r/KIA clutches pearls over lack of bikinis in Mortal Kombat.

11  2019-04-27 by Ghdust2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Gimme da b00bz.

Seriously though. There’s internet porn now. Who cares about gamer boobs anymore? You aren’t jerking in front of the arcade machine or some shit. Not for long anyway.

Why does internet porn mean people should want the rest of their entertainment to feature ugly wine-aunt hags in burqas?

Because 2019. Digital boobs are cancelled because representations cannot consent.

nmx, how do you expect to fight the white genocide and Moslem over-breeding if you and your peers have unrealistic expectations of wimmin?

Women should be free to wear whatever revealing clothing they want without judgement, but we reserve the right to judge you for enjoying media that objectifies women by wearing the exact clothing we just told you there's nothing wrong with wearing, somehow simultaneously.

Large in part because no one asked for this and none of the fans ever complained. Regular fighting games are played by 99% men. Maybe 85% if it's smash. I don't understand why the devs would push misogynistic ideals on fictional characters like covering up their proud female bodies. The patriarchy is out in full force, praise Allah.

Imagine being so pathetic you think that covering up the titties in your juvenile murder simulators makes you any less pathetic for being an adult who plays juvenile murder simulators.

Unironically calls vidya "murder simulator"

Calls others pathetic.

Now THAT'S some utterly destructive autism, m8.

(71% upvoted)

Here comes the C O P E

What do you expect from burgers if they could they'd be western islam by now so they take it out on characters they were milking a few years ago