Sargoy finally stands up to yids

121  2019-04-26 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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How long before sargon withdraws

hopefully never

I need the Sargon drama pumped straight into my veins

I hope he keeps going at this, Sargon drama is really good imo and him running is taking it up to the next level. I hope they eventually bring up his 'white n*ggers' comment from a year ago

I'm really surprised that hasn't been brought up yet, that's what got him kicked off patreon iirc

My guess it'll probably be brought up when race issues get brought up? Well what do I know? I'm just a burger


/u/employee10038080 just tagging you so you see this :)

That's how he decided to denounce the alt-right.

Hahahaha lol

lmao the journalists finally found the video of him repeatedly saying a bunch of slurs for basically no reason. i was wondering when that would come up

i can't believe UKIP is trying to boost this guy lol

This is good drama, wspecially because everything he said is correct.

Yeah but he said the no no words dude

guessing it wouldn't cause as much of a ruckus in the UK as it would in the US

A UK woman got arrested for putting rap lyrics in her online profile with the Big Bag N Word.

No it wasn't. He said the alt-right were acting like the niggers they were so scared of.

Wow they aren't even trying to give any of his statements their context. I hope this is what the next american elections are like.

Didnt he also get kicked off of twitter for sharing gay interracial porn with alt right twitter users?

Not permanently that time

He said it to a alt righter, how will they spin that as a negative?

not until he has an excuse

He's not a quitter.

withdrawn in spirit already. he's just using this platform to advertise himself.

In what way, f-slur?

he knows he doesn't stand a chance after all his recorded tirades.

Not even true. He has a 50/50 chance to gain one of the seats.


He's the closest thing to relevancy UKIP will ever have again. Meanwhile he is getting a lot of support and name recognition from a fringe that he'll try to convert into e-money.

'Surely, this will be the end of Sargon's campaign' says increasingly nervous man for the seventh time this month.

theres also this and the whole hen flocking back to the barrage, how did sargoy think he could genuinely run for public office lmao

Part of me thinks this is some kind of ploy to keep himself from getting banned off social media on the basis that banning him could be construed as interfering with an election or whatever.

In a way he's kind of lucky that he's been banned from Twitter like 30 times because it's largely erased the enormous amount of dumb shit he said

Wow he's 39 huh, that's amazing.

He has the timeless look of a fat pasty 20-something manchild combined with the slouching dad bod of a 50 year old alcoholic who survives on frozen pizza and liquor

he actually looks pretty healthy

Chinlets use beads to hide their true shame

Too low-t to grow a beard?

I can grow a beard but why would i want to hide my jaw and cheek bones?

The acne

beads bears battlestar galactica

(but you're right: beard = 50/50 chinlet)

50/50 plus another 25% for people who wold have chins and a jawline if thy were not fat

That's the only take remotely fun from that non-drama.

Why are all internet rightoïds such weak degenerates ?

Because he's an internet grifter that started believing his own bullshit. He's a youtube pseudointellectual that got a large following of rightoids that sucked him off because he said what they wanted to hear and applied no skeptical scrutiny to any of it.

So of course, Sargon started to believe he was actually intelligent or had some understanding of politics. He thinks this type of attitude and saying these things will work in an election because Trump won an election.

But Sargon doesn't seem aware that the type of people that voted for Trump don't exist in other western countries. The US has the least intelligent rural people on earth.

Are you retarded, Europeans are idiots, dumber than Americans. They don't even have to be in the country to be racist idiots.

The internet has weirdly made me hate basically every country in the west because I'm constantly reading their internet comments. I need to learn Arabic and start reading Arab internet comments to get racist. All the Arabs I read in English are pretty nice but they know English so they're not the filth you see on the street.

Maybe learn some kind of Liberian language and start reading about cannibalism on Liberian internet

Weird train of thought I'm going down I'll stop now

Eurppeans are much smarter than Americans. Which is why, for example, they have a functioning healthcare system, a strong public education system, and don't have creationist teaching charter schools covering half of Europe.

Lib bs

Fuck Europe

It's not some wonderland

What's your ideal nation, Roajava ?

Wonderland? No. superior to the US? absolutely.

That can't be that great or we'd have beaten them up and taken their shit by now.

Are you retarded or something? Have you ever been out of state?

Come visit Europe and see how well everything works LOL. Functioning health care system by the way.... rationing out half the sick people cause they're too expensive. Good luck getting a hip replacement at 80 sonny, the doctors will tell you to fuck off and die already so a younger immigrant can get a dick transplant.

Alright, let's establish a baseline of facts.

  • Does the US have worse overall health outcomes than every other western country?

  • Does the US have less access to healthcare than every other western country?

  • Does the US spend more than every other western country on healthcare?

Have you ever heard the phrase "you get what you pay for"?

Hospitals in Europe are literally like communal wards. You never ever get your own room unless you gave birth 2 hours ago, you're close to dying of cancer or like everyone else died the same day. There is no privacy.

You have to wait for an average of 6 hours in the ER. 6 hours. And that's in Sweden, the libtard favorite example.

It's just rationing based on other factors than money. At least in the US, if you're not a neet, you can pay and save your own life. I know that doesn't apply to someone like you though so I get why you'd wanna go for the fremium version.

Hospitals in Europe are literally like communal wards. You never ever get your own room unless you gave birth 2 hours ago, you're close to dying of cancer or like everyone else died the same day. There is no privacy.

Does Europe have better health outcomes than the US?

You have to wait for an average of 6 hours in the ER. 6 hours. And that's in Sweden, the libtard favorite example.

Does Europe have better health outcomes than the US?

It's just rationing based on other factors than money. At least in the US, if you're not a neet, you can pay and save your own life. I know that doesn't apply to someone like you though so I get why you'd wanna go for the fremium version.


A) Does the US have worse overall healthcare outcomes than Europe?

B) Does the US spend far more on healthcare than Europe does.

C) Are European healthcare systems considered superior to the US healthcare system by public policy orgs?

Dont bother arguing with americunts about healthcare.

Its literally a pointless endeavour.

Even when I agree with you your whole faces of atheism-esque de Nate style makes me want to disagree with you

Poors aren’t people.

No, they have all that stuff because single-payer tax rates there are like 50%.

I need to learn Arabic and start reading Arab internet comments to get racist.


Are you jealous? It sounds like your jealous.

First two paragraphs are bang on, but there's no shortage of idiots here in the UK. Carl's problem is he has zero charisma. Trump's ability to bullshit his way through an interview is unparalleled, Carl gets rattled the moment he's asked a difficult question. With an internet history full of racial slurs and pedophilia apologism, that's a death sentence.

Maybe "dumb" is the wrong word. US rurals are far more polarized than European rurals are and US right-wing media is basically completely unhinged.

It's worse than like Iranian state TV in a lot of areas. This is why guys like Trump are more effective in the US than they are in Europe.

You just described all politicians.

He's a youtube pseudointellectual that got a large following of rightoids that sucked him off because he said what they wanted to hear and applied no skeptical scrutiny to any of it.

I dunno about that, he dunked on the right a few times to the point that I think most of the "rightoids" you're talking about are no longer his fans. He instead represents the glorious present of politics in which center-left fagoulas are seen as alt-right nazis. This is why chapotards can only shriek incoherently when they encounter actual nazis, because they've used all their words for the lame "liberalism can solve everything, we don't need no identity politics" types. Or, actually... now that I come to think of it, they actually kind of get along with the real nazis better, since they have very similar instincts. At the very least, it becomes begrudging "sure they're nazis, but we could learn how to fight from them".

He's a youtube pseudointellectual

So the only difference between the two of you is that you're not attractive enough for video?

Keeping in mind, of course, how low Mr. Benjamin sets the bar you should find this particularly discouraging.


He's intelligent but not politics intelligent. If he had any brains he'd sidle up to the Jews not diss them.

jesus fucking christ he’s 39??

that’s like 15 years older than I always assumed

He's been married for a while and has two kids.

i knew he had a kid but i still assumed he was in his 20s

like MAYBE 31

it's part the grift, this facilitates the stupid 'PC culture opressed me' narrative of his because buzzfeed had an unfavorable headline of him, then they will sit down with PJW and Count Dankula to talk about how it's because the left is mad cause they be winning, then they compare the buzzfeed reporter to a nazi and the whole culture war nonsence cycle repeats

Just a reminder the bitcoins sole conceivable contribution to human history is the Christchurch massacre

Sargay of Affag

Sargon is not quick witted in any way shape or form. So debates and interviews are very hard for him as he says retarded shit. Regardless, the people claiming to be holocaust survivors on that twitter thread made me laugh.

He keeps trying and failing so embarrasingly too, it's kinda sad. He's decided since he can't debate in real time, he'll just try to seem like he won the argument with rhetorical devices that just make him look like a belligerent brainlet. He's so smug about it too. A retard that doesn't know he's retarded.

Smugly chuckles

I like his Scottish gimp for the media appearances. It's like watching a wife support her man, lots of little DAS RITEs and MMHMMs.

There’s nothing more cringe than young, rich, western Jews pretending they’re anywhere near as oppressed as their great grandparents and poor blacks.

Don’t @ me, CAbabs.

be black

grow up on welfare primarily paid for by the taxes of whites, Asians, and Jews

get a massive advantage in college admissions

get hired for job that you aren't qualified for because "diversity"

boss afraid to fire you when you don't do your job properly because he fears a discrimination lawsuit

landlord afraid to kick you out when you trash his property because he fears a discrimination lawsuit

"ayo we be oppressed and sheeit"

Uhh actually smacks lips you have to be aware of the institutional uhhh structures of power that uh abandons child uhh redlining

based and redpilled username

UKIP, the party that is so not racist that its leader and figurehead resigned and formed a new party with the specific goal of getting away from all of the racists in the old party.

jidf flair


“I'm sorry about the Holocaust but I don't give a shit”

that first clause is decidedly un-Sargon, but he brought it back around to the Carl I know and love

He's not wrong.

"Jewish people work very hard. They're very smart. Of course they're successful.

"If we want to have any idea that we're living in a meritocracy, if Jews weren't succeeding in our societies, they must be being held back.

"But they're not. They're doing great... Because they're not being held back because they do work because they are smart.

"Jewish people, unfortunately for them, have got to drop the identity politics. I'm sorry about the Holocaust but I don't give a s***. I'm sorry."

He goes from the bottom of the horseshoe to the top in the space of a paragraph.

As Ilhan would say, Benjamins "fighting".

wtf i love sargon now

That retard is running for office now? It's shocking people actually watch his dumbass vids. The absolute state of trashy young men these day

she-ra sarkeesian was an inside job

That retard is running for office now? It's shocking people actually watch his dumbass vids. The absolute state of trashy young men these day

Wtf is this shit?

paedophilia is okay as long as the 13 year old isn't scarred. we need to punish paedos on a case-by-case basis

I don't care what he says about "not being white"; he is a true brit.

he’s so british he shits queen

what's up with brits and pedoshit? they think fucking kids makes them more upper class?

I haven't watched him in a long time, and I had zero idea that the dude was running for European Parliment.

This sounds interesting.

I love his comment and all the passive-agressive Twitter fights, but the open holocaust denial puts a bad taste in my mouth.

Sargon looks like the kind of guy that murders hookers and stuffs them in the back of his car.

He's not wrong, the left has been using the Holocaust as a political tool for decades, most likely in the form of the slipper slope fallacy, claiming that any sort of nationalism will lead to genocide.

Nationalists are the real nazis tho.

based and holocaust pilled

Wow the guy who never had a shot crashed and burned upon lift off color me surprised

Talks about "white basketball americans"

"Age is just a number it really depends on the child"

I cant believe brits still pushing this walking lardbag.

I don’t think he actually cares about Jews at all but he’s always been an insufferable pseudo-intellectual moron.

Your YouTube channel where you say dumb shit and rant to a static image doesn’t make you special and you have a serious issue with sticking your foot in your mouth.

The time he called white supremacists ni🅱️🅱️ers he clearly wasn’t being racist but holy hell what kind of retard would say what he said, especially when you have half the internet looking for a reason to call you racist.

Well now he has the support of the Muslims