r/WatchRedditDie is dead (or almost)

55  2019-04-27 by le_epic_xd_part_2


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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They made the mistake of welcoming the CAutists.

They were always welcome

Overnight, then they have to go home.

Where will they go? Have they created a sub that wasn't nuked already?

I don’t think so, any replacement subs I’ve seen have gotten nuked on sight by the Madmins. There was another thread here a couple days ago about them moving to voat, I’m not sure how that’s going.

Can't wait to see them get shit on by voat

r/subredditcancer is gone too. But I think they both just went private to avoid flood of CAfugees.

Kinda assumed those subs shared a user base anyway

yeah but While Hawkeye's daughter and Professor Hulk actually set up Old Man Logan, the franchise will move forward with setting up a movie about the Celestials and Eternals in Avengers Endgame lol

Keep going king, don't stop

Literally no one wants to house the CAnimals, when will (((they))) get the point?


Say what you like about Qoomers, they at least left for the greener pastures of 8chins with a minimum of fuss and serious terroristic threats.


WRD battens down the hatches, closing itself off to the outside world.

In the distance, a single HONK pierces the frigid air. WRD shudders at what could have been.

I’m laughing at all of those crying incels in there, nothing makes me happier than a crying fragile incel

God what a low effort post. Like your entire life I would iamgine