Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.
Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.
You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!
It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.
Haven’t you heard? He’s settled down with big stinky Karen and has given in to her matriarchal ways and is forced to play Jenga on the weekends and buy her trees. Goodnight sweet prince 😭😭
24 is ig technically early twenties
i commend you for nailing me to the wall on these numbers this is really important stuff and im glad youre catching the minutiae
Just a heads up: God is totally real and I’m keeping track of redditers who need to burn in hell after they pass on. You’re on thin ice pal. Do you smell that you heathen? Brimstone. Get used to that smell buddy.
Hmmm...tell you what dude, I’m feeling really forgiving today, so I’ll tell you what I’ll do. You help me report heathens and faggots and vegans and various other degenerates to God, and I’ll “fix” things with the big guy for you. It’s a pretty cool gig - lots of moral superiority, good salary, benefits and hot and cold running chicks. What you say?
Imagine being an unironic atheist in 2019. Tell us more about Bill Nye changed your, or how OMG COSMOS, or how your delusions of understanding cosmological theories based on sci fi tv shows have given your life meaning and direction.
Oh yeah? where's your scientific empirical peer-reviewed proof of this? you trust satellites? "trusting" is not very science-like of you, don't definitively declare which content you're living on until you build a satellite of your own, until then you're an agnostic continentalist.
I know. A nine year old can gather and should have read enough ‘adventure’ novels to know how to make game traps, fish traps, a bow, a fire hardened spear, and survive off the land by hunting and gathering till they’re old enough to return to civilised societies.
The majority of abortions are from women who already have children and either can’t afford another or don’t want to risk dying and leaving their current children motherless. Having a child never exist and leaving a child that loved you thought you loved it because it does not share you DNA are totally different. A fetus doesn’t know anything. A child lives with that rejection for the rest of their lives.
well you post on twoX + relationship advice so its either that, or you're a creep who seeks comfort in getting the approval of women, which is highly problematic. (just between you and me, even if you're a guy, just pretend that you're a woman anyway! i mean personally I don't care but I don't know if I can keep the ex-cons and rapists who frequent this sub from getting attracted to your bussy and doing something drastic if you out youself as boi!)
I think rape is bad and i think male feminists should stop their friggin raping everybody, rape hurts the vaginal canal and hurts the woman in her head :(
peak male fragility if you ask me. tough enough to make the typical "i'm a free man because she conned me into a family that isn't mine! those years and all the bonds don't matter!" comment but then scram immediately.
in a way, their behaviour on reddit mirrors how they'd handle family responsibilities... not to mention that these kind of trust issues doesnt even apply to 95% of relationships anyway, but they act as if every woman is out to get them. again: fragility and taking too many colored pills...
You started your comment with "peak male fragility" and because gigglepops is apparently a dude they misread that as referring to them and tuned out the rest. This has been the plebbit detective
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
Please note that we are currently removing all political opinions as part of a trial period. If your post is political and was not caught in the filter, please post it in the politics megathread at the top of the sub. Thanks!
ROFL, the one front page sub that isn't far left drivel now has to be censored. Too much wrong think
This is a complicated moral question without an easy simple answer imo.
On the one hand, the dude was the victim of a lying hoebag and literally all of this is entirely her fault.
On the other hand, if he's raised the child for years and hasn't bonded with it enough to care what happens to it then he's probably a sociopath or something.
On a third, deformed hand, the kid doesn't know or care whose fault any of this is, and deciding that "no its the HOEBAG'S FAULT" is more important than the lifelong trauma you're giving the kid you've raised/presumably loved for years kinda makes you a piece of shit.
On this guy's cucked penis, this entire situation is going to be extremely distressing to him and it's understandable he might not make the best or most morally righteous decision under these circumstances.
I think a lot of it depends on details and shit tbh.
You're assuming the child will somehow be less traumatized when his cuck of a father stays in the relationship after finding out like nothing happened. Is that an example you want to set for a child?
a lot of it depends on the details
Absolutely, but the default decision should be leave, not stay imo.
You can divorce and still be a father. You assumed /u/dramasexual would stay in this hypothetical relationship. But I agree with you otherwise, divorcing would be the best option both for the father and the child.
Yeah like obviously he shouldn't stay married to the fucking hoebag, jesus. I'm surprised I even have to spell that shit out. It's get divorced and share custody vs just disappear entirely.
He should just divorce his wife and have visitation rights for the kid. Apparently the bio dad wants to be involved in the kid's life so it's not like she's going to be without a father and honestly, having to be in a familial situation that just makes the man miserable, resentful and depressed won't be good for either him or her. He should separate, mentally regroup, and try again later.
the lifelong trauma you're giving the kid you've raised/presumably loved for years kinda makes you a piece of shit.
Do we even know if the trauma would even happen? Kids are pretty adaptable.
You clearly know absolutely nothing about early childhood development and how attachment words. It would cause an enormous amount of psychological damage.
They are to a large portion of feminists. And besides that, I don't see the good that will come with the guy staying married to the woman who cheated on him and deceived him (FOR NINE YEARS) about her daughter's paternity. So a divorce is probably eminent and in that case, I don't see how he would get anything better than partial custody because there's no abuse and he's not biologically the father and the bio dad wants to be part of the kid's life. The only way to not shatter this little girl's world would be if he stayed married to her mom and that's a ridiculous solution.
I've read feminist articles on parenthood and their thoughts on marriage and single parent homes and a common narrative emerges where single parent homes are held up to be just as good as two parent homes when every piece of data that controls for income and race proves the opposite. It's not a strawman ideology; you can even see it on reddit.
Wow, I didn't know I was in a prescence of such a enlightened scholar
a common narrative emerges where single parent homes are held up to be just as good as two parent homes when every piece of data that controls for income and race proves the opposite.
imagine thinking that there isn't a genuine ethical issue in balancing the interests of the innocent man compared to the innocent kid, and that anyone who disagrees with you is sexist
I should be able to go through Reddit without seeing this misogynistic bullshit from assholes like you who believe women are always fucking around and trying to trap a man into raising kids that aren’t theirs. The males in your life who should have been your role models have failed you by turning you into a bitter little incel who is incapable of attracting women because you hate us. Go fuck yourself.
/u/HyperMenthol - somewhere between 10-30% of men are unknowingly raising children that aren't theirs.
I should be able to go through Reddit without seeing this misogynistic bullshit from assholes like you who believe women are always fucking around and trying to trap a man into raising kids that aren’t theirs.
Imagine saying that in a thread about women fucking around and trying to trap a man into raising kids that aren’t theirs.
there was a latino-Chad last week, the guy had been deported 5 times, and he came back to the US and killed his GF's kid which he found out he wasn't the father of!
1 SnapshillBot 2019-04-28
Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.
Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.
You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!
It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 StumpyAlex 2019-04-28
Look who's talking, you goddamn skynet puppet.
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
Another argument with the same TwoX heroine
This is why men are giving up on women...
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-04-28
That abortion line is going to over-activate the almonds. Exemplary.
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
thank u bby
1 byobombs 2019-04-28
Lmfao fuckin gold
1 Gugulen1 2019-04-28
No way she's going to answer that. Grade-A killshot.
1 xlhat 2019-04-28
Be decent person and pay up bigot !
1 boyoyoyoyong 2019-04-28
Like she actually gives a shit about the kid am I right u/idfshill
1 byobombs 2019-04-28
Haven’t you heard? He’s settled down with big stinky Karen and has given in to her matriarchal ways and is forced to play Jenga on the weekends and buy her trees. Goodnight sweet prince 😭😭
1 Dildokin 2019-04-28
I just learned that his last comment was a reply to me, i feel special. Hell be back in a few days tho, as he always does
1 byobombs 2019-04-28
We can only pray 🙏
1 xlhat 2019-04-28
Shilly has settled down with Karen, works in an oil rag and plays jenga in his paid for house.
1 Cubio__ 2019-04-28
he's shitposting in relationship_advice
one of you approvedcels post it
1 byobombs 2019-04-28
ask and you shall receive
1 M_Messervy 2019-04-28
Absolutely brilliant
1 The_Pandemonium 2019-04-28
Also twox:
1 EloeOmoe 2019-04-28
1 Al_C_Oholic 2019-04-28
1 MingLi_ 2019-04-28
Also twox:
1 ztwizzle 2019-04-28
fetus deletus
1 ksatriamelayu 2019-04-28
1 umar4812 2019-04-28
Who the hell is gilding this?
1 GryphonWhitchurch 2019-04-28
TwoX users
1 reddiTORvillan 2019-04-28
1 brinkworthspoon 2019-04-28
brap brap pew pew brap brap pew pew
1 MotherAce 2019-04-28
I laughed more at this than I perhaps should.
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
The fuck is this peak reddit shit thread?
1 Lord_Giggles 2019-04-28
Right? Who gives ♿Reddit gold♿ to old memes that weren't even funny to start with?
1 hebrew_nationalist 2019-04-28
Alright boys knock it off the lord himself has decreed it aint funny
1 dramasexual 2019-04-28
imagine thinking abortion is even sort of the same thing as abandoning a nine-year-old child lmfao
1 Tagesausbruch 2019-04-28
This is a good christian subreddit now where we don't celebrate child killings. Orange man has shown us the light of THE LORD.
1 cultish_alibi 2019-04-28
Seriously, this place is boomer central. God's not real, show bussy.
1 xthek 2019-04-28
It's zoomer central, and zoomers are way more right-wing than the bags of bones known as millennials
1 Wheretheflowersgrew 2019-04-28
Does the voting stats support that?
1 SlickShadyyy 2019-04-28
i doubt zoomer voting stats are very telling atm
1 Wheretheflowersgrew 2019-04-28
They're old enough to vote aren't they?
1 SlickShadyyy 2019-04-28
not the vast majority of them. it really depends on how you define zoomer ig if you take it to mean genZ as many do then no, almost none of them
1 Wheretheflowersgrew 2019-04-28
Looks like over half can vote.
1 SlickShadyyy 2019-04-28
this is not how literally anybody defines gen z lol
1 Wheretheflowersgrew 2019-04-28
First page of Google does, some do go up to being born up to 2010 though.
1 HamsterGutz1 2019-04-28
Most generations span 15 or so years, late 90s to early 00s is like a 7 year generation at best. I would think up to 2010 is more appropriate.
1 SlickShadyyy 2019-04-28
well ig zoomers are late-z/early whatever the fuck then because people in their late twenties aren't really all that zoomy
1 Wheretheflowersgrew 2019-04-28
Where are you getting late 20s from? The oldest z would be in their early 20s.
1 SlickShadyyy 2019-04-28
24 is ig technically early twenties
i commend you for nailing me to the wall on these numbers this is really important stuff and im glad youre catching the minutiae
1 GryphonWhitchurch 2019-04-28
This is the first year I’m able to vote. From what I can tell, us Gen Zers are heavily conservative.
1 ksatriamelayu 2019-04-28
Who cares about a bunch of ma*o children tho
1 EnterEgregore 2019-04-28
Maybe they are a bit biased and are just hoping this turns out to be real?
1 ksatriamelayu 2019-04-28
well you'd know more then me, Mr. Egregore meme magick man
1 probably-insane 2019-04-28
Just a heads up: God is totally real and I’m keeping track of redditers who need to burn in hell after they pass on. You’re on thin ice pal. Do you smell that you heathen? Brimstone. Get used to that smell buddy.
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
God? yeah i fucked him
1 probably-insane 2019-04-28
Make sure you’re wearing asbestos underwear when you pass away buddy; you’ll need them. I’m marking a “🙁” beside your name.
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
These big balls right here act as a great insulator thank you v. much
1 probably-insane 2019-04-28
That’s two 🙁. God has a three strike policy, but if you pray enough you can get up to two frownies deducted from your total.
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
What if i just run away from him if he tries to throw me in hell? that guy's been missing leg day for 2000 years i could outrun him.
1 probably-insane 2019-04-28
Hmmm...tell you what dude, I’m feeling really forgiving today, so I’ll tell you what I’ll do. You help me report heathens and faggots and vegans and various other degenerates to God, and I’ll “fix” things with the big guy for you. It’s a pretty cool gig - lots of moral superiority, good salary, benefits and hot and cold running chicks. What you say?
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2019-04-28
Imagine being an unironic atheist in 2019. Tell us more about Bill Nye changed your, or how OMG COSMOS, or how your delusions of understanding cosmological theories based on sci fi tv shows have given your life meaning and direction.
1 cultish_alibi 2019-04-28
Dude I'm European, everyone's an atheist here. We don't need 'science guys' on the TV trying to point out the obvious. #justburgerproblems
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2019-04-28
You could have stopped there, no one cares what you think.
1 probably-insane 2019-04-28
Imagine living in a continent without guns and football (actual football, not faggot ball aka soccer).
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
faggot football (succer) allows manlets like messi to be at the top, while chad football and basketball only select the most alpha males of the bunch.
1 adityawizkid 2019-04-28
Acknowledging basketball Americans as alphas, cuck alert cuck alert
1 MooseHeckler 2019-04-28
This is a based take.
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
Oh yeah? where's your scientific empirical peer-reviewed proof of this? you trust satellites? "trusting" is not very science-like of you, don't definitively declare which content you're living on until you build a satellite of your own, until then you're an agnostic continentalist.
1 Vegan_dogfucker 2019-04-28
Darqwolf probably
1 closedshop 2019-04-28
Yeah, at least you give the kid a chance.
1 The_Pandemonium 2019-04-28
I thought we supported abortion til age 21? So it is the same.
1 caffienatedjedi 2019-04-28
Should just abort it in the 36th trimester and make everyone's life easier.
1 dramasexual 2019-04-28
The entire human race should just self-abort tbh. Walk hand in hand into the abyss.
1 nanonan 2019-04-28
I know right? They should be stoning the adulterer to death.
1 HIVnotAdeathSentence 2019-04-28
Or abandoning a fetus.
1 dramasexual 2019-04-28
I can't tell if you're seriousposting or not so, good job.
1 pi_over_3 2019-04-28
The difference is just a social construct.
1 IsNotAzizAnsari 2019-04-28
I know. A nine year old can gather and should have read enough ‘adventure’ novels to know how to make game traps, fish traps, a bow, a fire hardened spear, and survive off the land by hunting and gathering till they’re old enough to return to civilised societies.
Poor fetuscels still have webbed feet!
1 Neil_Tzedakah 2019-04-28
Look, I'm all for killing more infants, I'm just not in love with the idea of foids having more autonomy.
1 Fast_Emu 2019-04-28
Yeah in one you’re killing a human being, in the other you’re not 🤷♂️
1 GunOfSod 2019-04-28
Imagine thinking there's something wrong with being assigned your child randomly from all the newborns in the NCU.
1 FromageSquishSquish 2019-04-28
Neet Commies Universe ?
1 GunOfSod 2019-04-28
Neonatal Care Unit ... actually pretty much the same thing.
1 Walalaos 2019-04-28
Abortion is different than leaving a grown child.
1 TemujinsTrousersnake 2019-04-28
It's only different because thots want it to be different.
1 thebeandream 2019-04-28
The majority of abortions are from women who already have children and either can’t afford another or don’t want to risk dying and leaving their current children motherless. Having a child never exist and leaving a child that loved you thought you loved it because it does not share you DNA are totally different. A fetus doesn’t know anything. A child lives with that rejection for the rest of their lives.
1 The_Pandemonium 2019-04-28
Not if you support abortion til age 21.
1 ManifestationOfSelf 2019-04-28
What about post-abortion?
1 LucidHuckleberry 2019-04-28
I think the message here is:
1 SideFumbling 2019-04-28
1 Elite_AI 2019-04-28
Are you trying to imply that aborting fetuses is the immoral thing to do?
1 rsrfy 2019-04-28
Sorry, the comment is too old to abort.
1 Badroc 2019-04-28
This is why we need feminism
1 boyoyoyoyong 2019-04-28
u/gigglepops1 what's your take on abortion.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
I don’t have the energy for this shit anymore, I can’t even reply to half of these people because the comment and block me.
1 byobombs 2019-04-28
No more spoons left eh? You take your time sweaty
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
I love that people are assuming I’m a woman.
Don’t call me sweetly, it’s creepy.
1 byobombs 2019-04-28
What? I would never assume someone’s gender that’s peak rudeness. Why do you think I assumed you were a woman?
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
You called me sweetly, classic incel move.
1 byobombs 2019-04-28
I didn’t call you sweetly, you’re misspelling it it’s “sweaty”
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
It's called sweaty btw.
1 killdie 2019-04-28
Calling u sweaty whilst getting my ass eaten lol 💅🏻
1 xthek 2019-04-28
there's no gender assumed when you call someone sweety, sweaty.
1 ltedt 2019-04-28
s w e e t l y
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
well you post on twoX + relationship advice so its either that, or you're a creep who seeks comfort in getting the approval of women, which is highly problematic. (just between you and me, even if you're a guy, just pretend that you're a woman anyway! i mean personally I don't care but I don't know if I can keep the ex-cons and rapists who frequent this sub from getting attracted to your bussy and doing something drastic if you out youself as boi!)
1 fire_strika 2019-04-28
Probably a male feminist, AKA potential rapist
1 rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee 2019-04-28
Potential? That's giving them too much credit sweaty
1 Fletch71011 2019-04-28
Not all rapists are male feminists but all male feminists are rapists.
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
13% of the male feminists commit 50% of the rapes.
1 Agenda_Poster 2019-04-28
If I'm a potential rapist does that automatically make me a male feminist?
1 kokkelis32145 2019-04-28
twoX is not an indicator of foidity in our lord's year of 2019
1 ManifestationOfSelf 2019-04-28
Sweety-posting is sooo hot right now, though.
1 SlowFatHusky 2019-04-28
No one called you sweety. You were called sweaty, which is most likely accurate.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
1 xthek 2019-04-28
1 pi_over_3 2019-04-28
It's even more sad of you're not.
At least you would have self intrest as valid reason for being dumb.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
This is exactly why feminism is still a thing, my gender should have no influence on what you think of my opinion.
1 MooseHeckler 2019-04-28
Bad opinions are bad opinions. It doesn't matter who has them.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
That’s great you don’t agree with me, my gender should have nothing to do with that.
1 MooseHeckler 2019-04-28
The problem isn't gender. Its femenism, the move went has become has become about everything and in doing so lost any meaning.
1 wsbking 2019-04-28
Why would a man post on TwoX
Unless you enjoy intruding in safe spaces for women???
1 TheSubredditPolice 2019-04-28
To meet rape targets once he brings their defenses down with his wide mouth smile.
1 bycrom666 2019-04-28
But men should shut the fuck up about abortion because its a womens issue right? Thats what you feminists tell me.
1 VidiotGamer 2019-04-28
Please tell me you're not a ....
rapistmale feministI don't know if my almonds can take that much activation.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
Men who believe in equality are the worst right guys.
1 VidiotGamer 2019-04-28
They'd be okay if they would just stop raping everyone.
1 Sininenn 2019-04-28
lol I believe we should all have equal rights, but if I didn't, I'd call myself a feminist
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
I think rape is bad and i think male feminists should stop their friggin raping everybody, rape hurts the vaginal canal and hurts the woman in her head :(
1 GunOfSod 2019-04-28
Post canale.
1 umar4812 2019-04-28
Sorry for being offended by rapists.
1 Enron_Energy 2019-04-28
we never block our lolcows
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
1 RedPillDessert 2019-04-28
All these comments look look like they came from AI cross an RNG.
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
peak male fragility if you ask me. tough enough to make the typical "i'm a free man because she conned me into a family that isn't mine! those years and all the bonds don't matter!" comment but then scram immediately.
in a way, their behaviour on reddit mirrors how they'd handle family responsibilities... not to mention that these kind of trust issues doesnt even apply to 95% of relationships anyway, but they act as if every woman is out to get them. again: fragility and taking too many colored pills...
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
I’ve been replying to this shit for 3 hours. I’ve replied to every single comment that I haven’t been blocked by yet.
I love that I offended you to this point though.
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
huh? what claims? offended? i'm literally agreeing with you that the people blocking you are fragile cowards. sweaty get your sides right!
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
lol you’re a clown.
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
i'm sorry, it seems you have me at a disadvantage here, because I have sincerely no idea what you're talking about...
1 SvenSnusberg 2019-04-28
You started your comment with "peak male fragility" and because gigglepops is apparently a dude they misread that as referring to them and tuned out the rest. This has been the plebbit detective
1 bleachdrinker34 2019-04-28
Wait, you say you aren't wasting your time, yet you've been replying to 'this shit' for over three hours? Is the Lord's Day not treating you well?
1 xthek 2019-04-28
YIKES. Found the alt-right troll.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
Uh what?
1 fistacorpse 2019-04-28
Please educate yourself before using alt-right Nazi dog whistles in future.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
1 throwawayaccount_34 2019-04-28
Honk honk
1 FromageSquishSquish 2019-04-28
1 GunOfSod 2019-04-28
Congratulations. I feel dumber.
1 umar4812 2019-04-28
No one on this subreddit is blocking you, retard.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
1 menvaren 2019-04-28
You ran to TwoX to tell them you subscribed? Dude how sad is your life?
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
That was just a rough draft,if you want I can keep you updated on my future posts but it seems like your already following them
1 menvaren 2019-04-28
Best of luck
1 misophenian 2019-04-28
Seems quite rude tbh
1 YamYoshi 2019-04-28
Shut the FUCK up boomer
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
Uh what...
1 Cole-187 2019-04-28
Ive said it in the past and Ill say it again
twox is only an echo chamber of cope.
1 aX10mAt1CaL1Y 2019-04-28
But so is popular opinion
1 FormalKitchen 2019-04-28
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
Hey look I have a fan club
1 Madaruto 2019-04-28
You're fantastic. Keep doing what you do and don't let those misogynistic freaks get you down!
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
1 FoidBlaster 2019-04-28
1 thetinguy 2019-04-28
1 C-Kun_FOUR 2019-04-28
1 Squirrelthing 2019-04-28
Good on you, fighting the pro-life fight! Fuck those misogynists!
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
Good on you oppressing women! Keep fighting that fight brother!
1 skyrimporn64 2019-04-28
With pleasure, sir! o7
1 thetinguy 2019-04-28
anyone who willingly visits or posts on /r/twox deserves to be oppressed.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
Lol wow this is rough, Jr High not goin so well bud?
1 thetinguy 2019-04-28
Yea it is. This little bitch I’m fucking in the ass keeps complaining about how much it hurts. I’ll have to give them a gift at homeroom tomorrow.
1 menvaren 2019-04-28
Jesus Christ you’re embarrassing
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
Loll and you’re a clown
1 menvaren 2019-04-28
More than likely
1 FarTooManySpoons 2019-04-28
we don't allow anti-semitism here
1 throwawayaccount_34 2019-04-28
1 RedPillDessert 2019-04-28
1 -Shank- 2019-04-28
Based and honkpilled
1 RollTide09 2019-04-28
1 flaccidcompanion 2019-04-28
Clowns notoriously have big ole’ dicks
1 FromageSquishSquish 2019-04-28
1 PracticalOnions 2019-04-28
1 pi_over_3 2019-04-28
Anyone too stupid to buy pants with pockets is oppressing themselves.
1 Gigglepops1 2019-04-28
Oh dear lord.
1 sirgaygrin 2019-04-28
1 pi_over_3 2019-04-28
Because they need male feminists to help them buy pants?
1 Sea_Safe 2019-04-28
spill the tea sis
1 ardasyenden 2019-04-28
1 closedshop 2019-04-28
Keep up the good work. This sub would be dull and gray without the content you provide. I wish you the best.
1 ManifestationOfSelf 2019-04-28
1 BenaGD 2019-04-28
1 throwawayaccount_34 2019-04-28
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
1 8675309999999999 2019-04-28
Trolley Dilemma
One lane is a child (that isn't mine) and the other is myself
I control the switch
guess whose living ~ 🎶
1 betazoom78 2019-04-28
Yeah but multi track drifting
1 Working_Trash 2019-04-28
That isn't an unpopular opinion but nice drama anyway.
1 LowsideSlide 2019-04-28
None of them are
1 deceIIerator 2019-04-28
If they were unpopular they'd never get upvoted anyways
1 LowsideSlide 2019-04-28
Yeah, the fundamental flaw of plebbit is that people are too dumb to use voting correctly
1 manbra 2019-04-28
ROFL, the one front page sub that isn't far left drivel now has to be censored. Too much wrong think
1 a_cute_grill 2019-04-28
not a very centrist thing to say hun...
1 manbra 2019-04-28
U right
1 dramasexual 2019-04-28
This is a complicated moral question without an easy simple answer imo.
On the one hand, the dude was the victim of a lying hoebag and literally all of this is entirely her fault.
On the other hand, if he's raised the child for years and hasn't bonded with it enough to care what happens to it then he's probably a sociopath or something.
On a third, deformed hand, the kid doesn't know or care whose fault any of this is, and deciding that "no its the HOEBAG'S FAULT" is more important than the lifelong trauma you're giving the kid you've raised/presumably loved for years kinda makes you a piece of shit.
On this guy's cucked penis, this entire situation is going to be extremely distressing to him and it's understandable he might not make the best or most morally righteous decision under these circumstances.
I think a lot of it depends on details and shit tbh.
1 hebrew_nationalist 2019-04-28
Divorce the wife, sue for full custody
1 dramasexual 2019-04-28
I can dig it.
1 UsedTree 2019-04-28
Centrism wins again
1 ManifestationOfSelf 2019-04-28
Sue the child, get custody of the woman.
1 noogai131 2019-04-28
Ah, a fellow enlightened Libertarian.
1 jimharbaughofficial 2019-04-28
You think libertarians would sue in a court of a law?
1 drkitteh 2019-04-28
Discreetly murder the wife and don't bother with the courts.
1 Alimentas 2019-04-28
You're assuming the child will somehow be less traumatized when his cuck of a father stays in the relationship after finding out like nothing happened. Is that an example you want to set for a child?
Absolutely, but the default decision should be leave, not stay imo.
1 MalignantUpper 2019-04-28
You can divorce and still be a father. You assumed /u/dramasexual would stay in this hypothetical relationship. But I agree with you otherwise, divorcing would be the best option both for the father and the child.
1 dramasexual 2019-04-28
Yeah like obviously he shouldn't stay married to the fucking hoebag, jesus. I'm surprised I even have to spell that shit out. It's get divorced and share custody vs just disappear entirely.
1 parduscat 2019-04-28
He should just divorce his wife and have visitation rights for the kid. Apparently the bio dad wants to be involved in the kid's life so it's not like she's going to be without a father and honestly, having to be in a familial situation that just makes the man miserable, resentful and depressed won't be good for either him or her. He should separate, mentally regroup, and try again later.
Do we even know if the trauma would even happen? Kids are pretty adaptable.
1 dramasexual 2019-04-28
lmao dads aren't fucking interchangeable
You clearly know absolutely nothing about early childhood development and how attachment words. It would cause an enormous amount of psychological damage.
1 parduscat 2019-04-28
They are to a large portion of feminists. And besides that, I don't see the good that will come with the guy staying married to the woman who cheated on him and deceived him (FOR NINE YEARS) about her daughter's paternity. So a divorce is probably eminent and in that case, I don't see how he would get anything better than partial custody because there's no abuse and he's not biologically the father and the bio dad wants to be part of the kid's life. The only way to not shatter this little girl's world would be if he stayed married to her mom and that's a ridiculous solution.
1 datglassdud 2019-04-28
Imagine being this dumb
Da feminists are bad
1 umar4812 2019-04-28
They actually are though.
1 datglassdud 2019-04-28
Galaxy brain
1 parduscat 2019-04-28
They're something when they keep discounting and ignoring the provable benefits of stable two parent homes, especially on boys.
1 datglassdud 2019-04-28
I too love telling people what feminists think especially bullshit
1 parduscat 2019-04-28
I've read feminist articles on parenthood and their thoughts on marriage and single parent homes and a common narrative emerges where single parent homes are held up to be just as good as two parent homes when every piece of data that controls for income and race proves the opposite. It's not a strawman ideology; you can even see it on reddit.
1 datglassdud 2019-04-28
Wow, I didn't know I was in a prescence of such a enlightened scholar
Care to cite your sources or what?
You're strawmaning it bud
1 dramasexual 2019-04-28
He should definitely not stay married lmfao. They should get divorced and share custody like a million other parents.
Yeah that's definitely the metric we should be using for all our major life choices lmfao
1 JustLions 2019-04-28
imagine thinking that there isn't a genuine ethical issue in balancing the interests of the innocent man compared to the innocent kid, and that anyone who disagrees with you is sexist
1 DistortedLines 2019-04-28
yo guys unpopular opinion but i think killing children is wrong
1 CruisinChetSteele 2019-04-28
Daily reminder that life begins at conception
1 DistortedLines 2019-04-28
I unironically believe this btw but i still support abortion. Like its murder but its justified.
1 CruisinChetSteele 2019-04-28
Abortion is only justifiable in cases of rape or incest or if the child is going to be a w***n (type of retarded)
1 daneelr_olivaw 2019-04-28
Did you mean n****r?
1 CruisinChetSteele 2019-04-28
No, that would be reprehensible if I said that
1 Agenda_Poster 2019-04-28
What if it turned out a f****t? Then what?
1 CruisinChetSteele 2019-04-28
That is the parent's fault, no abortion!
1 Agenda_Poster 2019-04-28
This is peak radical centrism
1 error404brain 2019-04-28
Freedom of the productive member of society is worth the live of a parasite.
Daily reminders that poors are not people.
1 leva549 2019-04-28
It's basically self defence.
1 Rydwan 2019-04-28
life begins in your balls, do not masturbate
1 CruisinChetSteele 2019-04-28
Please educate yourself
1 Wheretheflowersgrew 2019-04-28
Its definitely wrong I just don't care that much, I paid for one once and felt a tiny bit of guilt.
1 CruisinChetSteele 2019-04-28
You will face your consequences not in this life but the next
1 Wheretheflowersgrew 2019-04-28
But definitely not this life right? I can live with that.
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
abortion is permissible in Islam till the 40th dayin medically necessary conditions
1 GuillotinesNOW 2019-04-28
40th day after birth, I hope. Babies are really loud and annoying.
1 Strange_matter 2019-04-28
Some babies are loud and annoying till their 40th year after birth tbh.
1 skivian 2019-04-28
Life doesn't begin until the little monster gets a job and can support itself. I support abortions until the 80th trimester
1 I_FART_OUT_MY_BUTT69 2019-04-28
life starts developing at conception, so a 3 month old fetus has more rights than a 2 weeks-old one.
1 xthek 2019-04-28
I thought you were pro-choice?
1 collectijism 2019-04-28
2Xer here just to remind the men.
Communism will win!
1 GuillotinesNOW 2019-04-28
Well, allow me to retort...
nigga u gay n kids r retarted
1 lucajones88 2019-04-28
Most mammals would eat another males young upon finding it in their home, the pesky little fucker can go to a home and be grateful!
1 BenaGD 2019-04-28
Oh no
1 LucidHuckleberry 2019-04-28
If the thot fucks up, why should the benis be liable?
1 Eemino 2019-04-28
Won’t someone please think of the children!
1 HIVnotAdeathSentence 2019-04-28
1 TSwizzlesNipples 2019-04-28
/u/HyperMenthol - somewhere between 10-30% of men are unknowingly raising children that aren't theirs.
1 pi_over_3 2019-04-28
Imagine saying that in a thread about women fucking around and trying to trap a man into raising kids that aren’t theirs.
1 Tenshimaru_tokugawa1 2019-04-28
Wait where's that stat from
1 GunOfSod 2019-04-28
DNA paternity testing companies. That being said if you're testing for paternity, then you probably have suspicions already, hence biased sampling.
1 Malodextrin5 2019-04-28
Why should you abandon a kid you raised your whole life? Sounds mental to me.
1 Jazeboy69 2019-04-28
It’s about freedom to choose.
1 BiologyIsAFactor 2019-04-28
Freedom is for women, silly.
1 SUPERMINECRAFTER6789 2019-04-28
Wtf is going on in this comment section? I legitimately can’t tell who is being ironic or what anyone believes
1 RedPillDessert 2019-04-28
I'm not convinced they can tell either. Just assume that each comment is wrapped in n levels of irony, where n is a random number from 0-5.
1 GunOfSod 2019-04-28
Wow, someone's playing 5d chess?
1 BiologyIsAFactor 2019-04-28
Mission accomplished.
1 tifrifrudr 2019-04-28
> Again you are hurting the child, this isn’t a car that you’ve put money into, this is a human.
Is a man also "hurting" all other children, that also aren't his, that he isn't paying for?
1 GunOfSod 2019-04-28
Yes. Wallets have one job!
1 miraoister 2019-04-28
there was a latino-Chad last week, the guy had been deported 5 times, and he came back to the US and killed his GF's kid which he found out he wasn't the father of!
I bet that was one fucked episode of Maury!
1 FrostBittenSalsa 2019-04-28
Paging u/Women-Warriors for a hot take on this. Tell us how you feel if you're still there, fam
1 Aivias 2019-04-28
This should have been trolled from a single mother/dont need no man angle.