BelleAriel spotted in the wild with another in-depth, informed comment."Never heard of that sub but if you guys deem it as a hate sub good." Literally a sheep happy being told what to hate without even questioning it.

43  2019-04-27 by _exophthalmos_


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Well known truths:

I. G-d created Asian women as an apology to humanity for creating Western women

II. G-d created Asian boys as an apology for creating Asian women

III. Men were created before women

Corollary: G-d is capable of rearranging time.


Its private.

I know!! It's so desperate. Please, anyone, let me be your unpaid janitor. She's been going around begging and hinting on subs where they advertise for mods. There was one, can't recall which, where she clearly wasn't selected even though they took on 79 new mods. So she left one of her creepy crawling messages (somewhat akin to how she responds to Dev the DiaperMod) wishing them all the best. How fucking sad is she. Literally begging to be a mod. How it must have hurt when everyone rejected her except Dev the DaiperMod). But to publicly humiliate yourself like this. Scraping the barrel.

I almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

Her few 'friends' don't even recognise the fact that they're acting as enablers for her very real illness. Meanwhile a child is sitting somewhere, left ignored because her deadbeat mother's life revolves around narcissistic supply from reddit.

Fucking sad.

Doesn't her mother or something take care of the kid? I read a post where she said her involvement is picking it up from school, sometimes.

archive the screenshots please