50 2019-04-28 by lyridsreign
1 SnapshillBot 2019-04-28
"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 rsrfy 2019-04-28
lol u/shitpost953
1 shitpost953 2019-04-28
الله ينقذنا من هذه المهبل الخائنة
1 heretobefriends 2019-04-28
Pretty hot tbh
1 fastlanu 2019-04-28
0% chance any of those women are actual refugees id be surprised if theyre even arabs most likely south americans or tanned eastern europeans
1 fernguts 2019-04-28
Yeah, just like most "Arab" porn is actually a Hispanic with a tea towel on her head.
1 watermark08 2019-04-28
Mia Khalifa is actually Arab but she's also a Christian
Christian women are so damn slutty wtf
1 evannever 2019-04-28
It's an in-group identity to many.
I'm more of an Allie Jordan man myself. I don't care about her religion, she's hot as fuck.
1 BannedFromArgentina 2019-04-28
Hint : use french websites and check amateur
Zoot alors!
1 AFGANG 2019-04-28
There are Arab websites too
1 tschwib 2019-04-28
did you just say porn isn't real
1 TimGuoRen 2019-04-28
0% chance any of those women are actual refugees
Why? Poor people with little relevant skills to make good money with a regular job, in a new country without a supporting family or friends. Given the chance to make a lot money legally.
They sound like the perfect target demographic.
1 coolcow117 2019-04-28
Actual arab women know if they got caught doing that they would get acid bath to the face.
The thing is that some of these women look very Arab. Not Mexican, not east European, not Italian, but Arab.
1 agendaposter 2019-04-28
Based and racialpilled
1 shaneoffline 2019-04-28
If refugees aren't for banging then what are they for?
1 aX10mAt1CaL1Y 2019-04-28
Banging their wives.
1 2Manadeal2btw 2019-04-28
This reminds me of the increase in "Nazi porn" in Israel, post WW2.
1 buttstuff17 2019-04-28
Stulag Fiction I think.
This German thing I think is 90% porn companies creating the content and reporting on the fake demand they created.
Also Germans are completely cucked.
1 PoIsAChad69 2019-04-28
BASED and redpilled.
1 paavam_kalikkaaran 2019-04-28
How to confirm they are actual refugees though? I can't stay erect if it's some mayo slut in a headdress.
If you ask her if she wants some cum in her face, she will reply "Inshallah"
One of them in the video is actually blonde
1 SPAMRAAM_ 2019-04-28
They’re freshly stolen by Lindsay Lohan
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
if you see it on the street, you might as well drop it on the sheet!
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2019-04-28
Even BangBros is less fake than that shit
1 employee10038080 2019-04-28
There's also this gem: Tour of Booty. The whole premise is American soldiers fucking girls in the middle East.
1 Kejru_bot 2019-04-28
Based Germs.who would say no to muslima porn?
Mmmm covered bitches so fine
1 JustStopDude 2019-04-28
It is really German porn if no one is shitting in some else's mouth? 🤔
1 MascforRH 2019-04-28
Ugh more middle eastern guys pls
Even the gay ones are manly and just want to fuck your brains out ❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-04-28
if some twitter media outlet has to assert something is happening then its probably not happening
1 mooples2260 2019-04-28
1 SnapshillBot 2019-04-28
"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 rsrfy 2019-04-28
lol u/shitpost953
1 shitpost953 2019-04-28
الله ينقذنا من هذه المهبل الخائنة
1 heretobefriends 2019-04-28
Pretty hot tbh
1 fastlanu 2019-04-28
0% chance any of those women are actual refugees id be surprised if theyre even arabs most likely south americans or tanned eastern europeans
1 fernguts 2019-04-28
Yeah, just like most "Arab" porn is actually a Hispanic with a tea towel on her head.
1 watermark08 2019-04-28
Mia Khalifa is actually Arab but she's also a Christian
Christian women are so damn slutty wtf
1 evannever 2019-04-28
It's an in-group identity to many.
1 fernguts 2019-04-28
I'm more of an Allie Jordan man myself. I don't care about her religion, she's hot as fuck.
1 BannedFromArgentina 2019-04-28
Hint : use french websites and check amateur
1 fernguts 2019-04-28
Zoot alors!
1 AFGANG 2019-04-28
There are Arab websites too
1 tschwib 2019-04-28
did you just say porn isn't real
1 TimGuoRen 2019-04-28
Why? Poor people with little relevant skills to make good money with a regular job, in a new country without a supporting family or friends. Given the chance to make a lot money legally.
They sound like the perfect target demographic.
1 coolcow117 2019-04-28
Actual arab women know if they got caught doing that they would get acid bath to the face.
1 TimGuoRen 2019-04-28
The thing is that some of these women look very Arab. Not Mexican, not east European, not Italian, but Arab.
1 agendaposter 2019-04-28
Based and racialpilled
1 shaneoffline 2019-04-28
If refugees aren't for banging then what are they for?
1 aX10mAt1CaL1Y 2019-04-28
Banging their wives.
1 2Manadeal2btw 2019-04-28
This reminds me of the increase in "Nazi porn" in Israel, post WW2.
1 buttstuff17 2019-04-28
Stulag Fiction I think.
This German thing I think is 90% porn companies creating the content and reporting on the fake demand they created.
Also Germans are completely cucked.
1 PoIsAChad69 2019-04-28
BASED and redpilled.
1 paavam_kalikkaaran 2019-04-28
How to confirm they are actual refugees though? I can't stay erect if it's some mayo slut in a headdress.
1 tschwib 2019-04-28
If you ask her if she wants some cum in her face, she will reply "Inshallah"
1 watermark08 2019-04-28
One of them in the video is actually blonde
1 SPAMRAAM_ 2019-04-28
They’re freshly stolen by Lindsay Lohan
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
if you see it on the street, you might as well drop it on the sheet!
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2019-04-28
Even BangBros is less fake than that shit
1 employee10038080 2019-04-28
There's also this gem: Tour of Booty. The whole premise is American soldiers fucking girls in the middle East.
1 Kejru_bot 2019-04-28
Based Germs.who would say no to muslima porn?
1 watermark08 2019-04-28
Mmmm covered bitches so fine
1 watermark08 2019-04-28
1 JustStopDude 2019-04-28
It is really German porn if no one is shitting in some else's mouth? 🤔
1 MascforRH 2019-04-28
Ugh more middle eastern guys pls
Even the gay ones are manly and just want to fuck your brains out ❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-04-28
if some twitter media outlet has to assert something is happening then its probably not happening
1 mooples2260 2019-04-28