MAGA Gun Chad saves the Jews

16  2019-04-27 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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Seem Wraith's thread on the shooting was removed by Homo Operations (the pastebin is my guess?), so I post this tweet about a news article.

The hero gunman's identity is unknown AFAIK, but assuming he's some MAGAtard is the funniest outcome to me.

AIPAC was behind this.

Fuggin nice

None of the other news stories on this mention an armed civilian

It's just pre-emptive guncel COPE

Well it just happened so who knows, but rightoids do have a track record of making shit up right after big news breaks.

There was 2,167 hits for "California" in John Podesta's hacked Setch Rich'd emails.

False-flag confirmed.

Border patrol. Professional law enforcement. Not a /komando.


MAGA Gun Chad saves the Jews by shooting his second shooter accidentally

CAnimals really not taking it well

Now someone call the cops so they can shoot him

“Are you a conservative?”

I am not a useless, spineless coward so no—I am not a conservative. Conservative is a misnomer. They conserve nothing. They’ll complain all they want but they won’t take up arms and threaten their government with death (the only thing that works). Ever heard about the Battle of Athens (1946)? Find your balls again you insufferable faggots. If you do not defend your rights you deserve none.

From the manifesto of the shooter:

To the glow-niggers and Jewed-media reading this. I think it is important for you to know that I did not do this alone. I had the help of a man named Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg. He was kind enough to plan and fund this whole operation—the sly bastard. Apparently, Pewdiepie hates Jews as much as Pajeets.

Why are people attracted to that guy ?

ltrly fake news

you got insta downvoted lel

The desire to post first has led me down the dark journalists path of unverification. I'm sorry kosher daddy.