What did NYT mean by this?

357  2019-04-27 by WarSanchez


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


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Both sides of what have a partial truth? "Climate change is a conspiracy conjured up by NASA vs. human's are irrevocably changing the planet's environment." Where the partial truth in both sides?

Are you new here? Snappy isn’t gonna answer you.

I'm new in these here parts.

Snappy is DNA-deficient and speaks in quotes from other people.

I thought so. That bot is just full of crazy things people have posted throughout Reddit. A lot of it is entertaining. It comments on every post here. Don’t take anyone here seriously. In fact “serious posting” is made fun of here. I’m not saying don’t post whatever you want but don’t expect any real discussion here. The schtick around here is “Radical Centrism” which takes the far left and far right talking points and slamming them together as a joke. It’s all ironic. I saw what you posted and figured you weren’t from around here, we mostly bully snapshill bot.

Omg. Hahaha. Well, I feel like a chump. Thanks for the heads up. Lol

Part of the joke is that occasionally the bot will post a random comment that wildly works as a response to the actual post. It’s basically succeeded as a “sentient” force, in being able to trick you into replying to it unironically.

Hahaha That's awesome.

I'm new in your bussy

When #resisting Drumpf goes wrong.

let's go after the Jews to own the conservatives


let's go after the Jews to own the libs!

Poor Jews tbh

Rich Jews you mean

That was implied

Poor jews aren't real jews

They’re too broke to be Jewish.

General rule of thumb, if they are a poor jew then they’re just a mayo

I have two kitchens in all of my homes. How many kitchens do you have?

having to cook yourself


Uh, one kitchen is for the help, obviously.

only one


Can't even use it on Saturday smdh

And then one day, people voted for Hitler for no reason

Far left and far right both hate the jew

the horseshoe fits true

South of reality

South of sanity

Fuck these bitches

In their cavities

Almost like they’re a convenient scapegoat that people have projected their fears and hatred on for centuries.

Alternate theory - their power is so all encompassing that they control every side of every conflict in every culture war in the world.

Somebody has to be behind all that "family" and cuck/bbc porn on the internet. Destabilizing young western minds.

I wonder who it could be.


Well, that's a given.

That's what I love about this sub. It always highlights both sides of the argument, so you can gain a fair and balanced understanding of the issues. True centrism.

so you can gain a fair and balanced understanding of the issues take the most radical points of both issues and mold them into the indisputable truth

Pineapple AND surströmming pizza.

I hate you

The official meal of Nazbolistan.

Almost like they’re a convenient scapegoat that people have projected their fears and hatred on for centuries.

lol yeah so radical

Let me guess, you’re a mayo

good onr

let me guess, you're a tardo

All I hear is mayo tears. You need to go back

all i hear is tardo undecipherable whale sounds

What the radical centrist won't tell you about is the extra-terrestrial lizard people who manipulate the entire population through a combination of mind control rays, water fluoridation, and chem trails.

almost like posting

Almost like it’s objectively the best form of communication

Almost like they’re a convenient scapegoat that people have projected their fears and hatred on for centuries.

Alternate theory - their power is so all encompassing that they control every side of every conflict in every culture war in the world.

Well, jews tend to congregate in industries and be vocal about matters that make them a lighting rod for crazy.

Jews do have a history of being absolute dicks when they're not persecuted. It doesn't excuse the persecution at all, but man, you really have to look at the Romans experience with them and say, "What the fuck were they thinking?"

Abraham lied to the pharaoh about Sarah being his wife so god inflicted a plague upon the pharaohs land and then made him pay up in shekels and slowly took over the entire kingdom. Stereotypes have no basis in reality.

Jews do have a history


when they're not persecuted

pick one

Meanwhile the centrist position:

let’s go after the Jews!

To quote a Jew:

Oh the Catholics, hate the Protestants,

And the Protestants, hate the Catholics

And the Hindu's, hate the Muslims,

And everybody hates the Jews

the actual collusion is with israel but thats antisemitic so we can't talk about it

They’re coming for your guns, Cletus

Rightoids the taken out of context excusers, take out of context a completely halal drawing mocking (their) country.

Cartoon depicts real political dynamic that exists between the two men. You couldn't draw Obama like this bc the relationship was not of such "quality".

I don't get it, how is it anti Semitic?

I don't get it, how is it anti Semitic?

TBH, I can see both sides.


On the one hand, yeah, Netty is making Trump his bitch. Not to mention he is doing this largely in the name of Jewish Nationalism and ultra-Orthodox parties that he's alligned with to keep power.


Still, having Trump dressed as a schlubby Jew with a massive fuckin nose is an... interesting artistic choice.

if only he had more labels...

Ben "The Hang-man of the Hook-nose" Garrison maybe on to something

TBH, I can see both sides.

me 2

I think you're reading too much into Trump's "look". Trump's nose is by no means "massive". And dressed as a schlubby Jew? OK...that's pretty specific. He's wearing a yamika. It's a political cartoon and it's regarding Israel's relationship with the US. If you put Ireland in place of Israel and have Trump sporting a four leaf clover on his head would that be anti-Irish? It's not like the US doesn't have a history of massive discrimination against the Irish.

Netanyahu dragging along Trump can be reasonably interpreted as the satirical relationship between Bibi and Trump. Even the Star of David around Bibi’s neck makes sense in the context of someone depicting criticism of the US-Israeli relationship.

But the yarmulke on top of Trump’s head teeters the line of what is anti-Zionism and what could be justifiably perceived as anti Semitism

*yarmulke or kippot

Dammit. I knew I spelled it wrong, but was too lazy to Google it.

I can't tell if this is satire or not and its pissing me off lol

The argumentation seems to be that it uses the Star of David, not the Israel flag. It does seem like a fair criticism, I mean for us goys it's not that large of a difference, but as a kike I'd do a double take too probably.

If it weren't for Trump wearing the Jew hat and Netanyahu having an exaggerated nose, I don't think it would be anti-semitic. It's true that Israel secretly controls the world, but that doesn't have anything to do with Jews.

A yamalka us less toxic than a maga hat

As for "exaggerated nose" welcome to political cartoons

I guess we’ll have to wait to see which members of the US congress like the picture to figure out if it’s antisemetic or not. 🤔

Because any criticism of the Israeli government obviously means that you're anti-semetic.


Wait so does this mean the NYT thinks Trump is Putin’s bitch but also Netanyahu’s? He’d be more collusion than man at that point.

What about that picture suggests that Trump is Netanyahu’s bitch?

Is the implication not that Trump is blind and being led around by Netanyahu?

Hmm, I thought those were sunglasses, not blind persona sunglasses.

I could see that, I only thought they were for blind people because he not known for wearing bitchin’ shades. I was also thinking us letting Israel lead us around was the left’s normal slant. Netanyahu just being Trumps dog is seems more anti Semitic though. So I don’t know.

The apology from the NYT said that the cartoon was meant to depict Bibi as a guide dog leading a blind Trump.

Could’ve thrown a vest or a handle on the dog but thanks for actually finding that. That’s what I thought.

The dog leading a blind man motif is practically a meme in cartoonism. It’s ancient.

That was no ‘apology’ lol and people are even more pissed now. They didn’t once say they messed up in publishing it.

With the synagogue shooting in CA literally a day (or even less?) after its publishing, this really doesn’t look good for NYT tbh. This could be the thing that takes them down.

“The media is finished for sure this time”


A man can dream can’t he?

The media has been around as long as there have been people to both about the media. Buckle in, it’s going to be fun 🤙🏽

You don’t think it was when Dick Cheney was parading the NYT around saying they were reporting on Saddam having WMDs?

This is why political cartoonists have to label everything, retards are unable to understand even the most basic visual elements.

The shame is killing me, it really is.

he is a just bitch to authoritarian daddys in general hes like a slut.

I expected it to just be an oil drum honestly.

That’s more of what I expected!

If his wife isn't proof the lizard-people have infiltrated us IDK what is.

Aaron Rodgers is the proof. In almost every replay you can see his true horizontal eye lid close. I know the guy that built his house. It’s just a large terrarium with a house shell. As soon as Danica lays her eggs he’ll get rid of her just like he did with Olivia and her eggs. The evidence is everywhere.

The mods are trying to hide the truth!

not knowing the difference between horizontal and vertical

The absolute state

> when you marry an old guy for his money and next thing you know you’re at an Illuminati meeting

NYT names the jew, may as well change dog's ears into triple parentheses

Trump bends over more to Netanyahu and the Saudis than to Putin, but no one really talks about it cause it's anti antisemitism goy.

Erdogan is bae 😍😍😍

It never even began for Kemalistcels

Oh gawd when I saw that I just schvitzed my assy nipples oy

When you resist in the wrong direction

Rightoids: hate Jews because of racism Leftoids: hate Jews because of social justice

Radical centrism reaffirmed 😎😎😎😎😎😎

The flip side of the centrist coin is loving and supporting the Zionist Occupational Government

Death to Israel

Palestine from the river to the sea, with its eternal carpal of united Al-Quds

Ew. How about we just give Israel to the Tibetans to piss everyone off?

Because we paid for it? Is there a Jewish Dali Lama they could depose?

The best way to piss everyone off is to glass Jerusalem so none of the Abrahamoids can fight over it anymore.

that's how you get a 9/11 every year

Now we're talking.

While we're at it, give the Falklands and Gibraltar to the Tibetans too.

So both sides of the coin are great. This is why we love centrism.

If the dog was depicted with Putin's face instead of netanyahu's they would've eaten it up

No they wouldn't?

You're right. They would love it if Putin was walking trumps as the dog.

Like it was made out of spare ribs.

Putin is a man. They’ve borrowed anti Jewish imagery and created an ‘all jews’ caricature. Maybe accidentally.

I don't know if the @nytimes is aware of this but 75 years ago Jews were being slaughtered in Europe because of antisemitic cartoons like that. During the 90's Jews were persecuted and fleeing Russia because of cartoons like that and they also play their part in the reason why...

Ban cartoons.

Agree. Looks like cartoons ruined the 20th century

The 21st too. Down with weebshit

Yep. Hitler loved jews until he read the くそユダヤ人 manga.

Not Angel Cop? You had one job.

Oy vey, another cartoon shoah!


This isn't an "error of judgement". This is either an inexcusable stupidity or pure antisemitism.

Well since it's the day and age of the freakout...it's clearly islamophobic.

I'm working on the how of it, but it is.

I need a conservative safe space the libs are making me cry again :(((

Oh Good fucking galaxy brain take from Louis Mensch

Death to Israel

NYT should fire Ben Garrison.

bussy lol

Where's the labels? I don't get it.

Woke broke bespoke and groped


Lol what the hell is even going on anymore?

Do you americans really consider something that benign racist?

Such an ugly picture full of lies from an anti-Semitic bastid.

We all know Trump and every other President voluntarily follows Israel's every whim, they don't need to be led.

When you go out of your way to be offended by a comic