"When will chapo get the boot?" chapos and smuggies fight over who has the right to not get banned, as the rightoids are still sore from the r/Cringeanarchy and r/smuggies incidents. Will centrism ever prevail? Only time will tell.

38  2019-04-26 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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There's plenty of instances of rightist lunatics committing acts of terrorism. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them got radicalized by /r/smuggies.

DAE ever do terrorist acts after they drew a cartoon in ms paint to own the libs?

You know this is current year + x right ?

I wouldn't be surprised.

It is a well known fact that even the most innocent seeming image can be a right wing subliminal dogwhistle. Exposure to the psychic radiation and metathetans of such images can inspire otherwise innocent viewers to violence and terrorism, like refusing to suck girldick

Can’t wait until the peace sign becomes a signal for misogyny because it looks like legs spread.

big if true

I'm honest to god still scratching my head at r/smuggies getting quarantined

Yeah, how dare a sub dedicated to mocking political cartoons have some offensive toons in it!

Seriously, first it was this one, then r/waterniggas, what the fuck is going on?!

The social media giants are retooling their platforms with the belief that they can influence the next election and help their preferred candidate win. You're going to see a lot wrongthink subs get the ban and FaceBook hiding posts/groups. Not sure what Twitter is going to do...Jimmy Dorsey almost seems like he's taking the complaint that right-wingers get shafted on his platform seriously.

At least that has something offensive in the sub name. Quarantining smuggies makes no sense. It's super innocent content for the most part.

How many 1st world rightoid attacks have there been? Not counting ISIS and others.

Pretty much all of them

Yeah but all how many, I truly have no idea how many roids did that stuff


Looks like about 5 per year, with (just eyeballing it) about 25% Muslims, 25% paultards, and 50% conventional rightoids. Listening to conservatards talk you'd think that the baseball game guy was the only domestic terrorist attack that's ever happened, though.

The only one I can think of was the Charger of Peace in Charlottesville.

I thought it was a challenger

And if it was, it probably was the retarded wimpy v6 anyways

Could be, in any case, right-wing terrorism hasn't really been a thing since they caught Eric Rudolph, the guy that used to blow up abortion clinics and shoot the doctors.



Read a fucking book, you wee bastard. You clearly know nothing about how stochastic terrorism works both in theory and in practice.

Yes you chud, read some rando's rant about this totally not silly concept.

Y'know, the fact that there ain't any terrorists from Chapo?

Yes because the 60% are too afraid to own guns.

What is Stochastic terrorism and why do these retards keep talking about.

A giant COPE because it means terrorism occurs because that Pewdipie fellow said something edgy.

The use of mass public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random.

You decide whether this is a valid concept.

What do they define as stistcically probably? Cause that alone says nothing. Cause nearly anything has some probability too it.

Everything and anything they feel like.

Remember, these are big brained, book reading critical thinkers.

So you know, they're right and you're wrong.

It's about the size of the audience it reaches I think. Like, if I'm a dog and come into contact with at least one (1) mayofemoid, I'm 100% likely to get my rocket rode.

The fact that Chapo edgelords haven’t actually killed anyone yet despite their constant calls for giving fascists and libs the guillotine is the greatest evidence against the idea of stochastic terrorism.

The day /r/CTH ends up in the news after some ancom shoots up a dinner party for the rich is the day it will be banned, which will be never.

They came up with this to say blumph pandering to his base is actively inciting terrorism.

Read a fucking book, you wee bastard. You clearly know nothing about how stochastic terrorism works both in theory and in practice.

Read a book to learn about this shit we just made up. I checked and apparently there is at least one book that mentions stochastic terrorism...and it came out in 2017

Exactly, I can't find material older than current year + 2.

Literal ranting by some schizo.

lmao, they really needed to pick some """smart""" word to make this concept at least seem legit

Smuggies fucked themselves by embracing black and Jewish caricatures.

How hard is it to just not do that?

It’s a little strange to call the other side out for violence when you’re advocating for bloody left wing revolution.

The cause is pure and holy. If you do not help us cull the rich we will cull you.

Heh, nice police force you got there. If only people knew ACAB, we could finally cull you

All cops are patriarchal oppressors who keep the rich in power by striking fear into the hearts of commoners.

Terror is a spook. The commoners have lived under the heel of oppressors for far too long. Their hearts POUND with the strength of revolution and best not be in our way

Egoists rise up

They also defend white men don't forget.

bloody left wing revolution

audience breaks out into applause

na its okay when they do it just not when you do it.

Chapos aren't really a hate sub. They're just a frustrated, angry morons sub

Chapos aren't really a hate sub. They're just a frustrated, angry morons sub on the right side of history

In what world are chapos on the right side of history? Some alternate NEET dimension where everyone chops their dicks off and sings kumbaya?

Some alternate NEET dimension where everyone chops their dicks off and sings kumbaya?

Not if the roving bands of right wing death squads have anything to say about it.

Like they won't be enticed by the effortless warm holes of the progressive harem

Everyone is coming in bby

You're right. Those death squads will definitely be skull fucking the warm holes made by their ar15s in the bussy boi brigades brain cavity.

Why are they death squads in the first place?

How are you such a mindlet?

Why are they death squads in the first place?

Because we are in r/drama and it would be the most dramatic scenario

How are you such a mindlet?

How are you such a chapofag?

lmao I'm not numbnuts. I added the clause 'the right side of history' because that's all that separates them from the mdefags. They're both "just a frustrated, angry morons sub"

But you thought you had a point to make lmao

Point being that the "right" side of history in the mind of the chapo will also see the rise of the roving death squads to keep the balance.

yeah, the right side of history is the nonsense of the left. Roving death bands is the nonsense of the right, but I'd say less so

Chapos are a hate sub because they made me hate them

top level take

So what makes you hate them?

They aren't even quarintined so they are not going to get banned any time soon.

Reddit admins are not going to ban a sub with the name of a popular leftist pod cast no matter how many people they threaten to kill or how many subs they brigade.

They banned smuggies? Come the fuck on

/u/Baarle why do all Chapos type in the same way? Completely devoid of capitalization and punctuation. Is it because you're literally 14 years old?

Smuggies was quarantined? Time to call Ivan, he will sort out problem, he use Kalashnikov. Kalashnikov solve all problem, even build house for Ivan! Just ask him! He wave at builder, builder build house, free!