Boomers think sex shouldn't be pleasurable

9  2019-04-27 by UncleMoeLesta


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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The best argument against abortion is that it’s murder lmao.

Yeah but saying it's murder makes murderers feel bad.

Kids are leeches that need to get jobs

Nice NP link douche

Lmao how can NP links be real just remove the NP

The fact that they are useless makes using them even more pointless.

Fuck off chapstick

Imagine unironically NPlinking

i still don’t get why it matters? i am retarded though

Imagine being so special you put 2 special letters in your link to disable participation

ahhhhhh it makes now

You're definitely white

Surely everyone in that thread is an accomplished, wealthy family man, since they're so superior and forward-thinking that pleasure is beneath them?

Foids use the same logic when they shit out a kid and get that child support

These people don't see a family as a blessing, they see it as a burden; an unfortunate byproduct of their promiscuity and they raise their children with this resentment at the forefront of their minds. I propose we start offering people $5,000 to allow themselves to be sterilized. Problem will solve itself in two or three generations.

It doesn't work because our opponents are 90 IQ dopamine addicted sensory receptors with no grasp on the ideas of forethought and consequences

Galaxy brain takes

incels make me fucking sick, lazy shitbirds with repulsive personalities