Pizzashill takes his boomerposting to the next level

128  2019-04-28 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. This Post -,,,

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Hot damn he's good.

This fucking guy lmao

Has there ever been a genuine post in relationships advice?

Long answer? Nah. Short answer? No.

The meme is you start with the short answer

I’m rarted sorry :( can you make a post how it should read?

Short answer: no, long answer: nah.

You will be billed for my time

Lmao great post 👍👍


Has there ever been a genuine post in reddit?I


Imagine not encouraging strangers to follow through with a bad idea.

This man has been marked by the Fates - he is a divine spirit sent to lead us back from the brink of destruction. We must draw inspiration from his teachings.

Wow pizzashill can actually be funny on the rare occasion he's not retardposting

except this isn't funny


That's the joke


t. SEETHING 60 year old smelly granny

wash urself

Was his serious posting here bait posting all along?

Lmao I was a retard and didn’t read OP’s name, I wasn’t expecting this to literally be our Pizzashill

Based and pizzashilled

A masterpiece. 👌 👨‍🍳

This guy is fucking great.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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