Aussies kill feral cats, PETAcels SEETHING

85  2019-04-26 by employee10038080


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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I just linked my favorite thread, but that post is full of drama

They came to this thread to argue, might be worth an updated post

I hate myself for getting annoyed over internet shit but that guys ability to act blatantly obtuse in the face of the simple explanations people are giving him is a little maddening.

Cry harder that someone recognizes animals as less sentient, yet still sentient, creatures that we, as moral agents, have an obligation to avoid harming

Regardless of their supposed sentience, cats are an evil race of invaders who are intent on wiping out all native life.

So are humans?

Um, aboriginals still count as humans. Holy shit dude, you're not allowed to be this racist even on /r/drama.

Who the fuck brought up aboriginals besides you?

I unironically support killing every stray dog and outdoor cat possible, ama

How long have you worked for peta?

Nah, they're filthy vegans. I just realized that I don't care about dogs any more than I care about the chickens and pigs I eat.

Wish your kind could be forced to get psychiatric help.

Medications are developed on animal models, so don’t expect the medical profession to take your side any time soon.

Would you say the same if they were human babies eating your crops?

hold my strawman, I think we've found the most retarded comparison of 2019 so far

Hang on, cats eat crops?

Cats eat other animals so much, they go extinct.

Yeah but they don't eat crops.

They still need to be culled.

Culling them is around farms is how you get rat and mice plagues.

In national parks and conservation areas it makes a lot of sense but elsewhere probably not ideal.

The virgin birds and squirrels and whatever vs the Chad cats

More like the virgin cats vs. the Chad bait lmao

Not really. They mostly just shit in them.

Obviously you've never been to a farm if you havent seen an infant swarm take out a cornfield in one night

Also yes, btw

PETAphiles want that pussy.

Nothing will make you hate cats more than living in an area that's infested with ferals. 4 years of my life dealing with the piss smell, shit, constant sounds of fighting and fucking at night, fur always on any patio furniture. Still hate the little bastards today.

Yeah, even my cat lady ass supports euthanizing ferals in places where they're a problem. The things they do to local wildlife would be considered against humanity if cats were ppl and wildlife were ppl

It seems like most people have that same attitude. The problem is that all it takes is a few idiots leaving food out at night for them for it to turn into a massive problem.

It seems like a lot of those people are into TNR programs, which unfortunately don't actually do anything to solve the problem.

You are not a true Cat Lover, I watch the cat torture the bird and the baby bunnies, ultimate suffering and terror, I see a cat in happiness. Thus is how the world works.


I'm currently dealing with my cunt of a neighbor feeding the fucking things every day. City won't do shit about it. Our town is infested with the fuckers. Everywhere smells like cat piss. I hear cat screams all fucking night long. It's making me get involved with local politics.

I know your pain. Expensive cat food mixed with finely ground tylenol is an option.

Just saying.

Literally just go pour antifreeze on any food they leave out. The problem will take care of itself.

The only people who advocate releasing ferals after neutering are narcissistic cat supremacists who pretend to be environmentally conscious while not giving a second thought to bird populations

/u/advancedlamb1, you seem really interesting. Please come and explain your worldview to me! I’m waiting for the octopus in my fridge to finish defrosting.

RIP that sentient creature that you paid to have killed for pleasure

Three, it’s three per package.

If it was a dog I had in my freezer would you think its funny?

Depends on the breed, but generally, no. Dogs have been eugenically selected to be human companions, so they probably have humanlike emotions.

If it had been some vicious thing that was bred for the fighting ring, then yeah, go ahead and eat that monster.

You're a psychopath. Just a perfect representation of your side.

You literally think that the rights of a human need to be weighed against those of a wasp. If anyone in this thread is neuroatypical, it’s you.

Provably, sure

If it were in a 3 pack sure

This was genuinely hilarious

How? He just said 'I have paid to kill an animal and you see killing animals as akin to killing humans so Haha?'

It was funny because he said “three. Three per package” and you thought that he only had one in the fridge the whole time 🤪🤪🤪🤪

It was vague wording on my part. Grammatically, I guess I should have said “octopi,” but that to me implies a live, swimming animal. Once an octopus is meat, it’s a substance, and substances in English generally don’t take plural forms.

So if you weren’t a psychopath killing octopus for fun they’d still be octopi then? 😴

It wasn’t me, it was the Thai fishermen. I just figured, why let good nutrients go to waste?

Also, now that I think of it, a long-faced pug would essentially be a chihuahua, wouldn’t it?

Chihuahuas definitely lack the tail and roll buildup that stems from weight gain. Back in the Victorian age they had long snouts though. I read an article discussing the gene diversity of pugs was astronomically low compared to other dogs. 10,000 pugs have the gene diversity of around 50.

Jesus. I’ve never understood the appeal of these little gargoyle-dogs. They’re too tiny to roughhouse with, they’re not particularly smart, and they just look awkward as hell. They’re like teddy bears, except a teddy won’t crap on the rug if you leave it in the house for too long.

Fun fact though, the 18th century British painter William Hogarth had a pug, and he named it Trump. It’s a very different-looking dog from the pugs we know today.

How is frozen 'pus? I've seen it for sale but I worry that prolonged freezing would fuck up the texture.

It’s not as good as the fresh thing, a bit rubbery, but if you cook it slowly (and let it defrost slowly, very important!) it’s decent.

They should see what Banana Benders do to cane roads, you'll be driving along and there's just all these flattened toads baking in the sun. Hilarious stuff.

Wait doesn't PETA kill almost every animals they "rescued" anyway?

Tis better to die free than to live a slave

They eat grasses and small plants but crops...ummm i dunno.