Biden is far right

142  2019-04-27 by ardasyenden


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Then I vomit and shit myself in pure disgust and bafflement

We know, chapofags

there's no shortage of "yeah but actually Sanders is far left by American standards so that's what matters. These terms are meaningless in other countries"

why do chapos think anywhere else matters?

Also that quote is correct. All countries are different and face different issues so the Overton Window is going to be very different between nations. That guy is quoting that like it's incorrect. Weird how they don't compare our politicians to some places in the Middle East that would make all US politicians look hard left.

Muh "far left in America is akshhully conservative in Europe"

Any other subject: centers its entire opinion on western europe + canada + australia + NZ pretty much anyone else: how is this relevant lol

"The West isnt a real thing it's just what alt-rights call countries with white people"

It is really funny that self-flagellating mayos also constantly act like "the rest of the world" is western Europe. Wait until they hear about how weebland hangs criminals on a regular basis. Honestly the left in Japan makes Republicans look like bleeding hearts.

American lefty retards have convinced themselves that the rest of the world is a super woke ultraleft paradise to make themselves feel better about their dumb ideas

These people are ignorant about how hardcore based "diverse" Singapore is.

They praise its housing system with mandatory ethnic quotas but are unaware that it canes criminals and executes drug dealers using this one weird guide.

Wow we can take inspiration from something without copying all things that thing does

Who would have thought


A smoothly running cooperative society requires immense social control. Freedom and cooperation are contradictory.

Even their ideas about right/left in Europe is dumb. If Americans actually saw the far-right and far-left here they would shit their pants and clutch their pearls.

Yeah no shit. If they think that Republicans are far right they should never set a foot in Europe. Let's see how carrying a gay flag works out in Florida and then in Romania.

gay flag

In my country the Communist party(that gets about 10-20% of the votes) is strongly anti-immigration and against gay marriage. I guess that's not True CommunismTM

That is based communism which is true communism. Far better then brocialists if you ask me.

They are the same trash. But brocialists are pretending they are not authoritarians and that "This time it will be totally different", meanwhile communists are praising dictators and denying crimes that happened in Eastern Bloc.

Japan executes far less per capita than the US tard

Their suicide rates are basically executions, but better for the economy because at least they got a lot of work done first.

Despite being 13% of the population

Do you not understand what per capita means?

That 40% of tranoids will off themselves?

Not to mention the huge swathes of Africa and Asia where homosexuality is straight-up illegal, and your own parents would beat you to death for dishonouring the family name if they found out. But sure, America's politicians are off-the-scale far right because they're not sure about letting trans people serve in the military or whatever.

the chapo response would be to blame third-worlders' problems on mayo colonialism because everyone knows those silly ignorant brown people have no self-determination.

And yes, they actually believe that homophobia is a value instilled by whites after centuries of humanism. That must be why they call homosexuality the white man's disease, because of how much mayos forced them to hate it.

Doesn't Japan have universal health care? Isn't that considered far left and radical in America?

legiterally the one thing anyone can cite besides gun laws (and far lefties also are against those so I don't think that's a smart example)

America is whole world why bring anyone else into this

Yes, we should copy Europe and use the political spectrum that led to the death of 100 million in the 20th century

Lets do it. Too many mayos in this country

"the problem with Hitler was that he was not violent enough" - Slavoj Zizek, patron saint of Chapos

Never forget the brutal genocides and famines that occurred under the social democratic New Deal reforms masterminded by the notorious tyrant, Franklin D. Roosevelt, not to mention the atrocities being committed against human rights in Scandivania to this day.

FDR would've been a brown shirt if he wasn't a cripple

Same tbh

šŸ”Ŗ langenmesser'd your ass

FDR wasnā€™t anti-Semitic so much as he hated the Nipponese. Hitler was a weeb, proving that the Wapanese were a mistake

This is what they call "logical proof".

Wtf I like FDR now

the brownshirts were the communists of the nazi party, i guess it checks out

Let's just make shit up

Yeah but that was like 400 years ago.

todays communists werent even alive back then, you can't blame them for it

We can blame them for Venezuela though

i blame venezuelans for that. properly functioning capitalist nations dont elect socialists.

Are you retarded?




no, why do you ask

I have severe social anxiety and can only form a rapport with like-minded people.

Well compare that with how many it didn't kill and it's not so bad

WW2 was Americaā€™s fault, you swine.

what does 'muh' mean?

This but unironically

No but Papa Bern would be a center left politician in Germany.

Muh "far left in America is akshhully conservative in Europe"

Even worse, since Europe (well, western/northern is what they're really talking about) is only economically much more left wing.

Americans have a very different idea of what leftism actually is, and American 'leftism' is utterly alien to most Europeans. The Democrats' white-flagellating idpol would make them as fringe as the Republicans' hypercapitalism.

I'm not pro Europe, I hate Europe just as much as America. The new American socialism will lead the way. European socialism is a failure.

Most American socialists are vanguardist, which has a negative chance of taking root in America

Europe is right wing


More like far left in America is centerist in Europe.


Smiled the whole time but couldn't resist the feeling that my soul being leeched out of my body.

Who writes something this girly and hysteric ?

A group of people who are composed of mostly mtfs who try to pass by talking the way they think actual girls talk

It's like contra's voice which is almost offensive.

Do you think itā€™s contras Patreon keeping him from 40%ing? Or is he just 1 of the the lucky 60%ers?

prob just getting some good dick. it's worth living for!

does that mean heā€™s a class traitor because no one wants to fuck poor trannies?

Wait contra is commie ?

Abolition of slavery, rights and vote for black people, rights and vote for women, end of segregation, Roe v Wade, gay marriage: ALL conservative victories. I'm reminded of the guy who runs Secular Talk saying that in the last 25 years, the Overton window has shifted to the right. Some of these people are living on a different planet.

end of segregation

Diamond Joe got his start in politics as a pro-segregationist lol.

Dont know who that is

dont worry about it lol


Being opposed to busing doesn't make you a segregationist, it just makes you not a fucking retard. Which obviously you would understand if you weren't a fucking retard.

retarded or not retarded he is pretty clearly far to the right for the dems

the fuck is busing?

In the 1970s they came up with the brilliant idea of desegregating schools by putting kids on buses and driving them half way across the city. So they spent a couple hours per day sitting on a bus going to a school where they would be a minority and isolated from their neighbors.
A cynical person might see it as boomers trying to expiate their white guilt by punishing the children of the next generation. It was never really popular with anyone white or black, but that was the era of crazy left-wing activist judges who were as bad as the crazy right-wing activist judges we have now.

Joe Biden had the guts to openly oppose that bullshit when some Democratic politicians were too cowardly to.

I came to know about this from Chris Rock who wasn't a fan because he said that he was bussed to even poorer mayo schools and he was tired.

Also on Fat Head (2009), the guy said that it played a part in the rise of obesity because children were too tired to play and didn't walk to school.

ā€˜Never really popularā€™ = ā€˜wildly unpopular and probably cost the Dems votes for a generationā€™ because using other peopleā€™s kids as pawns for your social experiments tends to do that

You are disgusted to actually have a black near your kid. White supremacy is still alive and well.

you're a paedophile, reported for diddling kids

Holy shit zoomers OUT OUT OUT

The bussing of white kids to black schools and vice versa to help promote integration in public schools. All it did was make kids take long often dangerous routes to school, and cost a ton in gas. Then they stopped it over public protests and everything went back to being basically the same as before. Ergo, inner city kid bussed out to white suburban school and suburban kid to inner city school. Now both feel out of place and mildly alone, one has to deal with shitty teachers and racism in the inner city and one has to deal with Mayo nonsense teachers and racism in the suburbs.

Holy shit zoomers OUT OUT OUT

I'm just not American. I bet you clapped after writing that, you absolute burger.

Imagine not tipping so your service isnt better and pay isnt higher with less costs to the restaurant while letting a consumer choose whether or not to reward good service. Obviously french waiters are the best in town and we should all try that.

More white kids need to get stabbed in the ghetto

Dude busing lmao

White people will never share their wealth and find black kids schooling unless their spawn are forced to go to the same schools. If you oppose bussing, you support white supremacy.

Warren is "capitalist to her bones" and absolutely a right winger by every conceivable metric.

TIL Warren is a secret rightoid. Imagine thinking like this.

Even if she's 1% rightoid, that's still a larger percentage than her "Cherokee ancestry".

Pretty warm take, gotta day

Well, much like her face, there's only so much you can work with.

ĀÆ\_ (惄) _/ĀÆ

Ancestry isnā€™t determined by a percentage. She has more in common with Native Americans than any other groups which is why she would be our first Native American President.

Scalpin' mayos and blazin' that peace pipe. Yasss Squaw slay!!

She has more in common with Native Americans than any other groups which is why she would be our first Native American President

Continually getting beaten by her drunk husband and a five time the national average incidents of STDs?

Sounds less like Native Americans and more like your average, run of the mill, white thot.

implying the average thot can land a husband

Wow the native are doing so poorly good thing we took their land and put it to such good use amirite?

Liberal capitalism is right wing tho

Yeah man remember when Warren curb stomped a bunch of immigrants to death.

The American perception of politics is one of the most mind-boggling things ever, and I say that as an American.

I point out the irony but it go over their head.

how the fuck would this dumbass country ever have a socialist future

Because socialism has done so well right?

b-b-b-but muh Cuba literacy

Don't forget healthcare!

Yeah they're doing easy better in both than America's island colony in the Caribbean. And more Puerto Ricans have fled blessed capitalism than rich Cubans have fled after having their mansions seized. But capitalism has done oh so great.

you conveniently forgot the part where """rich Cubans""" were butchered

mostly they just got their shit took. the middle class hated batista so much that they supported the communists.

You do realize Puerto Rico is part of the US right? And yes capitalism has done well far better than what ever socialism can ever do.

Hey I can sign my name and address !

reading as your country's highlight

Jesus christ

Gutenberg was a mistake.

How well had capitalism done? The death toll for capitalism in the 20th century is in the hundreds of millions.

I can have people deliver me random food at random times of the day if I choose...and I take running water and power for granted, so I'd say pretty darn well!

Tell me chapo how well has socialism done? Death toll for socialism is far more than capitalism at this point.

On judgement day Lord Jesus will put all the sinners to his left and they will burn in eternal hellfire (everyone I don't agree with entirely is on the left) Amen.

Eh, honestly this seems like as sane a prediction as anything else on the internet right now.

broke: obama is a democrat

woke: obama is a moderate

bespoke: obama is a right-winger

'My policies are so mainatream ... The truth of the matter is, if I had the same policies back in the 1980s I would be considered a moderate republican' - Obama

The rightoid hate of Obama is so retarded. As a conservatard I liked Obama -- no real gun control legislation and he droned the fuck out of Muslims. What more could you want?

Nobody actually cares about the policies, they just want their side to win. Look at the love for Hilldawg

I want Barack "what's the difference between ISIS and a child hospital" Obama back.

Barack "If they're brown, drone them down" Obama

Barack "Looks like conspiring? That's a Hellfiring" Obama

No real gun control legislation

Not for a lack of trying.

He didn't attempt it once

fast and furious

My fuckin sides

I wasn't meaning him specifically. The anti-gun people tried to get a lot of legislation going but it went nowhere.

Obama couldn't get anything done because of obstructionist Republicans

Obama never wanted to do the things that Republicans were against

I don't normally like to side with rightoids but they are unironically right with their mockery of the "no one wants to take your guns" thing

wtf I love obama bin laden now

Why the fuck are his eyes so blue?

Imagine thinking that Obama isn't right wing lol

wtf i hate capitalism now


Shit who is actually a leftist at this point? Next time we see this Lenin will be a centrist.

There are no differences between leftists and centrists, you fool, you absolute buffoon

In the commie tardosphere that was true. You were either communist but a little to the right and you were a "revisionist" or you were a little to the left and you were an "adventurist".

Iā€™ve heard leftcoms claim that Stalin was far right

Explains why Stalin purged the communist party when he came to power

he was a right wing communist, like how the strasser bros were left wing fascists.

Citing leftcoms is cheating, absolutely no one listens to those losers

he was though. stalin was a right wing communist, trotsky was a left wing communist, and lenin was somewhere in the middle.

The American perception of politics is one of the most mind-boggling things ever, and I say that as an American.

Um, why on Earth do we have to adopt Belgium's view of what left-right-center should be? We run the entire fucking planet alongside our Chonger brothers and sisters. They can adapt their shitty country's political perceptions to our scale.

The American perception of politics is one of the most mind-boggling things ever, and I say that as an American.

/u/PoliticalHedron are you aware that there are countries besides western Europe, Canada, and Australia?

I mean, yeah, duh, I am aware there are other nations outside of the so-called ā€œWestā€ and I do keep track of their political and economic systems. Iā€™m not sure what your point is?

As I said in my paragraph you decided not the quote, most countries have this warped sense of capitalist realism. Iā€™m just saying I find the American brand of it particularly ridiculous.

Can you plot out for me which parties are right or left wing in Lebanon? Or any Arab country? I'm really curious as to how you would map your understanding of politics onto places that exist in the real world.

If it is anti capitalist itā€™s right-wing, if itā€™s anti-capitalist itā€™s left. Simple as that. Literally applicable to any country.

Baathist theory (not praxis, necessarily) for example can be considered a left-wing ideology. Other examples are the socialist party in Algeria, communist parties in Iraq... and I shouldnā€™t even have to mention them, but also the Kurdish parties? This isnā€™t to say that these parties are necessarily successful or end up working in praxis, but that can be said of any place in the world today.

r u 4 fucking real?

The Baathists would have tortured the shit out of you until they realized you were just LARPing.

the Kurdish parties

You actually think that you whining about your student loans is relevant to conflict that's been recorded as early as Xenophon's Cyropaedia 2500 years ago.

Can you not read what I said or am I being confusing? I said Baathist theory, not necessarily praxis, is leftist in nature. Boi.

The point is the Kurds are leftist, Im not sure how the length of their historical conflict has anything to do with it, but ok? Also leftism is bigger than student loans, no, not all leftist are just welfare state Bernie Bros.

What would you describe your "leftism" to be?

You said anti capitalist twice

šŸ“ šŸ‘ž

Good catch, meant to say just capitalist for right-wing.

The communist party of Iraq is like us. Currently they're in the largest coalition in the Iraqi parliament.

also none of the countries listed are socialist whatsoever


No offense but Iā€™m not sure what you guys are on about with the comparing with Western Europe thing. Weā€™re not. Thereā€™s just actual theory behind this.

Most leftists agree with you, Europe is just a bunch of neoliberal capitalist welfare states.

neoliberal capitalist welfare states

and that's a good thing

They're rightists and not the model the new American socialism seeks to emulate. They are greater failures of socialism than the soviet union.

Where on earth is more left both socially and fiscally than the US outside of the West?

I'm not saying that the governments themselves are more left. You'd be hard-pressed to find any truly leftist governments, and that was my point about capitalist realism. However, there are plenty of leftist movements outside of the West just as there are in Europe. America lacks.

AmERicA's LeFT iS tHe ReST oF thE WoRld'S RiGHt

You do realize that many of us in cth are Maoist third worldists? We despise the entire west and all its evil settler colonies, and support the third world.

third worlders are degenerates who would literally kill larpers like you.

On second thought maybe you're onto something with supporting them.

This is so bogus and I realize that a line does not at all depict actual politics. It only depicts a bunk hypothesis in textbooks on political theory.

Imagine not understanding the basic concept of a frame of reference.

It never even began for chapocels

Well, Commies have been labeling soc-dems as far-right for decades.

trump's rhetoric is left of biden on some economic issues. neoliberalism is fucking crazy man

It's just like calibrating brightness and contrast on your tv, if you don't see all the shades of grey, you're the problem...

Stalin was the true radical centrist

So did Chapocels never go to school or something? Because every time Iā€™m linked there I feel stupider and stupider?

Itā€™s honestly true, we need some real left wingers in America because capitalism is destroying it

Biden is far right.

So yesterday i was bored and i checked pit the chapo podcast for like the first time in 6 months since i last listened to it

I could get hotter takes and more political insights from a fucking microwavable dinner than those fucks. God their podcast is boring and realllly unfunny despite one guy making le jokes and some other faggot literally laughing at every word like hes high

Hi, prince_of_prussia1!

I am am just dropping by to wish you a lovely day! Take care!


Shut the fuck up

Th left Yang off

I know this place is filled with CA rapeugees who think your political spectrum is formed from your stance on immigration and Loli games on the steam store but that is much more accurate even if still wrong.

What the fuck Does watch this space mean


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