AskThe_Donald discussed the worst generation. It's not who you think!

50  2019-04-28 by charming_tatum


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It's the first generation after the civil war, they ruined it for all of us

It’s all because of those bastards on the Mayflower

god i love boomerposts so much, it’s gonna be a shame that they’re gonna start dying soon :(


Lol 👌😂😂

Born in the early 60s.

I graduated from college during a recession. Took months to find a job where I was then abused and expected to lie daily. Parents wouldn’t let me quit til I had another job. Experienced another recession around age 30. Was a temp worker for two years.

Lost my innocence and financial stability (again) because of 9/11. Lost a house containing $200k in equity in 2009, plus went into debt by about $50k and was forced to move out of state to find employment.

During the Obama years I got by but at a lower salary than I’d previously held. Wasn’t able to save a dime, but fortunately got a job in high tech that has been generous with their stock. (No I’m not an executive but an individual contributor)

I thank God my previously stagnant 401k (which I wasn’t able to contribute to for many years) and other investments have skyrocketed these last two years. If trumps in office two terms I should be able to comfortably retire. I don’t have a pension.

I’ve been laid off three times.

Yeah I’ve had it real easy during the most prosperous time in history. Pretty sure many others have similar stories.

When all your exes are assholes and cunts, you're the problem.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Note how he says "lost a house" vs lost my house. Looks like he was trying to go for a typical boomer property investment and chose the wrong time. I have no sympathy for a boomer who lost out on his chance to fuck over younger generations by driving up property values and forcing them to rent.

This, but also lmao at being a college graduate and your parents not letting him quit a job.

He says in the thread he was a liberal arts major too

Classic overcorrection.

200k in equity too. Imagine being this man and not thinking you contributed to the 2008 housing crisis

109 exes

People on the Donald are disgusting little hateful racist creatures

Donald's gonna vore you

It’s mostly senile boomers at this point

No. No free shit. Only hard work and success for me. I am very fortunate.

The younger generations were the ones given "participation trophies" And unearned praise from "Helicopter Parents" Result...Snowflakes who need "safe spaces"

Young douche bags down vote me, I care not 100% truth. You will fail with your sorry attitude. Socialism bound!

blessed boomerpost