The Oregon cake wars have begun again

19  2019-04-28 by Redactor0


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Baking a blackface cake

The level of pure, unadulterated, 100 percent grade A fucking autism that would have to into doing something like this is too great to even comprehend.

That's what's so fascinating. Apparently this was a bunch of beckies with rich left-wing parents. I always assumed that having two X chromosomes immunized you against CAutism, but apparently there's something going on here with high school girl social dynamics that's more powerful. I guess it's like how in physics some forces get more powerful the closer you are to the subatomic level.

Have you ever spent time around white girls in a majority-white place? They make Cletus the Negro-Buster look tame in comparison.

I thought they would spend all their time catfighting with each other. In a 2.8% black environment, how does a foid become racist? It's got to be some complex intra-femayo dynamic. Strains my eyes looking into the microscope once again.

In a 2.8% black environment, how does a foid become racist?

Girls are the biggest bullies in the world. Show them a minority in their school, whether the one Somali immigrant or the girl who wears raggedy shoes because her mom is poor, and that will create a glowing ember of hatred in their hearts which will burn for all eras.

there's like a 49% chance a woketard baked the cake to spread awareness or some shit.

What was the noose for?

idk, but after reading the article it seems like it was actually generation zyklon

Background information: This high school is extremely rich and extremely white (I think /#3 in the metro area after Lake Oswego and Westview?). These are the kids of the whites who abhor white flight and instead live in a very segregated white neighborhood in the middle of the city and think that makes them urban. Right next to the golf course in the middle of the city.

What I find surprising here is that white foidlings are trying to be racist edgelords now. That was purely a male thing in my time. But like in any Oregon cake war, you're gonna find a lot of cringe on all sides of this one.

No, Cleveland is wayyy whiter than Westview (70% vs 46%). Perfect characterization of their students though!

Imagine getting triggered by these crappy blackfaces instead of having a laugh and making fun of the people who made it.

After reading β€œBrody’s” 22-tweet rant I’m going to side with the Becky’s now.

Hello, I hate zoomers.

We must be identical twins!!! 😊😊😊


You ever play Quake?

Hell yeah. I have to admit I didn't play much multiplayer (I didn't exactly control the family's telephone line in those days πŸ˜’) but the grenade launcher was such a revolutionary weapon. It actually bounced off the wall! Omg!

Do you even rocket jump or plasma climb noob?

I hate zoomers

I found Someone just like me πŸ€—πŸ₯°πŸ€—

I don't take 30 minutes to post a link, so not quite.

Three percent of Cleveland students are black.

Now there's a sentence I didn't expect to read today 😹😹😹

Content warning: This post contains some racist imagery.

this sort of thing definitely discourages trolls

Also, where is the sexual assault in this?? For them to put a trigger warning