AOC joins Commie Grandpa in backing voting rights for prisoners. Democracy was a mistake.

106  2019-04-26 by GodOfDarknessWine


This is why we need mayocide.


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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My platform: “free pardons for all wrongful convicted persons! Just write to me and say you were wrongfully convicted and my office will sortcha out!”

“Try, ‘Should a nonviolent person stopped w/ a dime bag LOSE the right to vote?’

Yeah, that's definitely been the case for the past 20 years.

Unambigiously yes. I propose we go further though. Anyone who has filled a prescription for Oxycontin, estradiol, metformin or Adderrall should also be disenfranchised.

Pharmacists shouldn't vote?

Definitely not. Have you seen how whiny and entitled they are?

Its over for pharmacycels

Aromatase inhibitors exempted and or grandfathered and I’m in

I'm going to assume you're using it to become a thicc bara daddy and let it slide.

Drink soy pin test pop anastrozole it’s the radical centrist cocktail

Also if a bmi above 25

Cool, looks like republicans will win again


Because the American people are retarded

Yeah, but what are you basing the claim "looks like Republicans win."

Do you have some data?

Imagine needing that when trump is president

This based patriot gets it 😎


is literally a foreigner

This is why America is fucked

Esta terminado por goblina-cels

Data is oppressive

Do you have some data?

god you're a dweeb

But he is our dweeb.

Do you have some data?

Oh boy, here we go again 😴😴

Yeah, how dare someone ask for sources for wild claims.

pizza, have you ever considered that spending this much time on reddit seriousposting might just be harmful to your mental health?

Have you ever considered idc?

No need to be mean 😞

I just can’t take you seriously anymore after the pictures, bud

Now you know how I feel about you.

Want to show me this picture?

Feels like I seen it, but at the back of my mind... it kays forgotten.

Do you have some data?

Damn - lmao

Do you have some data?

god damn you do know how to trigger dramatards lol

asks for data

repeatable conspiracy talking points with no data

What conspiracy?

Don't play dumb with me shill


lol roasted

God you are special, child



Betting site odds are a pretty good indicator.

HIGHLY questionable for national elections this far out.

wants data

gives data


Lmao, I just checked an odds site and Yang is ahead of Booker and Warren. That has to sting for those two.

Odds on trump beating a Democrat arent as favorable to trump as I would have thought.

do you know who won in 2016?

Because even the moderators of that town hall framed it as "Do you want the Boston Bomber to vote?" and Buttigieg was the only one who said people shouldn't vote while incarcerated but after leaving they should have that restored. Funnily enough this all started because of bad pandering to the black community who politicians like to boil down outreach for as just criminal justice related things as if anybody there wants a white terrorist to vote.

Most people don't care if people can vote. I think rightoids want to believe that they do, but most don't.

They would care if Republicans frame the election as Bernie or Kamala wants the Boston Bomber to vote. Ever hear of Willie Horton? This would be a similar endeavor. I mean think about how much right wing movements accross the world have grown because they framed any politician not having extreme hatred to Syrian immigrants as them supporting rape and terror.

The country is so polarized the only voters that actually matter are a fringe minority of swing voters in 4-5 states and they tend to be moderate and less vulnerable to that type of absurd smear.

Independents and swing voters are usually the least logical and the most susceptible to that propaganda. Anybody who is still caught between the democrats and the republicans in 2019 is a huge moron who probably shouldn't be allowed to vote.


They would care if Republicans frame the election as Bernie or Kamala wants the Boston Bomber to vote.

No, they would not care. Anybody with two neurons to rub together would realize that it's a marginal issue compared to important questions like foreign policy, health care, the economy, etc.

I do think that most Americans probably side with our grotesque carceral state but that doesn't mean they're going to vote like it.

They would care if Republicans frame the election as Bernie or Kamala wants the Boston Bomber to vote.

No, they would not care. Anybody with two neurons to rub together would realize that it's a marginal issue

We're talking about american voters not people with two neurons to put together. Historically tactics like this work ie Willie Horton, in other countries tactics like this work right wing nationalist parties increasing in power by scaremongering Syrians, and in modern day America it works see half of what Trump was saying during the election.

Willie Horton literally raped somebody due to a specific government program. Nobody's going to get to do a rape because they can vote.

I think the democrats don't have anybody that can really beat Trump for a second term. You are 28 right? So you should remember the Bush 2 terms. People were just as upset, and he still won two terms. It goes back and forth between parties quite often, usually 2 terms and it looks like it will be like the Bush years.

its real easy when the other guy keeps deliberately shooting himself in the foot because he heard thats what the kids are into

/>american politician proposes something that has already been implemented in other first world nations to no negative or even positive effect

/>"the looney lefties have done it again!!! literally reason why trump won ..."

never fails


This but unironically

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday, “Try, ‘Should a nonviolent person stopped w/ a dime bag LOSE the right to vote?’

dime bag

Does Commie Mommy BLAZE IT?

Lol only 3.4% of people are in prison on possession charges alone.

3.4% of prisoners have 50% of the drugs. THINK ABOUT IT.


I stopped thinking after I overdosed on pills from mommies cabinet above the sink

A good guy on drugs will stop a bad guy on drugs.

The only thing that's needed for this to blow up in Bernie's and AOC's face is the question "So you support rapists voting?" That was the angle they should have gone with instead of "You support the boston bombers voting?"

Paint them as rapist sympathizers who are enabling rape culture by allowing convicted rapists to vote.

Even better, just ask if Dylan Roof should vote.

It's a retarded question either way.

What, are they going to vote for a candidate running of a platform of school/church shootings? What harm can former convicts really cause by voting?

Also telling how the same retard that doesn't want to let them vote probably thinks it's a violation of the 2nd amendment to not let them own guns.

ehhh i kind of think that may backfire on donny if he said that in a debate or some shit

He doesn't need to be the one saying it though. He can hit at all the other categories, like school shooters.

you have ousted yourself as a poser and a retard.

the question in the town hall was literally "Do you support rapists and terrorists like the Boston Bomber being allowed to vote".

And even that didn't get him, Kamala harris was asked the same question later and had to support bernies stance (because she doesn't want her progressive label taken away).

I'm talking about conservative press, you dildo. They were all taking the angle of "BERNIE SUPPORTS BOSTON BOMBERS!" instead of zoning in on the rapist angle.

Even if that was what you intended to say (it wasn't), cuckservatives hate terrorists a million more times than rapists. The idea of all 17 terrorists incarcerated in America getting to vote (half of which are literally magacels like McVeigh) is way more fox news bait than rapists getting to vote lol.

The idea of all 17 terrorists

All 17 AMERICAN terrorists.

Imagine trying to say the majority of terrorists are trump supporters lulw. Nice centrism.

Most terrorists are muzzies I believe

Did your broken ass brain think that non-americans of any kind would get to vote?

Yall need to go back to bussy posting, anything else reveals your tiny brains.

most rapists can already vote

Yeah and everyone knows that at least 80% of prisoners are the Boston bomber.

Not that controversial of an idea. But merica gonna merica

I would also be willing to bet that a significant chunk of those people pled down from more serious charges. I know of examples of this from some of my distant friends and retarded family members.

Unironically 3.4% too many

Don't you know that most people who deal hard drugs are actually good people who dindu nothing

In my experience the only people that still call it a dime bag are prosecutors trying to make weed sound scarier than it actually is.

Please. They like to say roach clip.

“Your honor, the defense calling the substance ‘weed’ belies the serious nature of this crime and is misleading to the jury. Permission to only have it referred to by it’s proper name tetrohydrocannibinol?

“Further your Honor we wish the court to take judicial notice that the substance is known in the State of California to cause cancer. Defendant’s failure to properly affix Prop 65 labels exposed the public to irreparable harm.”

“Objection your honor, no where in the statute does it mention that labeling is required when for purchases of less than 35 grams of tetrohydrocannibinol-“

Glares at the prosecution

“-when purchasing from a homeless man who’s been storing it in his anal cavity.”

"The court is advised that after thorough review of the Prop in question the prosecution believes that the defense has raised a valid point: tetrohydrocannibinol coated in a homeless person's fecal material almost certainly violates numerous health and safety codes. We would like to just figuratively throw the book at him, if we may."

Dime bag sounds scary? I might listen to too much urban music.

Bro, I’ve met prosecutors that don’t know what weed looks like if it’s not in 100-lb barrels

Listen to some Pantera for Dimebag to scare the shit out of you.

CAfugees out.

The funny thing is commie mommy would probably agree misdemeanor sexual harassment (like saying nono words) is punishable with life.

She can punish me anytime 😍😍😍

Commie Mommy milkers 😍😍😍

> would probably

Got her!


Need I say /s?

A dime bag isn't a felony amount of weed (in most states).

Millenial vote CONFIRMED.

if prisoners are allowed to vote, I'm gonna' run for office with my sole policy platform being, "legalize toilet wine and shower sodomy"

toilet wine

I'm scared to ask

Always heard it been called prison hooch. Probably regional.

When you claim Angola but get your mail sent to Huntsville 😡

And you will lose horribly for catering to such a small group

your mom catered to my small group last night

Your lan party?

And you will lose horribly for catering to such a small group

Unfortunately in the US that's not a small group, it's more than big enough to swing the vote.

Maybe. I don't know how prison population per state is like.

National prison population is ~2 million. About 125 million vote in presidential elections.

Yeah, so? Several past elections were decided by much less.

I was just providing context.

No worries friend 😉

National prison population is ~2 million.

Something like 1% of your adult population is in prison ?

How the fuck do you manage to survive as a country, lmao.

More like .66% but yeah it's's as many people as were in GULAG.

Appeal to felons and you will lose more voters than you gain

The problem is that they’re clustered into large chunks, often in rural districts.

but if you win that one then it means you win forever

Democracy was a mistake how exactly?

Let's people like you vote

Can you imagine more backwards concept than 1 person = 1 vote?

Yes, it's called proportional representation.

Most civilised nations use first past post.

Where's the politician that wants to take voting rights away

Have yet to see a candidate with the "take voting rights away from mayos" platform. Would support them in a heartbeat.

unironically a lot of deep south Republicans.

they're pretty famous for it down there. As it turns out, a lot of the good old boys from the civil rights era are still alive and kicking, and surprisingly enough still do not really love the idea of black people voting in their good christian elections.

Those voting fraud laws that strike tens of thousands of people from the rolls in order to stop all 3 people voting illegally are doing a great job. Not of actually stopping voter fraud, of course, because that's not really what they were designed to do (nor is it actually a problem), but of keeping old black boomers who rely on their grandkids to stay registered from voting.

Ooh, another thing to be smugly superior over but not actually care about

Are you a rightoid? Of course prisoners should be able to vote. That's just a basic tenet of liberal democracy.

I would only support removing prisoners' right to vote if we extend it other terrible people as well like retards, inbred hicks, gamers and weaboos.

I want to repeal the 19th amendment

already excluded retards, chum.

Never met a foid with IQ above 110.

That’s fair

Tough, but..

That seemed to go from sarcastic to serious.

Also whites and foids

Covered under the umbrella-term 'retards'

retards, inbred hicks, gamers and weaboos.

Do any whites not fit into these categories?

Based mayos.

Yeah it’s a stupid policy built solely around worst case scenarios

This is the only correct position.

So Dems would never get a single vote again?

we don't live in a "liberal democracy" you fucking delusional chapo queer

are you delusional? This country is not a "liberal democracy", it's a constitutional republic, designed in such a way to prevent mob rule by delusional tards. Liberal democracy is antithetical to the entire concept and being of the United States of America.

Political brainlet. "Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is the epitome of a liberal democracy.

It actually continues after that part.

Liberal democracy specifically describes the structure of countries like the United States, in contrast to illiberal states like Venezuela which only have the trappings of democracy or single party states like the PRC. Playing the "but it's a republic" game under this circumstance is r-slur f-slur s-word only an Ameritard would regurgitate from half-remembered high school civics.

Liberal democracy specifically describes the structure of countries like the United States

No, it describes what you want the United States to be, not what it is.

Ironically you worthless liberal shitbags are trying to import turdworlders by the metric fuckton into the US and other western countries, from the same illiberal shitholes who admonish, with the sole purpose of forcing democrat mob rule.

Liberal democracy my ass, eat shit and die you bolshevik maggot. Go pound sand, prep the bull or dilate yourself, whatever you need to do to cope.

Well said, the concept of "rule by the people" is a relatively recent corruption of the idea of the Republic. The "democratic" society of Athens was hopelessly corrupt and ended up conquered by Sparta and Macedon, unlike the western Republics which were much closer to 18th century Britain or the Roman Empire in function. The Republic, like most of western civilization, is under attack by the left for doing its job of keeping out unqualified populist candidates like Hillary KKKlinton.

They just don't get caught as much, they know all the cops

That's just a basic tenet of liberal democracy.

We don't live in a democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic. When the country first started out, the only people who could vote were white, male land owners, because the founders wanted to make sure that the people making the important decisions had a significant stake in the consequences. We eventually expanded the franchise to include non-white land owners, then to include all men (because they had a significant stake in the consequences of national decisions due to the draft).

We didn't really screw the system up beyond repair until we let women vote. You can trace the decline of every facet of the nation/culture/government to that decision. Women are the reason we have hot takes like "people who have had their rights curtailed by a jury of their peers should be allowed to vote." You can say whatever you want, but it was the beginning of the end of our society when we started trying to placate women and make them happy as a matter of national policy.

Seriously, we should fewer people voting, and none of them should be felons or women.

Every citizen has a significant stake in the consequences of national decision. Besides 95% of felons took plea bargains so "a jury of their peers" never even entered into the picture.

Every citizen has a significant stake in the consequences of national decision

Honestly, no, they don't. We still don't make foids register for the draft, despite the fact that they're now allowed to go to the front lines and get their asses shot off the same as men. They have no skin in the game.

Besides 95% of felons took plea bargains so "a jury of their peers" never even entered into the picture.

That was their choice, and most of them made it knowing they were a) guilty as hell or b) there was more than enough evidence to convince a jury they were. You can't complain about not getting a jury trial when you agree to confess for a reduced sentence.

We still legalize about things that concern them, like say, abortion and don't require rich white land owners to go and get their asses shot off either.

And they took the plea bargains primarily because they could either get a couple of months/a year or two if they took it, or risk getting 20 years if a bunch of strangers believe the cops rather than them.

Often when prosecutors offer them they do so because the evidence they have is flimsy.

It's a pretty horrible gamble, and a perversion of justice. Either someone is guilty and should face the punishment laid out in the law in full rather than getting a steep discount. Or they a not, and shouldn't face any punishment, determining which one it is should be up to the court/jury.

A Republic is a type of democracy. Democracy is an umbrella term.

low key would pork her tbh astaghfirullah

Nonviolent offenders should be able to vote. You're retarded if you disagree.

What about people convicted of voting fraud?

Yes. They can't do shit in prison.

All 3 people convicted of that?

Yes, them.

And all the other nonviolent crimes that show very poor character.


The good fight? I was simply observing that there is a class of nonviolent criminals that absolutely should have voting rights revoked.

How come?

You'll have to be more specific.

I will rephrase, why do you hate democracy you commie?

It puts the power in the hands of plebs.

because you say so, or for an actually good reason?

See above. People who actively subvert the electoral process shouldn't be invited back into it. Is this not a good reason? Or are you having trouble figuring out similar crimes?

People who actively subvert the electoral process shouldn't be invited back into it.

You mean electoral fraud? So like 3 people over the last 20 years. It's a non-issue.

> discussing "the issues" on /r/drama

I ask again, do you have trouble figuring out similar crimes?

Doesn't voter fraud usually not involve someone's personal vote though? I know a guy who got popped for it somewhat recently and he was stealing other peoples' ballots

Not sure why that matters.

Hate speech is just as bad as violence

Of course, hate speech is counted as a violent crime.

anyone who implies she's wrong gets to be a 14th amendment slave

Seriouspost incoming

Most people in jail aren't just in for "dimebags". It's usually quite a few dozen dimebags with the intent to sell. These "innocent folks with dimebags" are more than likely repeat offenders. Sometimes they've been in jail for handgun violations. Because violence is indeed tied to the drug market.

AOC is a big fat dummy, prisoners should not vote. This doesn't include people waiting in jail without a conviction.

Serious post over

Remember fuck gamers and suscribe to /r/gendercritical

Drug dealers wouldn't vote for legalization

seriouspost incoming

Seriouspost over

You might as well stick an /uj in there too.

I can stick deez nutz into you

They'll need every vote in 2020.

Alex Ocasio gives me a raging boner. I found her insanely hot.

She probably doesn't shave or wax, but whatever.

She's dating a mayo 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Yes the Boston bomber should be able to vote

I will specifically defend the Boston bombers right to vote

No one else's though, just the Boston bomber, I'm just selecting him out and giving him special treatment

We did it reddit!

Lmao of course this donkey ass looking bitch wants all the nigs in jail to vote for her.

Don't diss my waifu!!!

But yeah, you are correct.

Just looking to expand their base

It's not like voting makes a difference, who gives a dick

Commie Mommy give me milkies

They should be, problem is that it’ll be easy to manipulate their voting by the pack of media info they get.

I enjoy watching lefties argue about slippery slopes in regards to stripping rights.

This sounds like how a communist regime starts. 🤔

Occasional Crotez pricing once again she occasionally uses her brain cells. And not in things that matter.

I'm all for allowing landed male prisoners to take part in our wonderful democratic process. The real mistake was letting foids vote.

Sorry for the seriouspost but I unironically don't see the problem with letting prisoners vote.

“Democracy was a mistake” people were a mistake unironically

Is this like a boomer sub?

She is so beautiful and the voice of the youth we need today. I can see her running for President in the future she has a quick wit and a sharp tongue.

Yes please do this so prison populations run the elections in those small towns, there are places where the prison population is larger than the city the prison is in.

consider me retarded and too lazy to google: felony charges for a dime bag of grass?

This post is filled with a bunch of leftoids and rightoids serious posting because the collapse of CA has turned the sub into a battleground of CAfugees and soy’s trying to establish dominance over a radical centrist sub. The really is the end for dramacels.

There's a few counties where the prison population is the majority of the population. Be interesting to see who they elect as sherriff.

As long as Jussie Smollett gets to vote I'm good with whatever.

Ah yes. Non violent criminals shouldn't get to vote because you're an asshole