Fatties of r/bodyweightfitness fight over if sugar or excess calories make you fat.

40  2019-04-27 by GodOfDarknessWine


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Yeah and trans fats ain't fats because they say so. We need to be more accepting of trans.

found the Big Sugar representative in here.

It's over for sugarcels

Calories matter the most and if you eat at a deficit you will lose weight, its just better to eat nutrient packed food as opposed to sugar which is just empty calories.

I’m an ex-fatty with a massive eating addiction. I’ve tried and lost weight on both. They both definitely work, but doing the whole “eat whatever you want just make sure it’s under your calorie limit” is infinitely more miserable than doing a Keto/low carb no sugar diet. When you stop eating sugar, you eventually just stop caring about food.

When you stop eating sugar, you eventually just stop caring about food.

Doesn't sound fun, food's great.

Unless you’re a ham planet.

bro ur fat? That’s really cringe tbh

Do you even lift?

no i do pull ups sometimes and eat whatever i want. being fat is icky tho yuck

If you could read you’d see I said “ex-fatty”

Learn to read.

It's not true, I still love food, I'm just not addicted to it anymore.

When you stop eating sugar, you eventually just stop caring about food.

Similar issue. I've been doing power lifting for close to 2 decades now. When I am on a bulk / strength cycle, I eat like a pig. No where near those guys on youtube, but probably around 4k to 5k calories a day (I also spend 4 hours a day in the gym). Lots of protein sure, but also lots of tasty stuff.

However, when I am cutting (losing fat), I eat only chicken breast and spinach and crap like that for weeks on end. After about the second week I'm usually like, "Food? Meh."

So, I think food (type) restriction diets can work in terms of suppressing appetite, but there's no magical combination of food that breaks the laws of thermodynamics. If there was, I'd have discovered it by now.

4 hours a day in the gym LMAO

Look at this faggot lifting less than a full time job. What a pussy.

I disagree

Which is why I have a calorie limit and manage to easily stay under it.

Every time some asks how to lose weight.

Person who lost weight: Eat less calories.

Person who can't lose weight: Well actually it isn't that simple, sweaty.

By far the easiest way to get excess calories is from added sugars. You can get 400 calories in a large soda pop (32oz), same as in a chicken breast and a cup of rice. But no restaurants are serving chicken and rice IN ADDITION to the meal you are already having.

So if I ask for chicken and rice on top of another meal, the restaurant is going to tell me no? Why do I even come on this fucking website when I always come across nonsense like this?

¿Pot que no los dos?

I don’t get how people are so retarded not to understand how simple it is to lose weight

literally just eat less

Because they do not like that answer. This is the generation that searches for answers to questions that ensures they get the answer they want. So when you say "eat less you fat fuck", it upsets them and they instead want a magical pill that will do the work for them.

Even surgery is out of the question, because they lack the work ethic to save up for the costs, so they stay fat and end most nights with "I will start my diet tomorrow, another massive bag of chips isnt going to case any damage".