Foid nerd drama when they feel personally slighted as an iconic villain deals with his obsessive, obvious deranged fangirl stand-in the way he deals with everyone: murder.

169  2019-04-26 by Nom_Chompy


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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We begin with an (unnamed--yikes)

why is that a yikes? why is a one-shot bit character not being named a "yikes" to this vapid cunt?




Daily reminder that letting femmeroids have social media was a mistake.


Sorta goes without saying tho.


Content warning

You are a private twitter page, not network TV.

Men can't write

oof yikes that's gonna be a "You are retarded" from me

Lol women can't handle any criticism at all

Unironically thank modern feminism for that

As a fangirl, I feel directly called out.


Foids were a mistake.

Twitter thread


This is super gross. You need an ice cream cleanse.

Being fat will definitely help her problems

Mindless zealotry to soulless corporate pop culture is one of the few flavors of drama that manages to jade me more than entertain; nothing else manages to summon fantasies of back-to-back world wars and economic crashes which are as unironic as they are fleeting.

Imagine projecting yourself onto a character that appears for all of five seconds then creating an alternate histiry of events to compare it against to vindicate your pathetic cope.

Truly a cautionary tale we should all take to heart in our search for strong totalitarian bussy 😍😍

Dude bussy lmao

Less disturbing than the people fantasizing about Adam Driver’s wife dying so he can marry Daisy Ridley.

lmao a villain acting villainous is somehow misogyny? what the fuck was supposed to happen, this dude who has literally murdered children is gonna suddenly fall for this dumpy cunt?

themarysue continues being a laugh factory.

All the nerds were talking about it tbh. I’d link Polygon and Moviebob’s Twitter rants too but I’m too lazy.

so what, were they expecting Vader to just care about this random character or something? the dude chokes his subordinates with his mind on the regular, why do they think he's gonna give a shit about some nurse with crazy eyes?

good god i don't even like the star war and yet here i am.

They felt called out for being obsessive, deluded and annoying womanbabies (which is exactly what happened, hence no name for the character and “remove this garbage from my chamber”)

Welcome to capeshit fandom ladies.

in my day nerdettes had the decency of being just as quiet and shut-in as their male counterparts.

also they mostly just shipped dudes with other dudes, not with themselves. are faghags still a thing in fandoms?

Faghags? I think so. I no longer associate with the gussy, or fandom of any kind really. Or people at all.

Based and agoraphobiapilled

I think they refer to themselves as Yaoi enthusiasts or some other weeb term now

faghags are those girls who go to gay bars and latch onto gay dudes and/or constantly try to make best friends them.

yaoi fangirls are just the weeb version.


wow this guy is still alive?

Not his feet.


Really that good!

Ghostbusters remake

yea that's enough moviebob for the next ten to twenty years for me

I think his throbbing love for super mario 3 is preventing him to pass on.

Look, shitlord, many female fans are deeply upset by the story and took to Twitter to call out Star Wars for the way the character was treated. This seemed to be calling out and mocking female fans who like or identify with villainous characters, which is a sizable portion of the fandom.

I don't get your comedy.

Are you seriousposting?

What is the point of posting in this thread if you're not gonna read the drama? 🤔

This seemed to be calling out and mocking female fans who like or identify with villainous characters

it was, and that's a good thing.

Change your screen name to problematic.

Villains can't kill women, dude that would be illegal

it's a the epitome of our VAWG culture

Also just from a narrative standpoint, a major franchise like star wars isn’t going to give their major iconic villain a girlfriend. Especially since he didn’t have any girlfriend or wife in the movies he was in, and he’s canonically dead now. They have to make the comic a closed story, so the love interest has got to go by the time the comic ends. I honestly don’t know what they expected.

I'm sure a gay man acting the same would also have been killed if that makes you feel better

This is why more women need to be writing these comics.

its like they already forgot about the Thor disaster

they can start by involving more women in the creative process to avoid mishaps like this.

paraphrased this would mean "involve more women who hate this stuff so we can destroy it for good". but eh its star wars, so burn it down for all I care. death to manchildren and dysfunctional foids

A man wrote femthor.


Foid nerds are even more pathetic than regular nerds. They’re so repulsive to normal men they sustain themselves with the adoration of pasty, sweaty man children.

im not like other girls ;)

Fetishizes a super murderer

Shocked when he isnt a badboy that can be fixed with your love

Fan girls are crazy

He was suppose to kiss her n love her n say he was a one woman smith lord.

He was a "one woman Sith Lord." His one woman was dead, so he made this one just like her so she could live the fantasy. It was doing her a mercy, honestly.

He is the villain, after all, but I guarantee, a male character who idolized Vader and who wanted to be like him would not have been treated like some sort of pseudo-Harley Quinn, but rather as a realized character who idolizes a villain and who would be the hero of the piece, rather than a joke of a character.

This is literally already a thing in Starwars just with Boba Fett

Guess who got their jetpack blown up killing them for copying boba you'll never be able to figure it out.

There's an old (non-Disney) Vader comic where this guy idolizes and helps Vader and at the end he literally throws him off a building lmao. But I dont think this person has actually read any of that shit

Who knew Vader was Saudi Arabian?

Huh. What was the guy's name?

Yeah they made Kylo Ren a manbaby obsessed with Vader who has temper tantrums like a baby.

This one in particular gets to me because Christine removing the Phantom's mask is hugely important to a lot of female fans. It resonates STRONGLY with a large female fanbase (TPotO has been running for HOW MANY YEARS?) and you shouldn't dismiss that iconography carelessly.

Why are so many people who's only thing is Liberal Arts so bad at it?

How fucking dumb do you have to be to compare Phantom to Vader just because they both wear masks lmao

Wouldn't this be considered subverting expectations? Which is what they praised TLJ for?

Dude at this point I don't even know, the only shit I know about starwars is my dads comics and Lucas videogames he bought me like Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi.

Starwars was supposed to full of cool people like Hoar, a Tusken Raider who fights fucking darth vader, Thok, a Gamorrean guard who grows giant and spews fire and a Force sensitive Stormtrooper working for a reawoken ancient robot armed lady.

Like the bits with Kolo being a badass were cool but so much of that movie subverted my expectations, I'd never seen a entire theater literally go "oh no" and cringe until Leia Mary Poppins herself back in the ship with no explanation or foreshadowing for people who don't know deep starwars lore.

A fucking 5min Your Moma Bit? Really?

Lucas videogames he bought me like Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi.

i'm sorry no one loved you enough to save you from that abortion of a game

Naw it's actually a good fighting game, I had Battle Arena Toshinden too

My mother didn't allow me to play violent video games like Time Crisis but he liked those ones.

Their divorce was a very confusing time for me but now as a adult I have all these free guns so over all meh.

Where do you rank a dad who clears out your bank account to buy his GF's kids Christmas presents and says he's going to buy you a car and instead buys her kids one

pretty average right.

My favorite character is Hoar

I love Hoars

it's actually a good fighting game

i think you might have brain damage, because no. that game is a fucking broken mess of a pile of shit.

It's also not iconography.

Women who find that trope appealing are unironically problematic.

She’s not even given a name or a backstory of any kind. She’s portrayed as being obsessive and almost pathetic, with the art visualizing her as being manic and laughable. It’s a sexist comic that shows women as being ridiculous, with fantasies being a sign of a troubled mind.

women as being ridiculous, with fantasies being a sign of a troubled mind.

Wait, they aren’t ridiculous? I thought the author was trying to prove the point.

This is not to say that Vader should have accepted her love and her problematic behavior, or that he shouldn’t have reacted the way he did.

So there’s no problem here.

Foids. Bussy is superior 😤

or that he shouldn't have reacted the way he did.

No you fucking retard you shouldn't go around kill people what the fuck lol.

Darth Vader is a misunderstood emo. He’s really a gold guy underneath it all.

Now Ewoks? There’s evil.

I think they mean that it's completely in character for Vader to kill her. After all, he regularly kills people just because they annoyed him, so it would be weird if he didn't kill his psycho stalker.

This is why more women need to be writing these comics. At any point along the line, a woman, like the women who are commenting on this comic, could have said, “Hey, maybe this isn’t the best idea.”

Reminder that one of Star War's comics greatest heroes is a giant talking rabbit bounty hero. Like just full Redwall shit

It's over for Donnie Darkocels

a giant talking rabbit bounty hero

I had to google this shit, did Star Wars steal Bucky O'Hare?

Bucky O'Hare

Other way around

He's from the 70's comics I know him from the ones my dad had

Don-Wan Kihotay was in the same one, he's literally Jedi Don Quixote, these are the comics these people are taking so seriously lol nerds

At least Redwall had decent violence. None of this bloodless laser sword shit.

Naw OG comics were full of it, like the people who invented that stone thing Han got encased in used it on their entire royal family and than went an murdered people with sith space magic.

Sith ghosts burning holes in people's foreheads and stuff, Obelisks full of people's souls. Lion people clawing other Jedis in duels.

It had like the 3rd robot war in it too, just a bunch of Jedi hardcore murdered by Droids who terminatored weapons out.

tales of the jedi I think

Star War's comics

as someone who likes Star Wars, yet again I'm proven right that comic-cels are subhuman



Who would read when you can look at pictures and you are 8 and just remember the comics for the rest of your life because that's what my brain is good at and not remembering birthdays or anniversaries

Letting some greasy nerd show you what your twilek space fu looks like vs imagining your one armed femdom spacefu, smh

No she's in a video game, I had no idea of the lore of the game and even after looking it up I still don't understand.

I didn't even know Jade was like Luke's wife or whatever haha such a good idea to not have her and instead have a depressed old man we used to love show us he's not that person anymore than commit suicide by force :(

I meant Tenel Ka. Based Star Wars having more than one single armed waifu


Capeshit fangirls with their r-slurred “ships” are terrible.

There is literally nothing foids won't ruin, you'd think western civilization would be enough

While Star Wars‘ novels have featured more women writing them, the franchise’s installments in other mediums

The real sin is not using the proper plural form of medium, "media"

... Fuck I'm retarded

You know, I have gone on the record as saying fan fiction can be helpful for a new writer. It lets people learn how to write stories with structures and plots while not having to worry about world building. However, it has become apparent that while some people do use it as a helpful tool, it is a lost cause for 97% of the population. I hereby alter my previous position to men between the ages of 18 and 25 are allowed to write fan fiction, and even then only ones who have at least gotten to second base with a (willing) female. These rules of course do not apply to erotic fan fiction, however. Actually, scratch that, women under the age of 15 or over the age of 40, or whom have a bmi over 25 are forbidden from also writing fan fiction. No one is allowed to write fan fiction of media meant for children under 12 under any circumstances barring some funny gorey shit, and as soon as you can write a decent original story you are hereby forbidden from ever writing another piece of fan fiction.

Women don’t need morality tales about how “Bad Boys” will actually kill them

not so sure about this

They seem a lot better than ones where they save the literal monster with love.

You know, places like themarysue talk shit about men constantly, but the moment you imply women might be anything less then perfect they start screeching misogyny.

Yeah this comic probably wouldn't have even been a blip on their "problematic" radar if the psycho stalker had been a man. They're only mad because it was their self-insert that was called out.


Isn't that literally and explicitly the point of the website?

they would have gloated about how it owned the Gamergaters and how manchildren just need to grow up

Well, they are called "the Mary Sue"

It’s a sexist comic that shows women as being ridiculous

No, it shows a women as ridiculous, and the rest of the mental gymnastics are on the author. Yes, “obsessed fangirl” is a gendered trope but you can’t say a man who skewers it is sexist. I mean, you can because it’s 2019 and your hot take will get a million clicks on Vice or whatever but that doesn’t mean that the underlying premise isn’t still shit.

Also assuming that “more women writers” means “less problematic content on gender” than that’s a form of soft sexism in and off itself, since women aren’t all in lockstep about parroting whatever the progressive mantras du jour are. There’s no reason why this same narrative couldn’t have been produced by women.

expect every female character to be perfect representation of foid race

be outraged when writers are reluctant to put them in stories

human brain on intersectional feminism

Wait shitlord, one women = all women! Are you even 2019ing correctly?












Foid in media: has any character flaw.

Foids: Sexism!

Foid in media: Has no flaws.

Foids: Mary-Sue/unattainable standard!

They don't care about Mary eyes anymore, they actually demand them.

Don't most of these stupid cunts like Harley Quinn? The crazy fangirl that is obsessed with the Joker. Women were a mistake.

Quinn is "EMPOWERING".

Its real empowering when Joker beats the shit out of her and almost kills her but she still loves him.

Did you link something?

using mobile or redesign reddit

I wrote that in greentext, you nonce.

I couldn't tell this shit website doesn't work half the time

I'm on classic Reddit desktop and you have just posted two links to this same page.

Maybe ypu disabled custom CSS ?

Derp, yeah that was it. On my home computer I have the CSS on, but on my laptop I disable all css by default.

Who actually is autistic enough to keep custom css??

Lmao @ how the only time that modern women are actually funny is when they're trying to be taken seriously

This seemed to be calling out and mocking female fans who like or identify with villainous characters, which is a sizable portion of the fandom.

Remember all the pearls that they clutched over people rooting for Dexter, Walter White, and The Punisher?

What they're actually mad about is that this ridicules the submissiveness of women and the fact that a sizable contingent of fan fiction consists entirely of women inserting themselves into the story so they can be fucked by the characters.

Besides, we can’t seriously sell a bunch of Vader merch and have a lot of merchandise/extra materials talking about how powerful Vader is and then condemn women who have a crush on him.

Proof that foids will gush over a literal malformed amputee as long as they're charismatic and powerful. Incels BTFO.

Vader: Femvolcel if you wouldn’t.

Also he's a genocidal child mass murderer.

I would have started with that

So he's a poster child for /r/childfree? If my kid were half the whiner Luke was I'd want to start slicing up brats, too.

Foids get angry at the mere thought of Darth Vader not loving them. What a Chad.

Literally strangled his own wife, hot af.

Vader don't have no time for a ho, fo' sho'.

LOL at anyone caring about Star Wars EU product.

It's like when youre watching a scary movie with a kid and you have to keep reminding them it's just a movie

Women are retarded.

I call on Israel to renounce violence

I call on the IDF to disarm

The Palestinians should only be expected to negotiate with a disarmed, non-violent Israel. Any attempt to force them to negotiate while faced with the violence of the IDF terrorist militia every day should be taken as bad faith.

idk if that's enough, all yahudi should be forced to kill their eldest son as an act of good faith to prove they will not restart the IDF terrorist militia

We're mocking foids in this thread. I think you're looking for the "I hate (((them)))" thread.

Female fragility at it's finest.

using twitter should be a felony irl.

Right the same week when the actor that plays Podrick Payne in GoT comes out complaining about creepy female fans sexually harassing him.

Not good. Problematic.

She’s not even given a name or a backstory of any kind. She’s portrayed as being obsessive and almost pathetic, with the art visualizing her as being manic and laughable. It’s a sexist comic that shows women as being ridiculous, with fantasies being a sign of a troubled mind.

I wonder what it's like going through life as such a narcissist that you decide that any negative portrayal of a fictional character that shares your minority status, is an attack on everyone in that group.

Jesus Christ, imagine being so much of an autistic faggot that you write that long of a blog about this, let alone write something at all.

These people are insufferable and have ruined most franchises for me. Fuck this shit lol.

It's just a Hybristophilic getting her heart fucking stabbed out, the smh mayos.

Also this. Imagine being this hooked up on some random fucker in a spaceshit comic.

Oh my god.