to avoid it....

you spent all that time writing that kinda cringe 🤣 tbh😬

It's been like a decade already. It's never gonna end

doubt it was solely the nerdrage form the spoliers. the google cache of his profile has him posting typical edgy fan service all over the barely on life support fan sub for opie and anthony.

That makes a lot of sense

Plus he spammed that in hundreds of comments, the spam is what likely got him, not the spoilers themselves.

spoilerposting is the ultimate cope

You need to be coping with something to cope, you fool

Lmao gottem

Quoting Hitler unironically to advocate for violence

Spez: That's fine

Spoiling a film

Spez: WTF. This is too far.

Since when quoting Hitler unironically to advocate for violence is considered fine on this God forsaken website you fucking faggot. I bet you're one of those retards who think Reddit is a problematic alt right space or whatever the fuck

Hi, TheMayorOfHounslow!

I am dropping by to offer you a robot hug! I hope the rest of your day is fantastic!


kill yourself


Stfu somebody ban this faggot, not on my drama

No, I was referencing when ANTIFA/LSC started to use this quote

"Only one thing could have broken our movement — if the adversary had understood its principle and from the first day had smashed, with the most extreme brutality, the nucleus of our new movement"-Hitler

To justify bash the fash.

Too high IQ for my weak intellect

this sub needs to autoban anyone who has ever posted to r/marvelstudios

Unless it was spoilers. In that case, Mod em.

Should be a higher priority than banning CAfugees honestly

It was pretty bad even for capeshit tbh.

Am I the only one noticing the username in the second pic is not in the first one?

Look at his username. It tells you what other kinds of comments he made that actually got him suspended.