I'm taking my leave from this sub.

163  2019-04-28 by IDFSHILL

Title. I no longer consent to pings.

Reason for leaving: too many rightoids, average IQ is too low to be entertaining anymore.


Post one more pic before you leave.

👏post👏 more👏bussy👏 before👏 you👏 leave👏






Are you f#cking kidding me? This stupid meme yet again? What is it with all these poorly memeified reply attempts at jokes? Are you posting these comments simply for karma?

I swear, sometimes it seems like people are trying to squeeze the karma from the balls of life. Those great round creators of all that lives; the fatherly mounds of existence. But that is abuse. The spheres of humanity should not be subjected to these horrors.

Like the song of the Sirens, the sweetest sound known to man, tempts the weak and fragile to its source; then, as the tentacles of Medusa grip your heart, the quest for internet points pulls you into a hole that you cannot escape until your dying breath releases you from the chains of life. The greatest sin of man, temptation, is fulfilled, only to open the box of Pandora, releasing the endless horrors of an infinite temptation that can never be satisfied. The call of the Sirens continues, despite its source being unreachable anymore. Life is wasted in the futile attempt to reach the unknown God that holds satisfaction; the journey itself becomes the source of grief and misery.

If you had the slightest of respect for life, you would quit your attempts to dig for karma like you're an owner of a diamond mining company in the forgotten, dreary depths of Africa. As the power of the sun --- a harbinger of life and death --- drains the workers of the strength within their weary bones, your comment burns through the depths of our souls and tacks on a hopelessness that is irreparable.

The power of the word can push a man into bliss or into despair. To hold that power is to hold a shining light into the very soul of a man. To behold this power is to comprehend that man is fragile. To see the use of a comment to hunt for karma, like a hunter trails after his prey, his very life-force, is to see the degradation of mankind.

To this end, you leave me no choice but to deprive you of your life-force, not for the benefit of myself, but for the benefit of yourself. Thusly, you may learn to appreciate the power of the word, and to use it wisely. Use it to benefit mankind, not to bring it down.

Downloaded. Downloaded big time. Downloaded hard.

COMMENT ALTERATION #☝️: thank you for the recognition, frends. It's great to know that a true Legend of Football like myself (5 touchdowns in 1 game in high school) is being recognized for his achievements, which are vital to culture and the progression of mankind. Keep up those uploads, never get married, and keep playing football! Whoooooooooooa Bundry!

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Probably a guy though because this bot is gay

See you again soon

Did he finally snap?


He just wants attention. Nothing wrong with that. I hope you have a good day, u/IDFSHILL!

Say hi to Karen for me /u/IDFSHILL

this is like ed leaving drama but posting "nobody cares" on all the /r/pics posts with sob story titles

It’s a peaceful ethnic cleansing of the faggiest powerusers 🥰

Ed left? Yikes

In reality the whole time he's been waiting for someone from drama to come and tell him that they care

I already have but he didn't respond 😢

That's pretty funny tbh.

He was unironically arguing YESTERDAY that /r/politics (5 million subs now?) is comprised entirely of secret, subversive rightoids. But what can you expect from someone who can’t count 100 pennies but wants to abolish the dollar?

He’s literally the darqwolf of seething political seriousposting/seriouspouting

Yup, that was one of the dumbest conspiracy theories I've seen on this subreddit

lol pizzashill whyyy?

Isn't he like 15?

this. because we're the only ones listening to him. he needs the encouragement

free reply

imagine thinking anyone cares lmao


Show me your asshole

This is the worst sticky yet u/MasterLawlz

Where were you when pizzashill had to resort to facebook attention girl posts for relevancy?

Reason for leaving: too many rightoids


^ but unironically

“Average IQ is too low”

“People who boast about their IQ are losers” -Stephen Hawking

“Sit on my face babe” -Stephen Hawking

"Talent is a wonderful thing, but it won't carry a quitter." Stephen King.

“Please stop running me over.” Stephen King.

“For everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. Those people would be legalized with the same act.”- Steve King, Iowa.

Jesus that’s a lot of pot. -Me reading that quote.

And yet my guy cant find shit

Since when is that lumpen headed fuck "white"? He's a Gypsy defendant clear as day.

Blessed day of caravan 🙏

average IQ is too low

Dw pizza, it'll jump back up once you fuck off.

And with one post the foid and rightoid menaces gain another advantage. Goodnight you king of Maine, you Prince of /r/drama

Hm. Were people fighting with him on the shooter post? Seemed like most agreed last I checked.

He'll be back

Oh yah. They always come back.

Except Jewdank... Looks like she left for good. Maybe she also OD'd in a bathroom.

If you see her, please let me and u/sheepdank know

We are officially at the end of days anyways with only 590 subscribers to go and the admins having us in its crosshairs. I mean any sub with a large population of edgy right wing retards won’t last long.

Sad but true

Wait a minute, this is it? Isn't it common knowledge that alcohol hurts developing babies??

It's over for Feta Alcoholcels

It's called ouzo

Their cells can use the alcohol for fuel.

Yeah, but retards were white-knighting womens choice to produce retarded babies.

How the fuck else are we gonna get lolcow milk?

A bit too close to home

A bit earlier he argued about heatlthcare with the amerifats. Not surprising tbh

Lmao i had a feeling my comment triggered it

Rightoids: too much leftoid

Leftoids: too much rightoid

Me: damn it feels good to be a radcen


🏄 🌊 🏝 🏖

you like dogs, fam.

Based and centristpilled

How do I join the fan club?

Nobody told you?

Assume everyone is an idiot except us and listen to Joe Rogan for guidance.

How embarressing.

hell yeah

Honestly once I went rad centrist I don’t see how I could ever go back even

I consider myself a radcen who hates the modern left, but the balance on this sub has skewed in favor of the rightoids for a while now

I'm a radcen who hates the modern left

You're not a radcen if you don't hate the left and the right equally. You imbecile. You absolute moron. Both sides are the same.

if you don't hate the left and the right equally.

I do though, especially since there are more rightoids on the sub

I'll shit you up so hard bbe. dm me 😘😘😘


yea but daddybois are downvoting him unironically tho

That sounds like an excuse to be a fascist but not call yourself a fascist because fascism is also gay

I mean the last time fascism came around, they sent the gays to the gas chamber so that sounds pretty not-gay to me.

why even have different words for Chapocels and CAutists, smh

Wait till the Dems get their shit together.


Shit is getting old. Sub claims to be centrist, but if you suggest daddy is a retarded corrupt peice of shit the DDF comes out in force.

This subreddit shits on Trump more than anyone

Oh shit yeah

holy shit

That’s /r/comedyheaven material right there.

It's an older MDE meme tho, I guess y'all just came out as rightoids. Yikes.

Based and Boomerpilled


Author: /u/userleansbot

Analysis of /u/Starship_Litterbox_C's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.

Account Created: 1 years, 0 months, 7 days ago

Summary: This user does not have enough activity in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types. I don't trust them.

Subreddit Lean No. of comments Total comment karma No. of posts Total post karma
/r/circlebroke2 left 4 1 0 0
/r/chapotraphouse left 2 0 0 0
/r/chapotraphouse2 left 1 13 0 0
/r/politics left 3 62 0 0
/r/politicalhumor left 1 2 0 0
/r/jordanpeterson right 1 1 0 0

Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform political discussions on Reddit. | About


too much everything.

Calling for revolution in neighbouring countries since 1788.

Damn it feels good to be a radcen

A real centrist-ass nigga plays his cards right

A real centrist-ass nigga never runs his fucking mouth

'Cause real centrist-ass niggas don't start fights

Radical centrism does not mean that you are both a rightoid and leftoid, but none of those.

P sure there’s no leftists here to claim that

Post hog

Yeah because if there’s leftists here they show up with their infamous weird catchphrases when accused of not being present.


My favorite percentage

And 13%!

You're lucky my yellow best is in the wash 😲

Autists. Downies. CAtards. Chapofags. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when Cringe Anarchy was banned. Only the Pizzashill, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished.


Saying more rightoids = lower IQ is like saying more water = wet.


Based 🤣

Unless it's ice.

N-slur, this is the 5th time you've threatened to leave. You have too much free time and too much autism to ever leave.

Im going to miss you and hope you return soon.

Pinging is allowed regardless of consent lmao

He's refusing to create a joinder with us

basad and atg ping-patrolling PS (2019 colorized)

Patrician reference.

Don't ping me bro

Is this true /u/gallowshill?

Oh boy fucking savage on top of ban.

I will just pm you the link of every comment that I make about you

absolutely based

I don't say this lightly, but even fucking POJOM deserves better. BTW pinging is back you fucking mongoloid.

at least when p_k left he didn't come back so we will see


see you later space cowgirl

0 days since the last attention post.

attention is the internet's currency bb

Is that why your new flair is being plastered across the subreddit?

idk whos doin that

I'm not sure my IQ is high enough to understand this. Is it true that /u/IDFSHILL no longer consents to pings? How will I ever C O P E with not being able to ping /u/IDFSHILL?

Please don't ping/u/IDFSHILL he didn't consent to this you're basically raping him.

What? How did I ping /u/IDFSHILL? All I did was complain about how I couldn't ping /u/IDFSHILL. Stop messing around

u/LongPostBot claims another victim.

See you in a week.

Oh my god look at his post historu, we're too late


He’s pulling an Ed. I think we should all do that if/when drama banned.

Alright see you tomorrow, Pizza

Farewell yellow shill. When you return on Monday post another pic in a blue t-shirt.



Did we ever know what IDF stood for? Impeachment defense force?

Israeli defence force

Oy vey. There’s so many layers to Pizzashill I honestly don’t know the irony level here

Got btfo'd one top many times huh

Every Leftoid complains that there is too many rightoids. Meanwhile, the average IQ is plummeting regardless.

$200 says he's back within a month

Imagine actually being offended and angry by agenda posts instead of just laughing at them and trying to juice them for more

You'll be back, too much of your self worth rides on worthless internet arguments.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Shill leaves

Average IQ of drama raises

what did he mean by this

r/Drama, you don’t fucking deserve pizzashill. He’s singlehandedly fought the dumb rightards flooding in here turning this place into a den of opiod abusing rurals, but all the comments here are thankless smuggery. You disgust me, drama.

u/snallygaster, in the name of all of pizza’s amazing tomahawk slam dunks on boomer conservatives, I call on you to mod pizzashill to wield the sword of centrality and smite the conservacucks. We can still save r/Drama!


Are you serious? This place is essentially tmor with a sense of humor. You should seriously consider coming to the center, it’s truly liberating ime

You sure it wasn't the css?


not by me

allegedly by accident while trying to mod him


come on, that dropdown is really close to the save button. bad design


Because banning him was funnier so he did it again.

Send me discord link pls

Literally still laughing over this.

How long before we have to see Pizzashill again?

he'll be back. and in greater numbers

Do bans effect pings? Because if they do, they shouldn’t.

Look how they massacred my boy


CA gets banned and idfshill takes break (thingingface).

This is autastic.

Imagine having to make a post about quitting a subreddit because your Reddit actount is your entire identity.

What a life.



Ur ugly

You made it in before me by a quarter hour.


average IQ is too low to be entertaining anymore.

Ironically, that issue will be fixed once you leave.


About what?

🍕 implied drama is a bunch of low iq losers, and your "come back" was the main response most people had to it. Sure seems like some cope to me.

Take a break boo, it’s tiring writing fresh material for every idiot that eats the hook.

Tldr: ree

You leaving will upset the balance 😭

You’ll be back

Pizza no come back I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭😭

heh, maybe next time kiddo 😎

This feels like a false flag like the one they did in r/games, whining about Ray Seism and then they cherrypicked two comments out of two thousands.

Bye stinky

be my bf

be my bf

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

See you same time tomorrow then.

You should take your leave from this mortal coil

christ you're a fucking retard

You'll be back.

too many rightoids

Amen. Close the fucking gates.

lmao literally quitting r/drama because you posted your face again and got roasted too hard?

average IQ is too low to be entertaining anymore.

Good thing this will get corrected after you are gone.

Zero dignity


/u/idfshill you never had to consent to pinging BBY 😘

But yeah, I noticed the shift in everything leaning right too.

Idiots can’t stand it when smarter people make fun of them.

So long Pizzashill, may your vain search for truth self-worth take you somewhere farther than filling potholes in whichever shithole state you live in.

Ironically, if you leave the average IQ would go up, thus rending your reason for leaving moot. The Drama Paradox.

I'm here daily and I have no idea who this gay is.

average IQ is too low to be entertaining anymore.

Shame, because the IQ just went up a tad.

Holy shit there is a God

I've said it before I'll say it again:

Imagine caring what pizza says in current year. Sensei Lawlz is where it's at.


Aww, giving up again?

Yeah /: