Annual gathering of the NRA turns into a no holds barred, extreme rules drama fest. Extortion, blackmail, spontaneous firing/resignation of leaders, "inappropriate wardrobe expenses" sexual harassment suits and so much more. Thank God for opiod Americans.

94  2019-04-28 by WarBoyPrimo


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Americans; the gift that keeps on giving. The whole world gets to feel superior to something.

the only honorable way to settle this is with a shootout

No guns allowed in the building.

It never even began for NRAcels.

Oliver North drama is always good for popcorn sales.

Is this the actual Ollie North?

Yep, it's that Ollie North.

It's a testament to the immense hypocrisy of rightoids that they provided that piece of shit with a platform.

Ollie North personifies the right, what are you talking about?

Dude "pardon Ollie North" was almost Bush's original campaign slogan.

tfw you're the voice of reason but also committed treason in the 80's.

When you should be chilling in federal prison for treason but instead you have to spend your days wrangling gun tards.

Fuck, I hate boomoids

I could understand NRA membership putting up with dramatic bullshit like this if the organization had a hard stance against compromise on the 2A. This is why GOA is the patrician gun rights organization, if the dramatic nutters are a constant might as well go with the consistent ones that refuse to rest until I can order machine guns to my door like pizzas.

no step on snek

Day of the extended clip when


Hilarious. The NRA brought North on during the height of the Mueller investigation to remind various staffers that life can be pretty good after treason. Its good to see he showed his appreciation be continuing to be absolutely horrible.

Canceled? Hahahahahahah. Like it ever even started. He got paid a million or so by the PR Firm and made three episodes. It's not a tv show, its welfare for mayo rightoids.

He got paid a million or so by the PR Firm and made three episodes.

Just another reminder that I am in the wrong racket. Its astounding how profitable being sleazy can be.