Is AITA even real

78  2019-04-28 by Starship_Litterbox_C


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I'm very impressed if he can disassemble and reassemble a bed that quickly and confidently.

Ikea man

Marriage material tbh.. oh wait

What’s the problem? This dude will be on the market soon. Then again it’s probably a made up story so if you dig fiction writers it could work.

well he lives in a rural area so I'm guessing he has to do a lot by himself.

How fucking retarded are you to be impressed by someone taking a bed apart?

I told her "I'll be godamned, I bought the bed and if you have a problem, you can sleep on the couch". She countered with the fact that her name is on the lease so it's her roof and I wouldn't be sleeping on the bed under her roof.

Haha yeah I’ve fought with my dude like this before. The shut down was when I said “cool ill move but can you afford the rent?”

But I decided to take it a bit further. While she was gone, I took apart the entire bed and drove it to my friends house

Haha yeah no. If I have enough energy to fight you this much, I definitely don’t have the energy to dismantle a bed.

Tldr faaaaaakeee

Based and financial pants in the relationship pilled.

If you ever get sick of that scrub, you can pay for my rent anyday.

The shut down was when I said “cool ill move but can you afford the rent?”

I'm the kind of person who will just go be homeless if I have to, especially if the fight is petty. The pettier the cause of the fight, the more dramatic the outcome, relationships are great

Always be willing to live in a box for the sake of your pride


This is why you don’t marry a fatty

AITA for chainsaw massacring my wife's family after she threw acid in my face because I left an orange in her car?

AITA for thinking the Industrial Revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race?

Heil ted 😎

Implying I'd ever be angry at Uncle Ted 😂😂😂😂😂


How does your ice-cream even make an hour and a half ride home without melting?

How poor are you that you dont have freezer in your car?

Asking the real questions.

Because this story is fake and the ice cream is a lie.


Yeah, as someone who grew up in the country, at most it's a 25-30 mim drive to a town.

You could use an insulating bag full of ice?

No. Source: I am subbed to it

No, of course not. Only a fool would take anything posted there as fact.

No. It's LARPers.

Yeah but i still hate his bitch of a wife, how could she do that to him?

> married

> living in a rental

> behaves like a child when he is the one who failed to provide for his mate

Why should she respect a male with such obvious low T?

t. 120 pounds 5'6

Okay, AITA at this point isn't even good enough for a creative writing exercise... and the plebs still get baited into it all the same.

People really are this immature irl.

It just that they have the foresight not to post it on the internet for everyone to see.

I got banned for being an asshole...go figure.

The classic overly proud clever man vs iron fisted harridan with better credit.

Imagine making up a cliche "go sleep on the couch" story and not responding like based Bill Burr

It’s not about the ice cream. It’s about the lack of consideration for her needs.

Favourite quote