After a Chinese bootleg Lego maker gets shut down, somebody calls the bootleg Lego enthusiast community a bunch of entitled poors who should find a better job, pissing people off.

91  2019-04-28 by dongas420


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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That's a lot of words and realistically the only reason an adult could have for buying LEGO® or Unofficial Studded Bricks™️ is luring children. Libertarians also use a lot of words and they have a demonstrable pedophilia problem.

Your different colored text triggers me


They could be just flexing on children with the amount of money a decent LEGO set costs these days.

The TM part is gray. You think you're better than me, huh? I'm a 69th degree black belt buddy don't test me.

“I used to be a poor minority who got bullied at school, now I’m a grown man who plays with children’s toys”

Wow it never occurred to me that someone might be making knock off legos with tolerances that weren’t complete shit. Nor would I have imagined a community built around it. It’s very satisfying when the internet does find a way to surprise me after all these years.

Ehem... Megablocks

Tolerances were shit when I used to use them. Never clicked together properly.

Huh I swapped them pretty well when I was a kid, their kits were utter shit though.

Megablocks = Rightoid LEGO

you misspelled magablocks


though preferably out of the structurally superior lego blocks

And make the store pay for it.

Trickle down block building.

There’s actually lots. Lepin is the most famous as they not only make their own unique sets, they make clone Lego sets too (that’s what the lawsuit is about)

based and toypilled

It's not just bootleg lego. Lepin was straight up theft (same exact 1:1 sets as lego, stole the boxart as well). /seriouspost

They did also make unique sets

They stole those from people who would share their creations. They did literally nothing but steal.


People keep saying that Lego prices their items too high... in that vein, Ferrari prices their vehicles too high

Lego, the Ferrari of the block world. Stay poor blocktards 😎😎😎

Actual fucking adults playing with Lego bricks, watching capeshit films, treating pets like children etc etc.

Most people should be put on a fucking bonfire immediately.

lol buying chinese knockoffs is just lowkey killing your kid with lead paint poisoning. They just want a way to legally kill their kid.

Lol Lepin store still trying to sell