Here's the Results of the Chapo 100K survey. Mostly 20-30 year old mayo men. Will they ever pay reparations for their privilege?

418  2019-04-28 by GodOfDarknessWine


He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Let's be real here: /r/drama users went and filled out their black status.

No way 3000 noids listen to a bunch of Jews talk about all the gay shit they do.

Middle class ones are nearly as insufferable as mayos.

83% non-binary, imagine my surprise

Literally All Mayos


Probably because they didn't put male as on option? Or did they?

Now that you mention it... Yeah

They did, it's 83% male. Hover over the bar and it says that. "Male" is covered by the word Nonbinary but thats the section below labeled "Nonbinary/Genderfluid"

Makes it even funnier TBH.

If you actually mouse over that bar it shows that the 83% is male, the labels are just broken.

Is that a formatting mistake from them?

Nah google docs just sucks at horizontal bar charts because, to be fair, only disgusting degenerates use them.

I see

Still hilarious. 83% male lmao.

I'm also calling bullshit on 1.4% Native American/Indigenous. No, 1/16th doesn't count.

And that's why you find actual Venezuelans downvoted to hell on their shit subreddit.

Venezuelans are counterrevolutonaries. They should eat their tree bark and shut up.

Why the hell wouldn't there be so many americans in a sub for an american podcast about american politics

Heck you!! Transgenders are believable humans just like you and me. Bigots like you disgust me. I hope you're prepared for the massive amounts of downvotes you're going to get soon from my homies over at r/chapotraphouse

I appreciate what you're doing, but you're trying way to hard.

Shut up Russian bot!!

You have a thought provoking username

Aren’t you that famous unironic incel?

They should of never taken that mental illness off the books.

Bro, you can assimilate here peacefully but you got to practise your irony

Downvoted. Be nice

So there you go, it's just not our imagination that Reddit is overrun with trannies.

it's the same with this sub. there's like at least 40 of them

Thanos needs to snap them so its a more manageable problem

Also it's ~9% trans,

And like 3-4% "I'm not sure".

If your sub has more trannies in it (0.5% of the population) compared to like say, black p eople (12% of the population) then I think there is something broken in your political movement berniebros chapotards.

Yeah they're totally gonna win the civil war against rednecks.

That's male

I thought that link was gonna be a compilation of their selfie thread the other week, because I’m still having nightmares.

The bald guy in pigtails or the literal troll giant with over growth face dressed up as the joker? Which one is in your dreams?

Literally All Mayos



Unironic whining about mayos is probably the biggest indicator that someone is a mayo.


34% claim to be full-time employed. Among those, how many of them are actually workers, peasants, or soldiers? 🤔

Maybe you think too much. Ever thought about that with your "🤔🤔🤔" looking ass

I actually got a lot of opinions about what you just said.

(Hit 'context' to see what I mean.)

Clicked on context, nothing happened. Another case of false advertisement on reddit. u/spez care to explain why this behaviour is allowed on this site?☹☹

It was sleeping Marsey. I guess it doesn't work for everyone. Anyway the important thing is that kittens think that I'm right and you're wrong so you're pretty much BTFOd.


Yes 42% make less than 20k before taxes. How is that even possible working full time? They would have to be making basically the federal minimum wage. Seeing most live in areas that tend to have higher wages this makes no sense.

Cause being a bitch isn't a skill that translates well into a real job

Middle management perhaps?

Human resources?

Some jobs effectively pay less than minimum wage. My brother had one at AmeriCorps or something.

'Full time' is subjective to chapos

They count disability payments as a wage, and such disability as a full time job

No wonder they’re all commies, they’re broke useless losers with a bachelors degree at best. So sad.

Maybe they don't live in the US/Europe?

Poll shows the majority are in the US. Median personal income is like 30k.

I'm guessing most are the kids of rich parents who actually had marketable job skills to cut it in areas like LA, NY and San Francisco while they themselves would struggle in fast food.

Non-Workers of the World Unite!

Someone should start posting the things Marx said about the lumpenproletariat...

They think all non-woke poor people are lumpenproletariat

Doesn't surprise me. /Pol/ is less mayo then Chapo by a fuckton.

Maybe you should shut the frick up before i send a team of higly trained chapos after your ass. Cheers, kid. And learn to be civil on the internet next time, if there's even one.

40% of chapos live with their parents. or caregiver.

Or handler

This is most likely

Or zookeeper

I know a guy who's a handler for NFL players. He said the worst by far was Ben Roethlisberger and the guys a total piece of shit. He's job was to keep him out of trouble when Roethlisberger was in public.

This GenX story bought to you by AARP, they will be spamming your mail box soon.

Just keep him away from college girls, easy


I will never understand how a board full of seething white nationalists is more diverse than brapposharthouse.

Because latinos and blacks have conservative mindsets as well, if /pol/ payed them a bit of attention they'd probably have the most diverse nat-soc board to have ever lived.

Everyone likes to frame minorities as left-leaning, but that's simply not true.

Latinos are a tricky bunch as on some issues they go left others they go right and even then its not universal like it is with other groups.

Nah it's the same pattern most minorities follow - extremely socially conservative but economically left-wing for gibs.

It's a meme that Latin America in particular will regularly elect borderline fascists to fix their economy only to vote in commies for handouts the minute the economy starts to boom.

That's not a meme that's what in fact happens

It's a meme in the sense that they do it so frequently it's good fodder for jokes, I guess.

Yeah its like that

In the UK its the same with the Muslims. They all vote the super lefty labour for gibs while at the same time wanting to kill the gays

extremely socially conservative but economically left-wing for gibs

Perfect combination for runaway populism, it's basically the same in Eastern/Southern Europe with their bizzare welfare and nationalism parties.

Explains why South America swings from socialism to borderline fascism every decade or so.

Everyone except Amerimutts considers Latinos white anyway so there is that. Also aren't Asians quite conservative too?

A lot immigrants are quite entrepreneurial, I know Muslims voted more Republican than Democrats before 9/11

The Republicans can win if the evangelicals and the Muslims join hands to combat the hippies.

People seem to forget that they're just 1% of the US population. They're really overrepresented in the media because of terrorism, victimhood narrative and diversity points.


Us chingchingese wouldn't mind another 4th Reich, it's true. Lots of asians value strong leaders that have to make "difficult" decisions, from Mao Zhe Dong to Lee Kuan Yew, Abe and Xi. Fucking over other ethnicities is like a fetish that you have to hide under a thin veneer of reasonability.

And it goes a little something like this

Probably not a good idea to idolize one of the few people in history worse than Hitler in Mao.

Mao had some serious numbers, ole Adolph was a rookie in comparison to Mao and Stalin. He just had the media’s therefore the worlds attention.

This sentence only makes sense if you think the Nazis only victims were 6 million Jewish civilians and if you use Cold War-era famine estimates rather than more up-to-date research

nah. great leap forward alone killed 55 million people

Probably somewhere in the high 30s.

This is slightly below the number of allied troops civilians directly killed by the Nazis.

Nazis and Chinese communists have a comparable bodycount, but the notion that Hitler stopped at 6 million people is totally facetious. You might disagree with this, but I also think that deliberate slaughter is a lot more heinous than failed economic policies paired with natural disaster. Keep in mind that millions dying in famine happened basically every ten years in China up until the big one.

Its kinda weird to count casualties of war as genocide though, sure some of them may be, but if you're going to go that far you have to acknowledge stuff like the bombing of Dresden to say nothing of the firebombing of Japan.

That's why I don't think its really worth considering, tons of people died of all sides for the actual war-goals, its the egregious slaughter of innocents and civilians for no real strategic purpose that is seen as immoral.

Who mentioned genocide? If we're only talking about genocide death then the Chinese communists never killed anybody.


Nah. The technology of the time virtually necessitated it. The burden for the civilian deaths in WW2 falls on the aggressors i.e Nazi Germany

I think it falls primarily unto them, but I don't love that line of reasoning because of how closely it resembles "Native Americans wouldn't have been slaughtered if they didn't resist"

No it's more like war necessitates innocent deaths. Obviously we've gotten better at minimizing it, but this was very much not the norm until the last few decades.

I honestly don't think a legitimate argument could be made against the allies for the bombing of cities when Germans pioneered it in Poland. People like to forget that Germans plans for dealing with the eastern cities involved deliberate starvation and extermination of the local populace.

In comparison, collateral damage from bombing seems virtually humanitarian.

ou might disagree with this, but I also think that deliberate slaughter is a lot more heinous than failed economic policies paired with natural disaster.

lucky for you the soviets did both

Shooting a million dissidents and bureaucrats doesn't compare to shooting thirty or forty million Slavs defending their country

so the soviets didn't invade Poland in accordance with Germany, forcibly deport between 700,000 and 1 million, and then murder, execution style, 22,000 Polish officers with the goal of handicapping any military Polish resistance to Soviet rule? None of that happened? Good, that's a relief.

Yo it's not edgelordy to say that while both were bad, Nazis were an order of magnitude worse. Anyone who says otherwise is 100% a faggot

lol based and tankpilled faggot

Lol no tankie here broslice I just hate faggots who unironically shill for A dictatorial regime that’s almost a century gone. That includes spoofing numbers for the genocide olympics and general chimping out over anti nazi shit

almost a century

quick maffs, r-slur

R-slur, f-slur, r-slur what do you call 1917 to 1992~ lmao. If you wanna debate semantics in my wording f-slur right off and fist your bussy.

22,000 Polish soldiers being killed during wartime is sad, but a drop in the fucking bucket in the grand scheme of WW2.

If it wasn't a useful anti-Soviet talking point for Polish nationalists, nobody except the immediate descendants of the victims would know the name "Katyn".

Ugh, tankies should be gassed

Yeah faggot apologists like to forget that not only did the soviets win, they were in power for half a century or more.

Given that extent of time and power, the Nazis kill count would probably rival shit like the black death.

They literally wanted to exterminate 90% of Slavs and turn the remainder into permanent chattel slaves lol

Yup shit was fucked. Genocide Olympists necessitate the mayocide.

Why do faggots only mention 6 mill jews from holocaust but never mention the other 5 million roma, etc that died too

no one gives a shit about gypsies, cripples, and homos

If you mention nazis killing gays it really destroys the "nazis were all gays thats why they wore leather and shit" narrative

Sad. Roma culture and music is cool as fuck

I too think that stealing and accordions are cool

Don't forget throwing your babg at tourists si they drop their bag and catch it so you can steal their belongings

/r oddlyspecific

In this case it's because they're specifically trying to downplay Hitler's bodycount versus the bodycount of communist states.

The Nazis murdered about 6 million Jews in and out of camps, and 5 million non-Jews in the camps. Outside of the camps, about 10 million Slavic civilians and 15 million soldiers were slaughtered.

no, mainly its done because people only know muh 6 million. at least imo

That's just what white nationalist say TBH. At least in my case, every history class since middle school told us "11-12 million total, 6 million Jews"

I do not think it is because of any konspiracy but because Jews were more commonly targeted and used in rhetoric and had the biggest losses by a lot

Adolf Hitler didn't increase the life expectancy and literacy of his nation by leaps and bounds, however.

Makin' the mother of all omelettes here, imperialist. Can't fret over 30 million eggs.

I'm not really a Mao defender, but it's objectively true that some of his policies did a lot of good. The same can't be said of Hitler. Even his accomplishments like industrialization and the Autobahn were part of a program to arm Germany for genocidal conquest.

based and chinkpilled.

Except Chapo likes Mao

FBI crime stats consider Latinos to White for the purpose of recording murders.

That's disgusting.

And that’s a good thing

You know what gets me? Whites and latinos are considered white for recording murder offenders, but not victims.

I wonder if there's a (((reason)))?

smh Why does the entire world think South America is full of little ethnostates down there?

There are white, black, nativo, and even Asians living down there for generations.

le 56% face

Nigger, the concept of whiteness doesn't exist outside of burgerland.

But I, as a non-burger, would consider them br*wn and not wh*Te

It doesn't matter what you think. It matters what the European governments count as "white".

Which European government has a white ckassification roflmao? The UK?

bitch u better reply soon

Euroids are >90% white so they have to find different reasons to hate each other, like for being Irish or Italian

That's irrelevant. Point is the term "white" doesn't exist in Europe. Maybe only in an american context.

Black people stopped gay marriage in california. And the white leftists were so upset their trained monkeys didn't do what they were paid too

They already do. Go look at any of the pol meetup pictures. Or the He will not divide us videos. They're browner then they are white.

8% Trans

7% Hispanic

3% "African American"

Imagine a sub with more Mayos of the Skirt Bulge than Basketballs or Tacos

autism is a plague

Autism plagues.

It's time to vaccinate

Those “Hispanics” are white.

Hey, Gringos wrote that rule and act shocked, SHOCKED when the people getting the minority benefits from it don’t look like their gardeners.

"I'm actually brown, sweaty. The blood of the Aztecs is seething through my veins!"

t. Connor Cruz-Anderson (monolingual)

the "diversity" of /pol/ consist almost entirely of schizoid hapas with a few token negroes thrown in.

Nah it's primarily self-flagellating Mexican Americans

Because sad as it is, a fair amount of non-white creeps also thing that whites are superior

35 per cent actually autistic or bipolar(neurodivergent apparently)

39 per cent voluntarily or involuntarily celibate.

Shocking and surprising stuff I thought these guys were ballers.

Doesnt everyone on reddit have a self diagnosed mental disorder anyway?

I thought that was tumblr?

Both probably

I’m not sure if my raging alcoholism is still only self diagnosed after spilling that shaker bottle full of vodka on my gym partner the other night.


75% Agnostic or Atheist.

The Chapo crew was just the Fedora tipping atheist crew, except with Marx instead of Dawkins.

75% Agnostic or Atheist.

The Chapo crew is just the Fedora tipping atheist crew, except with Marx instead of Dawkins.

Literally chapocels.

This is followed by 50% of them renting. I take it they pay their parents rent? Its no surprise they live with their parents. 42% claim before taxes they make 20k. Though 34% are full time workers. The math really doesn't add up here.

Shitposting on chapo all day is a full time job you chud

What's wrong with those numbers? 34% work full time. Of the 66% that don't, 42% make less than $20k.

This is unsurprising for a sub with a huge proportion of college and even high school students.

"even" lol

Yeah, no shit? If you promoted chapo political views to most people over like 25, you'd get laughed out of the room, of course most are kids and their high school population is very unsurprising.

White, 20-something male, live with their parents, have a bachelors degree, made less than $20K last year, grew up “comfortable,” never belonged to a labor union, don’t belong to a political organization due to “lack of time” (lmao how you make no money and live at home).

That’s the average Chapotard. No real surprises tbh.

Its like guys who spend all day posting online and playing video games just want handouts that will let them do that and get paid.

See also why the phrase "Protestant Work Ethic" makes them fly into a rage.

Live with their mommy and daddy and ‘claim’ to make over 100k a year.

Would you have the link to the /pol/ demographics? Because that's hilarious.

It’s based on photos from /pol/ meetups. There’s certainly some color in the photos, but the one guy with the gallon of milk at a party kind of sums up that crowd.

you know only one person in that picture is as ugly as I would imagine the average pol poster is.

They don’t look great but still look better than when Chapos gather together. Which isn’t saying much but still.

The alt right is actually pretty diverse, entirely because of weird Hispanic dudes insecure about whatever percentage of non-Spanish ancestry they have

Hell, /pol/ is less mayo than most Democrats. Its both an old joke and a truism that the average /pol/ user is a brown-skinned foreigner who enjoys LARPing about being Aryan.

u/IDFSHILL, how long have you been working in the coal industry? Post overalls.

no link to their sub talking about it and self-reflecting?Hel


You do realize these are communists, right?

Fun fact: /r/Braincels is more racily diverse then Chapo.

Also fun fact: Wikipedia says that that incels are largely white.

Fun fact: /r/Braincels is more racially diverse then Chapo.

Also fun fact: Wikipedia says that that incels are largely white.

Well, there are cels and chads along all racial barriers.


Its just that the most famous ones are mayo.

mayos - the chads of incels...

They call chads chuds. But they live in basements not the chads. So confused

Don‘t forget the most famous cel of them all was h*pa

over 40: 2.7%

RIP the permanent virgin

How does that even happen? I didn't get laid throughout high school at all, then joined the army and tripped and fell into pussy after that. I mean literally just showing up to one party in your life drunk would guarantee some ass at some point. I'm a complete fucking loser and I've gotten laid. How is it that hard?

just showing up to one party in your life drunk

How is it that hard?

To be fair you have to have a really high IQ to understand alchohol

I mean literally just showing up to one party in your life

Here's your problem. These people are so shit no one invites them to anything.

Or just hire an escort. I mean if you are over 30 and spend a large portion of time seething over how you can't get laid that really becomes the rational thing to do.

If you hit 30 and haven’t even paid for a hooker yet, you’re beyond saving.

How is it that hard?

At a guess: they're either circus ugly, or so low in self-esteem that they think they are, which translates to a lifetime of bitterness and exuding that air of desperation that dries up gussy like baking it in a kiln.

Even with all that though, hoes ain't THAT expensive. Drop a few bills and get a pro to hang off your nuts a bit if it's that big a deal.

Somebody link the selfie post. Its bald dudes in pigtails and skirts with weasel faces that look like 50 year old 20 year olds.

Wikipedia says that that incels are largely white

It goes on to almost contradict itself later on.

Self-identified incels are largely white and are almost exclusively male heterosexuals.

polls of two large incel communities have suggested that white people make up just over half of their members.



When I run into one in reddits wild, its always a currycel.

Incells interlinked cells interlinked. How does it feel to hold your baby? Interlinked within cells incells interlinked.

Ethnicities (White majority removed)

Hell yeah

Lmfao theres a wili page for incel. Yikes

Tldr - white young urban/suburban well-educated Bernie-bros who want to be a poor minority...

Fun facts: - fact #1 - they think the chick is the least funny in the podcast... PC anyone? - fact #2 - almost 100% for Erdogan vs Gulen. None of them is leftist, but one of them is right-wing populist...

want to be a poor minority...

To justify their lack of success. Orwell IIRC mentioned these types of socialists back when he was socialist, and how are mostly just lazy and envious of their peers successes. They tried to get some essay he wrote on it banned from their publication but he was too well known by then. Basically same shit then as now with twitter bans and the like.

You have a link to that, that sounds like a great read.

I forget where I read it, but it was in the last few years. To the google machine...

This is about it..

100% for Erdogan vs Gulen. None of them two is leftist, but one of them is right-wing populist

It's supposed to be a joke. Or do u think they like right wing heads of state?

I don’t follow the internal jokes of every podcast or subreddit...

You couldn't figure out that a leftwing sub wouldn't like right wingers?

I don’t care

Then why did u comment it in the first place

There is hope that if I raise my karma level I can get some pu$sy, why do you reply on stranger’s comments and not just move on with your life?

It was a dumb comment and I wanted to tell you you're a dumb person

We’ll, has that ever worked for anyone? Do you know any person who thinks of themselves as dumb? Do you know anyone who was enlightened to a life-changing level by a comment on r/Drama?

You just spent 30 minutes (more or less) trying to do something that doesn’t work. You should know better...

Damn ur so smart and cool

The Erdogan vs Gulen question only had Erdogan as an option you gnome

Did u just call me a gnome

Sorry I just got done masturbating to gnomeo and juliet

Are you a Sexual, or Romantic Minority?

What sort of question is that? Are they asking if they are gay or not?

I do like how the majority have college or some college. And 34% are employed full time but then 42% make less than 20k. How is that even possible? As most states are above the federal minimum wage which would put you above 20k before taxes. Though I have a feeling they can't do math. I also love how 42% say they are materially comfortable, gotta have that iphone right? And 71.1% voting for Hillary makes them even more of a joke.

I'd guess romantic minority is just a roundabout way of saying incel

Or "aromantic" which is part of the lgbtetc acronym.

And 71.1% voting for Hillary makes them even more of a joke.

The joke being that they're leftists who prefer liberals to conservatives?

More that they rail incessantly about how awful American warmongering is destroying everything, then apparently voted for someone who does exactly that.


Hillary would have been more or less the same foreign policy. Maybe better because she wouldn't have scrapped the Iran deal. But her domestic policy would have been better than a right wing trump

It’s better than the “neurodivergent” one because they’re too scared to say “autistic”

More like pussy divergent

Further proof that political subs need to be ground zero of the mayocide.

12.7 of the Americans live in Alaska? Suuuure.

And these are the people who are gonna overthrow the U.S government and institute a communist regime?

I really hope they’re not that delusional. Their small group of furries, trans “cuties”, and soyboys would get curbstomped into oblivion if they tried anything.

Right after they muster up the courage to make a phone call.

83% male doesn't surprise me one bit

And let's not kid yourself : the rest is one hundred percent tranny.

Unironically there is like 17% what identify as nonbinary or female in one question and 15% who identify as trans in the next.

I wonder if there will be an /r/drama poll

We do one about once a year. I'll put one together in a week or so if I don't forget.

>22% in the Midwest.

Fly over state, my ass

lol 60% of them make under $34k/year. Buncha poors and commies. Typical.

Isn't like 66% of reddit white males. Yeah that makes sense. It's probably the same on blackpeopletwitter too.

The anime movement hasnt gone thru fat acceptance yet which negates the trans acceptance they went thru.

being fat is required to be a weeb.

genius survey design

There’s nearly all burgers, yet 55% claim to speak “4 or more” languages. What a crock of shit. Apparently people will count any language they read a phrase book for one time

Dude saying hola to your nanny for 20 years is Spanish

12% "female"

9% tranoid
4% "not sure"

What did they mean by this?

lol/r/Coontown survey, for comparison

Pie charts are a fucking abysmal method of visualisarion and should be avoided in almost all circumstances.

An ordered column or bar chart would convey the data far better than these shitty pie charts. This is really embarassing for whoever made it.

Protip, if you're thinking about using using a pie chart in your work, smack yourself on the head with a brick I stead and then do it. People won't be as cruel if they think a retard did it.

I do this for a living and nothing drives up more boiling rage then watching a bunch of uneducated redditors trying to act like statistical masterminds

Imagine being an excel monkey and doing data visualization. I can't imagine a more pathetic career choice (Comp sci and engineering is probably equal).



Shiggydiggy 🙄

Ok I'll be nice and upgrade you to a Tableau 🐵. Still a bottom of the barrel job.


yikes, not even close

Data viz

Neither tableau or Excel

What else do you neckbeards use for your graphs? Ggplot?

I never said I worked in Data viz you illiterate mong. If I need a plot made I'll send it to one of the Data Analyst peasants making $60k/yr because it's one of the few things they can do and not massively fuck up. They use matplotlib usually because I predominately use Python. R is for losers who don't have to actually integrate their products into a workflow. I work in actual chad modeling because I'm not a failure at life. I build SVDD's and LS-OCSVM's to prevent security breaches.

Op talks about data viz I do this for a living

Not my fault you can't form coherant sentences.

R is for losers who don't have to actually integrate their products into a workflow I build SVDD's and LS-OCSVM's to detect security breaches.

Uh oh. Someone is a little upset that they have to waste away as a script kiddie working long hours with pajeets. Wish you were smart enough to sit back with us big boys who only program little demonstrations in R and work on some theory on the beach.

Not my fault you can't form coherant sentences.

My sentence explicitly describes my focus being on statistics and statistical methods. It's okay though, I usually have to proofread and rewrite whatever the retard economists at my company write up so I'm used to having to use crayons here.

Uh oh. Someone is a little upset that they have to waste away as a script kiddie working long hours with pajeets. Wish you were smart enough to sit back with us big boys who only program little demonstrations in R and work on some theory on the beach.

> calls me a script kiddie

> brags about programming in R

Uh huh.

It's okay, I'd be coping this hard too if my greatest contribution was "theory". Don't worry, I'll your wife's gash warm while you're wasting away in a Marriot between your Economy Class flights for your "theory meetings".

My sentence explicitly describes my focus being on statistics.

Data viz counts as being part of statistics last time I checked. The whole point of your sentence was to intimate that you had a more expert opinion, something you don't when you're just pulling some functions from a python library, you autist.

brags about """programming""" in R

The whole point is that I don't have to program much at all; especially not as some sort of wage cuck in industry. There's a bunch of chimps like you to do all the boring grunt work. I shudder at the thought of being such a loser I waste my days coding.

It's okay, I'd be coping this hard too if my greatest contribution was "theory".

Ah yes, that "theory" that let's me get away with working half as much as you do while making more. Just accept the fact that anyone can type svm(x) a hundred thousand times and that without us, you'd be on the streets without a job.

Data viz counts as being part of statistics last time I checked.

If you think this you're actually unironically retarded, but considering your focus, that doesn't surprise me. Data viz isn't statistics. Data viz is data viz. Statistics is statistics.

something you don't when you're just pulling some functions from a python library, you autist.

> Implying I don't code my own implementations of SVM's, Random Forests, SVDD's, and OCSVM's

> Implying any kernel-based KKT method like SVDD's and LS-SVM's can be used by a package and not built from scratch to accommodate a custom kernel

It's okay, I was once someone who had to try and sound smart by disparaging something I knew nothing about. Then I got into 7th grade. I'm sure you'll get there.

I shudder at the thought of being such a loser I waste my days coding.

Implying. The longest code I've ever written was like 100 lines. Most of my time is doing things aspie economist "theorists" can't do -- like talk to human beings with functional social skills, and taking showers.

that without us, you'd be on the streets without a job.

Is that what they tell you? Really we only keep you so that we can see what waits for us if we spiral into depravity. It's like watching baboons fling shit at each other in the pen, and then the baboon makes a reddit post saying how we're a bunch of cucks being forced to shit in toilets when they have the freedom to fling it at whoever. It's okay, I'm sure it makes you very happy.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Not today LPB, I'm having bantz.

If you think this you're actually unironically retarded, but considering your focus, that doesn't surprise me.

Sweetie, statistics is a broad tent and a shitty subject. That's how they fit applied people like you in.

Implying any kernel-based KKT method like SVDD's and LS-SVM's can be used by a package and not built from scratch to accommodate a custom kernel

More prepackaged math based on known formulas and theory.

Implying. The longest code I've ever written was like 100 lines. Most of my time is doing things aspie economist "theorists" can't do -- like talk to human beings with functional social skills, and taking showers.

You do know I'm not in Econ right? I haven't even ever taken a formal class. I do respect you going into my post history though.

Is that what they tell you? Really we only keep you so that we can see what waits for us if we spiral into depravity.

You got me. I must concede. Getting to my flinging shit job at 11 and leaving by 4 is so much worse than having a computer solve some lagrangians in a dark basement somewhere for hours on end.

Sweetie, statistics is a broad tent and a shitty subject. That's how they fit applied people like you in.

Literally whatever """theory""" you do is propped up by mathematical and statistical theory. The only thing that separates what you do from a $30k/yr humanities degree is the foundation laid by more intelligent, more competent applied mathematicians and statisticians. It's okay though, I guess all little subbies get uppity now and again toward their mistresses. Just be careful and don't bite too hard at the hand that feeds you, you're only kept around because you're mildly entertaining.

Getting to my flinging shit job at 11 and leaving by 4 is so much worse than having a computer solve some lagrangians in a dark basement somewhere for hours on end.

Imagine doing a job so inconsequential you work for 5 hours a day doing ""theory"" and thinking that's impressive. You don't understand just how similar we actually are. I'm the theory guy who builds it but lets the smelly engineers maintain it while I rail the receptionist on the roof. The main differences between you and I come with me being able to implement the theory I learned in a practical way, thus making me indispensable to my company; I didn't go to a pay-to-graduate degree mill; lastly, I can actually satisfy my partner.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

I am a bot. Contact for questions

You're ruining my vibe LPB.

The only thing that separates whatever you do from a $30k/yr humanities degree is the foundation laid by more intelligent, more competent applied mathematicians and statisticians.

Building the foundation what I'm doing right now genius. If I can't make it then I'll become your boss in industry and shoot up you and the whole company when I mentally break cause I have to work 9 to 5.

It's okay though, I guess all little subbies get uppity now and again toward their mistresses. Just be careful and don't bite too hard at the hand that feeds you, you're only kept around because you're mildly entertaining.

Any self respecting person only chooses stats cause of the money. All the real Chads are in pure math.

Imagine doing a job so inconsequential you work for 5 hours a day doing ""theory"" and thinking that's impressive.

The impressive part is I get to spend all night snorting coke and I still have enough time to get a good nights sleep.

I feel pity for you. Having to wake up at 7 cause you're not intelligent enough to actually make any meaningful contributions to the world and instead have to just implement whatever us theorists say is a sad existence.

I'm the theory guy

>Theory >Masters

I can actually satisfy my partner.

Oof Ouchie Owie.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Mehmed and now you too? 😢 😢 😢

This has been fun bantz but I gotta get to sleep for my wagecuck wor-...ahahah just kidding the real cucks are the people who have to go in at all. I work from home, aka snort blow off a hookers ass while you go to work during the peak hours of the day. Smh. Tell ya what, when you get laid off for being useless, I'll let you come over and watch ok?

We should do this again sometime.

whats a chapo?

Young, white, male, poor despite education, mostly living in mom's basement or with roommates.

Pretty much point for point match to what most people think of when they utter the phrase "useless millennial parasites".

I’m confused. My favorite trapo thread of all time showed t-slurs galore. Did they just not answer?

So basically all of reddit.

174 Germans

not even surprised

30.3% volcel

Sure it’s voluntary.

These results are kinda sad, honestly. Mostly cis, straight, white Millennial men. Did white guilt get to them or what? Also, the biggest education section was people with Bachelor's degree. This is another instance where I'm scared to find our what the fuck colleges are teaching these days.

Oh, and 63.7% don't identify as 'neurodivergent'. That means 63.7% of CTH users either don't know what that word means (some admitted this) or haven't been diagnosed yet.

Also, of course they want visibility on Reddit, yet CringeAnarchy getting banned was totally fine and the right thing to do.

Mayo poorcels living with parents

They have more in common with the CAnimals than they think

plus you have to think a lot of those responses were under 18 years olds who were self conscious enough to put themselves as older.

Do you identify as neurodivergent?

Identify as my ass. You either are autistic or you aren't, and nigga that autism number is 100 goddamn percent. "neurodivergent" lmao


What is this sub I see it mentioned a lot, I am out of the loop

lol 8% make 300k+ lmaoooooo

Race verification when?

I can’t decide if this is worse than r/socialism’s survey