Fantasy nerds bitch about the latest swordshit episode.

41  2019-04-29 by Ghdust2


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Glad I stopped watching that show.

Glad I never started watching it.

Yeh, now I can be EXTRA smug when I talk about how I have never read or seen GoT.

That sub is lame and full of nerds.

What did you think of the ep, Hodor?

“not enough ice-dragon penis tbh. 7/10”

"no forced sex this episode" 0/10

I loved it! I seriously thought that they were all doomed halfway through the episode. But then Arya literally came out of nowhere and saved the day. GRRM taught us all that prophecies are dumb.

just like herbert and the wackowskis and the christians

I always thought Paul was a little bitch

He moaned about how he was destined to cause megagenocide but he never even considered literally just necking himself

tbf that is kinda what he tried to do when he fucked off into the desert.

you ever try to actually kill yourself? shits not easy man, survival instinct strong

That's what I mean. He only offed himself after he'd set off the megagenocide, like the absolute tard he is.

I know it ain't easy, but total self-control over your survival instincts is like the whole point of Paul.

in-universe it was supposed to be the point of paul. in-universe he's also a huge failure. that's what makes it a tragedy. i kind of thought that was the whole point of paul from a literary perspective.

ie he was a failure at the only thing he existed to be/do(and ruined 30 generations of planning) because his mom turned out to be a huge slut with internalized patriarchy and self-loathing

Paul realized before he even became Emperor that it didn't matter if he died or not; the Fremen jihad was happening regardless. And killing yourself isn't going to be something most people seriously consider. It wasn't the jihad that made him go into the desert IIRC, but learning what following the Golden Path would entail.

What did you think of it?

i repent

i've been seriousposting about how thrones is less predictable and more daring than marvel for a while in this sub. but that was the most marvel episode possible

It should've been obvious after Jon got resurrected.

Man, Jon getting resurrected was obviously gonna happen

Jon getting resurrected without any massive personality change (becoming a huge anti-Bolton zombie sperg) was the mistake.

The whole whitewalker plot of the books is marvel tier bullshit. At least if the writers didnt have to mix in ice zombies into the story maybe they would have put more effort in actually writing good stories.

political backstabbing wasn't just the means to get to this bullshit, political backstabbing has always been the destination for it's own sake and the fun stuff in the show

but normies gonna normie and they want Marvel, the good versus the evil, one liners, plot armour around known characters and other mainstream bullshit

Yup. Like I said, worst part of the books and making ice zombies the main villain of your political is gonna end up with this crap.

but normies gonna normie and they want Marvel, the good versus the evil, one liners, plot armour around known characters and other mainstream bullshit

It's hilarious they abandon the one thing that made the show stand out from the rest of fantasy crap. They could have had probably one of the most historic fantasy experiences ever, maybe even greater than Lord of the Rings, if they stuck to their guns with the original theme of the show and didn't fall into this.

Fuck it. It makes for good drama at least

Lmao, the best part is that they probably realized how stupid and boring the ice zombies are while making season 8 and decided to kill them off in Episode 3.

Wow they killed off characters what a fucking novel idea. Epic

Serious posting about swordshit

The only acceptable way to interact with this horseshit show is watch it ironically for the tits and gore. Because that's all it's worth


The tits aren't even that good tbh. You can find much better stuff on the p*rnhub front page.

Bad pussy had a pretty nice pair


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game of thrones is just live action shrek and nothings gonna beat the original anime sorry fellas 😤

SOME---BODY once told me...


Capeshit ain't the sharpest tools in the sheeeed

Season 1 Jaime is Prince Charming

I really liked it

i thought we had agreed on cloakshit

Unironically disappointed about the episode, the show has legit turned into cloakshit

eh, lot of good points brought up in the thread with respect to that episode in particular. There was a lot that I agree was poorly executed, even ignoring the character arcs and plot armor. The whole battle scene in the castle was just confusing and inconsistent and the lost in the storm part was not well done. Was expecting more from the guy who directed the battle of the bastards.

I've been of the mind that the first six seasons dragged out too much superfluous shit, especially seasons 2-5, and the writers ended up going 'oh shit, we have to conclude everything in 13 episodes'. There is a jarring change in pacing starting in season 7 where it becomes obvious they are rushing to close all the plotlines and the show has suffered due to that.

People who sat through 7 entire seasons of 'Winter is coming for reals this time' probably have a right to be pissed that there wasn't much pay off.

Pissed at themselves for falling for it.

2500 votes


Holy shit

GoT is a story about an Aryan girl who wishes to bring back her master race by ruling over an entire continent. Rather than genocide the countless grass niggers around her she uses them to take over brown skin territory.

But legit redditors wrote better season 8 plot lines than the show runners and it's not even close.

Imagine being retarded enough to actually believe that